The guys with the hard outer shell, but are secretly soft on the inside.. thats the ultimate definition of sexy (sorry guys thats an undebatable statement right thurr)
I am a very blunt person. Usually brutally honest. To strangers, I am polite and I am shy, but to those I know, good luck. I've been with my Wife now for less than a year but been dating for more than 5 years. Maybe I am doing something right =) I think it all comes down to the issue. I am only sensitive to my wife, because I need to know, rather I MUST know what is going on and I MUST comfort her when she needs. With friends, I really don't care much, because I don't make friends with sensitive people, because I am a lively person so I enjoy joking around with friends and those I know.
....people take advantage of you if you are that's y it's better not to show it......or let other ppl know in RL...
Yea in manga and stuff you get to know the person is sensitive and shit wifout them actually having to express it to the other characters... so u like em because they are sensitive but they dont show it... too bad you cant find it out like that in reality
hmm sensitive? well, i don't get mad easily... i usually keep these things inside and i try not to let little things bother me. so you really need a lot to piss me off. "Every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you will never get back." but then if you push me over the edge, a minute of happiness would be worth giving up for the 60 seconds of fist you'll be tasting. haha i can't hit girls though =/ so i'll need a girl like angiecheeks to kick your ass. sensitive guys are gay! haha jk. i dont like sensitive girls either! whereas you make a stupid joke and you'd have to apologize for it? girls need to lighten up too, not just guys. i like people that can take my jokes and ones that can crack em bak at me. otherwise it's boring... so i'm not sure about this sensitivity thing, but i know i'm only human.
i think i'm kinda a sensitive guy..... i like to be nice to girls. i don't want to give the impression that i'm a fucked up guy or this and that. i think every guy has a sensitive side. to my friends i like to joke around in a good way and they can take it either its a guy or girl. they know i'm joking. i could take the joke also. but when their a little down, i would always try to cheer them up. i'm sensitive only when i'm in a good mood. when i'm pissed i don't give a dam what i say or what i do.
Sensitive? Maybe, I am not sure myself...==" But one thing is for sure, I'm quite emotionless when I'm with friends...
depends on how sensitive ... i know a guy that would go teary from raising a flag... i thought he'd cry if a sausage fell on the floor <_< that's way too sensitive for me... but it's nice to b with someone that would watch movies like Little Children, City of Glass, American Beauty n My Sassy Girl with me n appreciates them -blush
aww i have find sensitive guys very cute >3< (like my baby!! ^___^) hehehe!! i like how shy they r xD awww >3<