Not Even Halo 3 Can Save the Xbox 360 From The PS3

Discussion in 'Gaming Section' started by Sephiroth, Sep 28, 2007.

  1. Sephiroth

    Sephiroth Well-Known Member

    Not Even Halo 3 Can Save the Xbox 360 From The PS3
    Posted by Redmondgamer (See profile) - September 25, 2007 1:53 AM PDT

    Read my post fully before you comment on it.

    The facts.

    1. Microsoft only reports SHIPPED UNITS and has never provide VGChartz or NPD anything but SHIPPED units. If you have proof otherwise please provide it. Data supporting this can easily be referenced at:

    Not only do they have the chart of SHIPPED units but they reference every single Microsoft Quarterly Report which you can access yourself.

    2. You reference both VGChartz and NPD. If you so easily post these sources you should be aware of how they arrive at their estimates. Both gather Microsoft SHIPPED data for the console (Sony & Nintendo quote sales for these purposes) and they then poll some of the largest retailers in the market but are simply unable to gather total and complete sales statistics. Clearly stated while their figures are not true sales but an estimate they are only helpful to gauge buying trends or market sentiment, but that is as useful as they get.

    The last word on real sales come from the Manufacturers themselves. All three companies are publicly owned and traded and as such they are able to report either Shipped Units, Units Sold, or both to the market. However what they cannot do is misrepresent sales figures in anyway that is untruthful or misleading. This is why Microsoft chooses to provide SHIPPED units only as their method of reporting, While Nintendo has no problem as the current blockbuster and leading console with reporting sales, and Sony is rather low key in the face of overwhelming expectations on thier performance.

    This is why we look to truly repectable and time honoured financial instutions like Financial Times for the closest real sales estimates for these companies.

    Friday 14th of September 2007,3...9292780,00.htm

    "According to the FT, approximately 9 million Wiis were purchased across the globe as of 31 July, just barely overtaking the 360's sales of 8.9 million units during the same period. Both platforms were far ahead of the PlayStation 3, which sold only around an estimated 3.7 million units internationally."

    Microsoft has sold approx 8.9 million xbox 360's in 20 months. This means that will most likely not even hit their total first year sales target of 12 million units IN 2 FULL YEARS of sales. Corporately this type of miss is considered a failure. Support for this is directly below in the seekingalpha report.

    October 25, 2006

    "Why? People forget that the original projection for XBox 360 sales was for 5.5 to 6 million within six months of launch. That projection was re-iterated in January this year, but extended out to 5.5 million by July."

    Kaz Hirai, the president and CEO of the Sony Corp. gaming division, said in an interview at TGS this September that "...the Sony Playstation 3 has sold between 5 - 6 million units already (closer to 5 million though)...".

    You also need to understand that Sony shipped 6 million units by March 2007 and has shipped even more since with the final releases of the 60g model and new release of the 80g PS3. So you can easily see that Sony is not quoting, in September, SHIPPED numbers but actual SALES.

    And just so you understand perfectly it was said by the President (a signing officer of a publicly traded company) of the Sony Gaming Division. And whether you like it or not he is not allowed to publicly or otherwise mislead the public or investors with material details of their business; he was clear between 5 - 6 million to which he more specically stated low 5 millions. So accept the fact that the xbox 360 has under performed, in relation to its first year of sales vs Nintendo and Sony, being dead last in relation to its first year launch performance, and has massive quality and dependability issues.

    The Halo 3 launch is Microsofts last great chance to get ahead of Sony before the PS3 juggernaut begins and it doesn't look good at all after Halo 3.

    It really is a funny situation, at least to me, that by the end of the PS3's first year it will have pwnd the xbox 360 in its first full year of sales, it is also a reason why Sony is taken a very measured approach to price reductions.

    Sony is actually doing well in relation to the cost of their console and their first years sales projections, but the markets elevated expectations of the PS3 console in its first year have never been higher for a gaming console.

    The real assault comes heading into next year with all of the PS3's AAA games and they know that a large amount of xbox 360 users will also be buying into the PS 3 console.

    I just don't see any upside to Microsoft after the Halo 3 launch - I think it is pretty much game over for the xbox 360 vs the PS3. The game line ups are just too strong for Microsoft to maintain any momentum.

    2. During an earnings call in January 2007, Microsoft's CFO downgraded estimated Xbox 360 sales for the first half of 2007. Cumulative sales from the system's launch until June 30, 2007 were predicted to reach 12 million units, down from 13 to 15 million units estimated earlier. Microsoft later announced they SHIPPED 11.6 million units cumulative to June 30 2007. So it has taken Microsoft 19 months to SHIP NOT SELL 11.6 million units. Included in these SHIPPED totals are new console replacements to retailers for defect Xbox 360's. Microsoft does not break these out seperately but includes them in the SHIPPPED group. If you wish to argue this please save us time read the quarterly reports and see if you can find defective unit replacements broken out seperately from new shipped consoles. Microsofts marketing tactics are as bad as they can get.

    You can access the microsoft quarterly reports at:

    Microsoft SHIPPED 11.6 million Xbox 360s vs 12 Million goal. Reuters articel:

    3. And as for trying to claim that comparing 21 months of sales to 9 months of sales is unreasonable. Sales are also affected as a console matures and its major titles get released. The only way to accurately measure the performance of these separate consoles is by sales at relative points in time. So while, to the unstudied individual, it is easy to just claim the xbox 360 has more units in the market than the PS3 and as a result is winning or the leader between the two is naieve. The P3 will easily have outsold the xbox by the end of 2008.

    4. The other key item you are omitting is that as the next gen of the PS3 games are hitting the quality of them is unatainable by the xbox 360. The almost photo realistic in game graphics, amazing image rendering, simultaneous physics manipulation of over thousands of indiviual items, and extreme differences in pixel rendering of the PS3 to the xbox 360 will start to become very clear as these new titles roll out. Halo 3 Bioshock, Forza 2, & Gears of War all have a cartoonish graphic saturation to them as a result of the xbox 360's graphic limitation. Even a Halo 3 bungie developer said that to include the flame thrower in Halo 3 was a major challenge due to the high cost of resources - this is a joke as a PS 3 doesn't even break a sweat with this kind of image rendering.

    With all of the talk about Halo being the greatest gaming franchise one must bring people back to reality with the worlds real greatest gaming franchise Gran Turismo which has sold over 50 million copies to date. As of this time Halo 1 and Halo 2 have sold a grand total of 13 million copies and even if Halo 3 exceeds the 8 million copies of Halo 2 it will still have sold less copies than Gran Turismo. So why do I bring this up? Check it out below.

    Gran Turismo 5 Prologue the most realistic racing simulator ever:

    This is also the example of graphic in game capabilities that the xbox 360 will never be able to do and thus not be able to provide a gaming experience to the same level that the PS3 will.

    Right now and for several months to come there will be a solid glow on the xbox 360 from Halo 3. But after this passes reality of the PS3 and the difference of the gaming experience will start to become very clear. Xbox 360's games will feel like they were developed in the 90's vs the PS3's true next gen gaming experiences.


    hey guys the xbox got nth left after this final attack (halo 3)......and the ps3 next year having a lot of nice stuff
  2. who cares.........
  3. Sephiroth

    Sephiroth Well-Known Member

    bad news for the 360 fans boy and good news for the sony fans boy=D
  4. but fan boys can never be disillusioned
  5. Sephiroth

    Sephiroth Well-Known Member

    yea right~
  6. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    so the ps3 sold better than the xbox 360 or something? how's that bad news for the 360 fan boys haha, i don't get it...And also PS3 has yet to release a game that surpasses Xbox 360's level of graphics but graphics aren't everything in a game anyways that why Wii is outselling both lol...
  7. Sephiroth

    Sephiroth Well-Known Member

    the bad news is= = 360 will rot in 2008 ..ps3 and wii will take the market over
  8. is this an attempt to start a fan boy argument. i don't think you'll find much; if any on PA, everyone will just let u rant on your own. :p
  9. Sephiroth

    Sephiroth Well-Known Member

    nah not starting anything juz tell ppl about the fact
    cuz too many ppl thinks that the 360 is doing better
    and ppl always say that the ps3 is having not enough exclusive games.....
    and most of the ps3 exclusive will be out next year so i think the 360 period is over but i don;t know what will happen 2008, maybe a new x box?
  10. shw

    shw Well-Known Member

    platform exclusives will take the lead.

    Halo 3 is a great example. more marketing less quality.

    too bad you have to pay for live.
  11. ^

    Microsoft's Xbox Live service is centralised, with servers that support the entire world. This means that you will be playing with people from all around the world at any given time. On the PS3, there are local servers for first party titles and, at this time, they only support gaming against local players. However, for third-party titles, the gamer is left at the mercy of the third-party developer as the local servers are only for first-party title use. The quality-of-service will then depend entirely on how well the third-party supports international multiplayer gaming and whether they can still offer lag-free online battles. This was a major problem for the Playstation 2 online service and was something that we sincerely hoped Sony wouldn't do a second time around.

    In addition to playing people around the world over Xbox Live, you are also able to speak to them in-game and in every game (Even video chat in certain titles). In Xbox games like Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter, Rainbow Six Vegas or Halo 2, tactics and working as a team are paramount and essential for effective game play. Compare this to the PS3 where a team of 20 players in Resistance: Fall of Man can't communicate with each other to co-ordinate attack plans. The result is 20 people running around doing their own thing and hoping for the best. While voice chat is available for some games (including Resistance) we found that very few people had gone to the expense of purchasing a headset (the Xbox 360 comes with a free headset). This lack of voice communication is a severe detriment to the enjoyment of online team multiplayer games but it also hampers something far more important.

    As stated earlier, the online space is not solely about playing games. Community is extremely important to the success of an online service and the wide range of services that Xbox Live offers to gamers outweighs the meagre offering spattered across the Playstation 3 interface.

    But its true you have to pay £3.33 per month for live. ALSO remember Sony said the basic service will be free, so im sure in the future they will release a superior service without the current flaws at a cost. i also believe the current flaws a result of it being free, local servers suck big time.
  12. uryu

    uryu Well-Known Member

    im not a fan of either, but cuz all my friends n stuff play halo 3, and i have a ps3 rather then 360, i think h3 is overrated!
  13. kontradictions

    kontradictions Well-Known Member

    My thoughts exactly.
    Threads like this are nothing more than breeding grounds for fan-boyism.
  14. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    lol most people were just putting off buying an xbox because they die after a few days and u gotta send it in... looks like microsoft is starting to ship out xbox's with their 65 nm chip based 'falcon' models.

    should improve reliability significantly and i suspect sales will rise in the next few months.

    of 6 of my brother's friends who had Xbox's (i use my brother as an example cuz all my university peers dont have time to game) 5 of them have had their 360's die within a few months.
  15. Sephiroth

    Sephiroth Well-Known Member

    why don't you mention about the PS @ HOME
  16. goo wak jai

    goo wak jai Well-Known Member

    Lol i don't care what console sells better as long as they're fun to play with...

  17. im not talking specifically about Home or Live, im just talking about the Multilayer gaming abilities which is most important. on a positive note Home is lag free (1st part title at least) like Live but everything on Ps Home is infiireor to xbox live but then again the PS service is free and xbox have more expirience in this department. as i said before, the PS Home will cost money soon cus Sony will eventually release a premium service at a cost.

    When that time comes it looks like ill be paying for my xbox live service on top of my PS Home service :(
  18. Sephiroth

    Sephiroth Well-Known Member

    well home will be free...they won't ask u to pay for the services..but u will have to pay for stuff like new styles.....or u need to buy features....juz like the ps3 games now they have some add on features>but u will need to pay to download that
  19. sillumjay

    sillumjay Well-Known Member

    xbox doesnt have tekken so it aint worth it =P but i do say i am quite tempted to get the 360 for halo 3 =P
  20. ^ yeah i wana play tekken online but ill be stuck playing english people so ill hope and wait for the worldwide network.