Hmm.. not sure if this question has been asked.. but.. what do you guys & gals think of sensitive guys? Sensitive new age guys? its nothing new.. so just ignore the new age part.. so what is your view of this whole notion of 'sensitve guys'? Definition of sensitve guys: define yourself.. haha
XJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this thread referring to someone hahaha? does the name start with....c and ends with i_man? that....a guy who shows his emotions or do u mean..."siew hai"
lmao... I know where you got this topic idea from -lol which sensitive do you mean? The sensitive of being a nice/kind guy? Being a guy that really get upset easily? Being a guy that is easily influenced by certain activities/effects?
hmm.. the new age... too many female males.. its like males and females are switching roles.... i see males acting so womanly.. and women act so manly... i want a womanly woman.
haha...yeah...we discussed this before... no wimpy guy for me...nor do i like guys who get mad too easily... but its ok if he is able to express his feelings.....
well I just express my opinions and feelings but apparently there are people who think I am getting emotional and am too sensitive
i wasnt talking about u just now....=/ i was just talking about guys in respond to what dann said and what XJ asked.....
You don't have to be so PC about it, just say homos. I kid. I think guys that are sensitive towards girls are fine, just when they are all sensitive with other guys, then it gets a little weird.
lol.. yea.. tats right.. stole the idea from right under your noses.. kidding what i mean by sensitve? er.. up to individual definition i guess.. For me, I like it when guys are sensitive to the gal's feelings.. or 'small small' things that the gal WANTS the guys to notice. such as.. when you just cut your hair.. and you need some reassurance that it looks good.. or when you're not in a good mood and 'no one' seems to care.. but not when guys are too sensitive to comments direct towards them. I prefer guys who don't take comments/jokes too seriously but just relfect upon them if necessary. not directed at anyone in particular.. just my views you know.. haha.. the more i defend the more guilty i seem. -lol
I know its offtopic, but you're a girl? well ye, I dont know many guys who are sensitive to the critics that are against them.... at least I couldn't care less about what other people say about me... but sometimes I ask myself don't the people who say bad things about them get tired? During school breaks I usually spend my time with girls and I know girls like gossipping.... blablablablabla they are doing it almost everyday.... so I do understand that the boy can get easily upset if they have known each other for a while and the girls are gossiping about them....
hmm, its funny im not rele too fussed if a girl starts gossiping about me. at least it shows i have been noticed lol.
Lol, when im sensitive, it always backfires. Dont know why but girls tend to think that just bc a guy is sensitive in general, he is displaying attraction to them. This happens couple times already and was it ever embarrassing trying to get out of this situation.
i use to be attracted very cocky guys but sensitive guys, yea i prefer them for long term relationships and sensitive guys...dont go together quite well... i blame it on the fact that i always speak before i think..which can cause painful scenes sometimes =/ I had a "siew hai" ex was quite tiring sometimes.... He'd get mad over little stuff...and id be thinkin....oh shit...i thought i was the girl...? =0 no im not....we were talking about somethin like this in me and dawns singing trhead
i'm a dude, who always thinks bout things too much o_o i can get emotional at times; but then it ain't really shown so im guessing that's not sensitive? cause i don't cry over somethings that most sensitive people will; i do get emotional though like when watching dramas/movies/animes LOLOl hopefully not too much, cause that'll suck but let's not tell ny1 o_o good thing it's a forum EDIT: if by sensitive you only mean about like relationship and stuff; i don't get over sentimental about it o_o iono why
I think I'd prefer a manly man over a girly man .. so I guess a male sensitivity ... if that makes sense -huh? maybe you just give off an "I like you" vibe -tongue2