Well, do men get woman curves? my friend and i were discussing about this.. just happened to come up lol.. -noclue
exactly.. guys can sometimes have feminine features.. just wondering if curves was one of them -whistle
man boobs....-rolleyes... but when a guy is fat, hes generally just like a round shape, not exactly curvy....
men may have boobs if he has too much female hormone in him... for some extreme cases a man may even lactate... if that happens he may b suffering from cancer... n of course obesity may cause man boobs... when i was lil i used to wonder y sumo wrestlers have boobs...
EWWWWWWWW men dont get curves, they can get fat and get man boobs if u consider that a curve lols. curves to me is like that pear shape that women have (not all though), can easily be seen on many dove ads but not on the catwalk ofcourse as the anorexic-cocaine look seems to be the trend >.<
this reminds me of that movie "Beauty and the Breast" that was posted in the chinese movie download section lol: There's your daily dose of male curves...
not all. depends on gene. although wider hips do help with birthing children. curves.. beer bellies! haha. although that probably isn't considered a 'curve' so besides that.. idk?