White PS3 http://www.gfdata.de/archiv10-2007-gamefront/ps3ceramicw.jpg White Controller with Dual Shock http://www.gfdata.de/archiv10-2007-gamefront/ps3ceramicw2.jpg Yen 39.980 (Euro 242 / USD 340) wo controller with Blu Ray Spiderman 3 Will come out on 11-11 in Japan. acc http://gamefront.de/ White is so sick... and finally dual shock back!-bigclap
dualshock 3 finally lol, but this like bright white could get dirty quick and especially the controller but looks nice nonetheless...
the link still doesn't work, but anyway why are sony trying to copy the wii by having a white psp instead of black.
color dont really matter to me.. just matter about the stuff that is built inside it.. but good part is the dualshcok control now..
colour dont mean nothing, besides, most of us have it tucked away somewhere so u wont even see it all anyway.
^not always true, consoles usually next to the TV, so its pretty visible unless you tuck it away in a cabinet or something...
yeah, if i had one it would be right beside my TV and quite visible. given the choice between a black one and a white one, id take this white one. hopefully they will be out by christmas time so i can finally make the purchase lol
shiiit actually it looks like sony is dropping the backwards compatibility for these new 40 gig models... gaaayyyy
Considering that the current PS3 library is lacking in good titles. It makes the lack of backwards computability seem even more idiotic.
i don't really care too much about backward capability though, i didn't buy a ps3 to play ps2 games like when i got the ps2, never really played ps1 games on it...
yep the cheap model will lack a few usb and mem card ports and loose backwards compatibility but NewAzN has a point, it was a good gimmick but after a while youll hardly ever use it for the price drop, loosing it is worth it in my eyes
aww yes. wonderful. now my brother has another reason to waste money and stock up more controllers/game consoles. woohoo!