no... saying "i love u" is expressing ur love to another... "will u marry me?" is wot u say when ur ready for marriage...
yeah i agree with you man. i mean hell i've even had a girl that i was just seeing say "bye, love you" to me on the phone, we weren't even going out hah, so all i said was "ok bye". And lying will just make it worst, thats why i think its really important to make your position clear about it from the start. If you're just seeing if things work out, then tell them that theres a chance that you might not actually love them like you thought you will. But yeah thats just hard as well
Not answering is very bad could have at least said something along the line of "No I don't right now, but I'm sure I will in the future"
hahaha yeah... or maybe something like "errrr.... i like u a lot... but love is a very strong word" anything's better than dead air...
Better end it early than late. Surprising her with a poem would make her more attracted to him, so definitely a nono since he doesnt want her in that
how do u say i love you to someone when ur not in a relationship... i mean u can like someone a lot...and u can love him/her in a certain way....but....i dunno its different... its more like...liking somebody a whole fans love their idol? U c....hence why Im never going to be the one to say I love u first.... I guess my pride wont let me...Even if I'd love a guy...ima wait until he says it first... Saying I love u to a guy might scare him away Hahaha...thats exactly what i thought
Sometimes, people don't know what they have until its gone. Maybe your experiencing that. But hearing you say that you were not sure if you loved her, maybe you were right. If you love someone, you would know instantly because if you didn't, your probably not in love.
hahaha...ok....hmmm...i have lack of creativity...why dont u gimme a clue here shw this aint no wheel of fortune btw haha
haha i dont know . not good in puzzles. btw just came back from hc. en ik zag botsautos en een reuzenrad.
Een gegeven paard mag men niet in de bek kijken. Geef ze een vinger en ze nemen de hele hand. Het is niet zo dat ik dat niet over heb maar Kinderen die vragen worden overgeslagen.