My bitcomet is extremely slow, and the bitcomet IP status light (bottom right of screen) is yellow, indicating that I'm being blocked, and that I'm behind an intranet. The help page seems to be unavailable. I was wondering if anyone could be kind enough to offer advice. Thanks!
I would right a full tutorial on using torrent, but I'm not going to since I'm sure you can find a perfectly good tutorial by using GOOGLE
Use Utorrent and forward your ports and like ProjectD said, limit your upload rate to about 10% of your download rate.
Hmm...thanks for all the suggestions. I tried googling NAT, but all I got was a bunch of gibberish I don't understand. I have already limited my upload rates...still doesnt' help.
^do you run a router? if you do you will probably have to forward some ports
^ dimsum beat me to it.. port forwarding is the way to go the site he gave shows how to port forward, but to understand what that does, it basically widens a door which data goes through, enlarging it, thus more data comes through your router (assuming you have one) routers are all different, but the idea remains, youre gonna get the port's number that you opened, and you use that port in bitcomet (assigning it to bitcomet) depending on your provider as well, you can get supper high speeds i can go up to 500 kbs some people go up to 5 mbs lol
stop using bitcomet. utorrent and other pgorams like azeurues or watever dont liek bitcomet cuuz bit comet supposedly allows people to not share, so all the other bt programs sometimes have filteres from bitcomet people. just stop using it and use another program. the suggestions above are all good. now I'm should I just change to using Utorrent? If I download Utorrent, will I be able to transfer all the files that i've been downloading from bitcomet?
just use azureus, i do even though its a system hog.. its probably the simplest torrent program to use