Not Even Halo 3 Can Save the Xbox 360 From The PS3

Discussion in 'Gaming Section' started by Sephiroth, Sep 28, 2007.

  1. HellGuard99

    HellGuard99 Well-Known Member

    Its up to the developers to decide to go local or worldwide, worldwide being costs more. Look at resistance, now its worldwide

    ps3 rocks btw, i have one :). KILLZONE 2 F T F W
  2. Sephiroth

    Sephiroth Well-Known Member

    resistance reallli rocks........i love that sheild gun....u can shot through walls!

  3. well of course it will cost more, one of the reasons why live costs money. hopefully all games 1st an 3rd party will be required to implement worldwide networks and not cheapy local ones as that spoils the online experience.
  4. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    that's a lie btw... Live For Speed is above and beyond what GT5 will ever accomplish in terms of "the most realistic racing simulator ever"... if u want simple proof... the game is called "GT5: The Real Driving Simulator"... the game may look nice.. but u drive in real life like u do in GT... ur fcked...

    and btw... all the numbers that guy dug up to prove his story... gj at trying... but he seems to not understand that the Halo numbers and GT numbers from the previous generations can't be used to predict this generations numbers of units sold... the numbers for the installed base of systems dictate the unit sales of the games... so... its really unfair to try to compare GT's entire franchise to Halo's...

    there's about 225million ps/ps2 sold... and 50million GT's sold...
    there's about 24million xbox sold... and 13million Halo's sold...

    if Xbox had sold as many systems as Sony... Halo would kill GT... and i'm pretty sure GT wasn't a game that prompted many people to buy a PS/PS2 in the first place with the exception of GT3...

    o... and seriously... this guy is dellusional if he thinks the PS3 can output greater graphics than a 360, now or the future... their respective graphic cards says otherwise...

    at this point no one has won the war... and no one can clearly say they're winning the war... so lets hang this thread up cuz there is no certainty at all... the only thing certain is i'd never hire the guy for a job as he's dumb as knob...
  5. Sephiroth

    Sephiroth Well-Known Member

    well ppl will buy a ps3 for metal gear solid=D
  6. AbZoNyX

    AbZoNyX Well-Known Member

    Yeah LOL I would buy a ps3 for mgs kh and ff I'd rather play 3 of my favourite games later than play one now..
  7. Sephiroth

    Sephiroth Well-Known Member

    thats why microsoft said they still need the two big title ff and mgs...
    but i am will do anything to save ff and mgs from MS,,,,,,,,,,,
    cuz if ps3 loses this 2 title also
    the war is realli over= =
  8. ohhh a conspiracy......
  9. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    Fan boys make me cry.
  10. ^ rofl they are funny people, shame they don't realise Sony/Microsoft couldn't give a crap about them :p
  11. ofc they do.. they give hyped game once in awhile xD

    and btw.. really.. its so sad that you make this kinda thread sephiroth.. this is sucha fanboy topic :S
    MS sawk? grow up kid.. MS and sony are both in making the console's
  12. Sephiroth

    Sephiroth Well-Known Member

    no= = it is from another forum so i wanna show it up there- -
    me myself now have both console= =
  13. galokjai

    galokjai Member

    i know ima getting a ps3 and a wii. they have old school games and they have a variety of games. the only games that 360 have that ps3, wii, and the pc don't have is halo3. why would i buy a system that offers one game, no wifi, breaks every second, over heats, features old technology, and cost more than every system? 360 is for racists people who don't like japanese companies. halo 3 is not even a new game, if it was then how come it doesn't even have a storyline and why the graphics look the same as 1 and 2? microsoft is just a rich company who has too much money and nothing to do with it.
  14. ^
    Xbox has more than 1 game... PS3 dont have much either.

    who buys consoles for wifi, well i dont anyway.

    if thats the case then its doing very well aint it :p

    My Xbox aint broken so wat u on about. but they did have a problem with their construction and that's been sorted with the elite and the newer models i believe.

    cant be bothered to respond the halo comments :/

    i got a 360 am i racist against the Japanese?, do u have ANYTHING in your house that is made in the west?, well if there is an Asian alternative then your a racist.. in terms of fanboyism; even Sephiroth is a lightweight compared to you lols
  15. lol i only watched a bit, the guys voice is annoying and he aint very funny imo, i had halo2 but i never played single player unless it was co-op. them in multiplayer i got pwned by everyone cus i never play single player to get used to the controls :-//
  16. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    I know Master_g kinda already pointed this out, but I would just like to re-emphasize that fact that

  17. shw

    shw Well-Known Member

    wooohooo to the fanboys!
  18. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    "x360 is racist"
    hahahahaha omg, rofl, your.......youreee...funny-surr

    next it's gonna be "If you use Windows XP or vista, you're racist" haha...
  19. Sephiroth

    Sephiroth Well-Known Member

    nah..the 360 is for the europe and USA market while the ps3 and wii is for the jap
    but nowadays...they all have market over the world
    so there is nth to do with racist.....but one thing is true
    the jap don't like 360 much so the market of 360 in japan is not good