FreeStylin It

Discussion in 'Random / Offtopic' started by Knoctur_nal, Jun 30, 2006.

  1. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    lol i love how the pic in the new banner was jacked from my Ergo Proxy avatar
  2. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    LOL fried rice? My words they slice and dice!
    U really need to keep up i ain't playin nice... flavor ur lines with pepper n spice
    This shit's not about winnin no more... i haf owned u countless times before
    Hokkien's so popular it ain't my fault ur so stupid
    I wasn't the one spittin in Chinese first u dumb bitch
    My spit in Chinese was to Ecko for the record... I didn't put it to u, i know ur a dork
    It was u tryin to step into place... now shame is somethin u got to face

    Poor MissAngieCheeks havin insomnia
    Now she's also got amnesia
    Bitch ur gettin belted by ur thought patterns that make ur brains buckle
    Oh wait.. ur head's probably empty let me test it out with my knuckle
    U just love to recycle ... ur lines ain't got no punch like a cripple
    Ur verses all in a jumble... don't repeat the same shit that's my principle
    Ur so dumb i gotta spell it out... don't blame me i tried to be subtle
    Now speak up aloud ... u sure love to mumble
    Go hide in da crowd .. or imma make ur ego crumble
    All u know is how to shit talk... I'm write u off with a piece of chalk
    Imma hand u ur losses like a repetitive memory ... expectin victory is hopeless ur just a bitch writin epic poetry
    despite ur recurrin dyslexic misery ... big joke readin ur verses in its entirety!

    And what's this obsession with my daddy? I've told u he won't even give u a penny!
    Ur face is so ugly eyes so slitty... but u can't get any pity dat's why ur so bitchy
    So when is ur birthday? Imma get u a dictionary
    Oh no u don't haf to pay... imma send it to ur cemetery

    U must be retarded thinkin farts smell good... u love 'em more than fastfood
    Aww I know u miss Cortez ownin ur ass... but I ain't ur little messenger
    He prolly thinks u ain't got class.. that's why he doesn't bother
    What u said don't matter

    Imma mash u up throw u to da dog pound... ur so dead u won't make a sound
    U made headlines "Missin Person Unfound"... ur just another bitch addin to my bodies count

    For once ur right this ain't a battle... ur already a cripple
    Ur tired of gettin owned nice comin up with an excuse... i know u really suck that's why I couldn't refuse
    The next time u wanna mess with da Brain ur gonna think twice... i ain't like ur manwhore Knoc i don't play nice
    Da only fool here is u... u dun need to spell it out it's so obvious
    Quit it bein envious
    Time to surrender.. u ain't up to my level
  3. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    Dann ur so fuckin lame u copied and pasted
    U got beaten by a female rookie bitch just face it
    U sure talk big for a loser u vn fag
    Get out the way or ur moms gonna find u in a bodybag
    Think that ur all that because u use "difficult words"
    Nobody is impressed I think ur a fuckin nerd
    If u wanna try this in Dutch or Chinese...fag bring it on
    What? Is that a NO? Yeah I already thought so
    For the record english isnt even my mother tongue
    Ur fuckin canadian, a native english speaker
    Dann u were so so at first....but now ya game is getting weaker
    Getting desperate like a sexless nymfo
    Its like ur having convulsions before ur dying slow
  4. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤


    Askin' me for help in another thread and come talk big here eh?
  5. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    WTF... now ur really takin this personal eh?
    that's not askin for help it's just a suggestion of boys vs girls.. i am gettin bored of replyin to ur same shit that's why...
    but if u enjoy gettin ur ass kicked over n over, i dun mind doin it again. -rotfl
    judgin from ur last reply.. and ur speechless comeback "hahahaha" ur callin it a day i hope not... lmao
  6. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤ im not takin it personal...and no of course im not scared
    I dont feel like replying because u suck so bad...seriously....ur stuff...its just one big pile of shiet
    and i dont think u'd be the one who should say that ur gettin bored of my replies but its me....
    ur comebacks dont make any sense
    I think ive kicked ur butt quite a few times babyrain....dont deny it
  7. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    OMG i didn't think ur that fuckin lame.. quittin so early
    U must be tired of bein put to shame ... ur replies are so shitty
    WTF u came up with a "hahahaha" to my post # 502
    That's not even spittin u dumbass foo
    Ur runnin out of rhymes... can't even make it a few lines?!
    Since ur wavin dat white flag... imma let u off u worthless fag.
  8. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    dont even make me go and count how many times u got beaten by me
    I kicked ur damned pussy so hard it still fuckin bleeds
    It would take me hours to summarize ur replies that didnt made sense
    Yeah bitch please do take that as a fuckin offense
    If ur convinced of the fact that you've won
    Why dont we go and ask the audience?

    I told u i wouldnt reply to ur comeback if it would be lame again
    and thats what im doing....;)
  9. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    From the start ... i knew u were a retard ... u fuckin suck
    Spitting about people's parents... that shit's so kiddish
    U ain't got no talents... ur lines are all rubbish
    Big pile of shit.. i think they know whose spits that fit
    Lamest excuse of the day... "I don't feel like replying coz u suck"
    Chickenin out right that's ur way... since u can't even reply to my #502 u dumbfuck
    "Ask the audience" LOL i know pretty well what they gonna say... ur rhymes are the first they gonna chuck

    MissAngieCheeks' a lamer they ain't gonna favor... that's a pretty cheap way to call it a day
    U remind me of those 2 cowards that skip posts when they can't answer ... now go play with ur dolls n dun mess with me u asslickinsucker

    P/s: ugh that's pretty cheap MAC -tongue2 but it's okay... people can read n they'll know who's being lame. ;)
  10. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    Hey listen u fuckin bitch....this is what they called freestylin
    U can talk abt whatever and whoever u want while dissin
    Wtf u want me to spit like u do "ur hair looks like a birds nest"?
    I dont play nice...i spit like i use a gun so get ur bulletproof vest

    Hey if ur not scared lets do the motherfuckin count?
    Im confident about the fact ive owned u in almost if not every single round

  11. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    LMAO that's what i am saying... all ur doin is just bein annoyin
    Dissin parents is what ur kindergarten is teachin
    "Ur shit sucks" OMG look who's talkin.. u say that to everyone it's seriously borin
    Hell get them to vote and count .. it's obvious who's bein da clown
    I'm deliverin all da punches and kicks .. while all ur spittin are rice n dicks
    Now if u want 'em to think ur less cheap.. better come up with the #502 speech u creep.
  12. lol you dont know how ironic this is..
    thats what ive been going thru the last few days
    lame comebacks from you with nothing for me to use as basis
    always dann sucks danns crap and statements that are factless
    youre so god damn boring
    go watch some 'yo mama' before returning
    learn some shit before you start hustling
    cuz right now, you as limp as old timers 2 inch thing
    im serious.. yous like a set of old porn stash
    when a boys done with his hand shake, he sells it for a load of cash
    cuz it gets old and and boring.. just like same girl getting mash
    imma just retire..
    your rhymes aint worthy for me to desire
    yous like an old can of campbell soup, you expire.
    whatever comeback you come with, yous just a bigass liar.

    lol seriously tho, im retiring from this shit.. and no, its not because im a puss its cuz this shits gettting fucking old and boring..
  13. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Same here if MAC's goin to pull that 'skipping trick' -rolleyes
  14. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤ ive said before....
    dont think im scared of ur so called evil force
    U will get ur reply to that #502 of urs


    @ dann...i dunno how many times uve skipped....
    just walked outta here and quit
    like a really loser would to safe face
    yeah get lost...get out of this race
  15. lol what a predictable woman
    if i had bet, id get a million bucks in gain..
    was just chatting bout what youd say, to b-rain
    i told you yous boring
    come up with better words if you want any hopes of winning
    cuz now yous in the negatives
    for every fact less insults from you, i go into positives
    yous like an old hag
    lost all her skills to shag
    cuz shes done it too many times
    same old moves during sexytimes...

    lol time to start some beef with chimp master knoc
    i do believe i owe you my mad scribbling block
    oh great holy king of chimps, imma disappoint your loyal chimp flock
    cuz imma turn you a bag of igneous rock
    of which, imma use it as my ass dock
    imma shit so much your chimps'll forget about a state funeral
    if lucky youd get a peasants burial
    my shit will stink you so much, them flies would think yous a malarial
    youd be begging for some purrell antibacterial
    #515 Dan, Oct 3, 2007
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2007
  16. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    Cheeks is here to give ya'll another show
    It was a special brain... u happy now hoe?
    This place is like a jungle kill or get killed
    Everytime i post my mission's fulfilled
    It's like in the stone age not supposed to be civil
    Got me dissin ur mom, dad and cat against ur will
    I spit about who I want build a bridge and get over it
    This aint no girly chit chat u fuckin idiot

    I should come down to Malaysia and teach u a lesson
    U'll be dead or handicapped when im finished no second guessin
    Ima beat u up with a fuckin knuckle brace
    I think ur gonna enjoy how its gonna smash ur face
    After the fight u might even look half decent
    Cuz right now u look like a fuckin alien

    Funny how u come tell me i aint got class
    While ur the one whos tryin to sell that ass
    Trying to shake it but u look like a wooden stick
    U'd probably move more flexible if id give u high kick
    U see how its going down so bloody and violent
    I know ur scared just shut up and be silent
    Even dann left with the excuse "im on retirement"
    This is not like one of ur made up stories u dont write the end

    edit- Dann dont worry u will get ur share too...but not now....ive gotta get stuff done >_<
  17. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    LMAO I prolly should give u some credit.. since u came back to face da heat
    Now u tried to pull that skippin trick... that was fuckin lame it makes me sick
    How many times must u come up wid da same shit.. u don't even know how to hit
    "class" and "ass" now if that's not stealin.. i dunno what is it

    MissChubbyCheeks I haf seen u on Teletubby
    U don't need a suit since ur hella chubby
    U flirt with da crew tryin to be chummy... trail 'em like a little puppy
    They thought u were pregnant when they see ur tummy
    Damn the chick on ur avatar is the only thing 'bout u that looks pretty

    I went to ya Facebook and MySpace... i clicked the X button once i saw ur face
    Really u should put a warnin disclaimer... so innocent guests won't get scarred forever
    If u go battle in a brawl... u'll prolly haf a knockout just coz ur too hideous
    mask up ur face with a shawl... ur breath stinks so vicious
    I'm sure u wish me to be silent... imma ownin u so badly it ain't even

    Now come to Malaysia imma give u a special facial
    Are u goin to swim here or take a 3rd class flight... they'll chuck u in the animal cargo it feels so right
  18. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    lol i dont know her, i just found this gif on the internets and thought she was cute and it was funny.

    why, u know her personally? -lol

    edit -

    got this gif,
    thought it was spiff,
    dont know the lady,
    but she is cute and zany,
    also, 300 is the shiz
    so i posted it as my sigzz
  19. abercrombie this is freestyling only no randomness
  20. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    yeh that girl is definitely a hottie,
    she's got a pretty nice body,
    looks like she's at a D1 drifting event,
    i wish it was one to which i could have went,
    do you know her personally or just by name?
    is she a girl of significant fame?
