Heroes *Spoilers*

Discussion in 'Hollywood Entertainment' started by khaotic, Sep 24, 2007.

  1. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    Well since everyone on here seems to like the show, why not make a thread for it :D.

    So what did you guys think about the first episode of this new season?
  2. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    Ooohhh....good thing no ones posted yet cuz i havent seen the first episode yet...
    ima leave this thread and come back once im up to date...
  3. ProjectD

    ProjectD VIP yay :]

    ^ same here hehe
  4. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    Well for those who did watch it. Read ahead. If you didn't then don't read ahead.

    How the hell is Nathan still alive? Wtf? Did I miss something here?
  5. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    somebody shoot me down for being such a curious **********
  6. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    judging by the season 2 preview, sylar is definitely still alive.. as is peter pitrelli's brother
  7. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    less than 1 hour till it begins here hehe... yes i think sylar would definitely be alive, he's one of the baddest badasses lol, i dunno how they would find a replacement...

    Okay seen first episode finally, they introduce two new "heroes" characters one can fly (been there done that) but the other one wow she has some bloody mary powers, not really shown in detail but scary. And Hiro finds out the carrier of the hanzo sword was a british dude lol. But damn a mysterious figure suddenly shows up and it somehow has relation to that hanzo guy because of the similar symbol and all wonder if hiro is actually helping the bad guy. And oh yes petrelli brothers are still alive, both but one has a case of amnesia and also can be the bad guy cause he's wearing the symbol too. No signs of sylar yet though.But damn first episode and already start raising the questions haha, wonder how it would go, i have high expectations
    #7 [N], Sep 24, 2007
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2007
  8. KaY_xD

    KaY_xD 但願人長久,千里共嬋娟

    omg! i watched Heroes yesterday and it's = AWESOME!!! wow that new guy's gonna kiss Claire next week!!! and he's pretty cute too, >.< i feel kinda bad for her.....i hate those stupid cheerleaders, i always hate cheerleaders...no offense.......well i cannot believe that the legendary Japanese Hero Kensei is a white man?!?! wow........too bad Hiro's dad's dead..who exactly killed him??? milo?

    im pretty excited that Heroes back. =D
  9. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    ^ i dunno if peter killed him cause he has amnesia and was locked up in a box but he coulda killed him first then lock himself in the box haha, too much questions...
  10. Rev

    Rev Well-Known Member

    ^ and why did he have to be naked :p

    This was a good episode, just making me more curious! who's the dude that killed Hiro's dad and where did he go? I didn't see him lying on the ground * I think * and How can Nathan still be alive, I thought he got blowed up by Peter. Peter can survive with the regeneration powers. haha Heroes is just awesome Q.Q
  11. apollon

    apollon Well-Known Member

    niiice a Heroes thread -- time to thurst my heavy blade of disappointment into the cold life-less body that is the show, Heroes.

    lol. jk.

    the first episode wasn't that horrible. the main upset, IMO, was the unmasking of Takezo Kensei -- whom I was looking forward all summer to be some badass Japanese man with a deep "James Earl Jones" type of voice and persona -- however, that went downhill with the introduction of some white British dude. seriously, wtf. -_-2

    now, why was Peter Pitrelli hand-cuffed in a shipping freight? simple. it gave the writers' a good excuse to have Milo Ventimiglia half-naked. all jokes aside -- i was more distracted by the horrible "fake-Irish accent" guy searching through the freight than having to unravel the possibly story-line of Peter Pitrelli's amnesia.

    but i do have a hypothesis that Peter's amnesia and revival from the dead was somehow link the "mysterious group" hunting down the original Heroes (ie. Hiro's father, the Pitrelli parents, and etc.)

    however, all-in-all, the episode wasn't a complete disappointment. the lead characters were bought back and the twist and turns of the suspicious genre that made Heroes so popular was also back. so, in a sense, the season can only get better -- right?
  12. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    ^ I agree that the first episode wasn't as good as I expected. But I'm sure it will get better as the story progresses.
  13. Myu

    Myu Active Member

    How can we have a bad premiere comparing to the catastrophic season finale?

    Slow start, though. This episode longer than a normal one is a good reintroduction of the characters, and an introduction of some new ones (bouh to the powers of Maya, it's like an X-Files episode XD). Luckily, we didn't see Nikki and her sooo boring family.
    I liked the reunited family between Mohinder-Parkman-Molly XD
    I found the part with Claire a little bit boring. Her new love interest isn't interesting at all (the guy can't act -___-) but I still love her scenes with super cool daddy Bennett ^^

    Best moments of the episode, amho: the scenes between David Anders and Hiro XD I did know that Anders would be part of the casting, but I didn't know which character he would play... And he is absolutely fantastic, as always !! I loved when he spoke japanese (almost perfect, I must admit ^^) and I still love when he has his English accent, even if he's not a real English lol

    WARNING SPOILERS And when Kristen Bell arrives, it will be even cooler ! ^-^
  14. KaY_xD

    KaY_xD 但願人長久,千里共嬋娟

    wow! Kristen Bell?!!! awesome
  15. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    And Takezo Kensei has similar powers to claire, maybe their powers are related? another connection...
  16. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    that dude's claire's with is an asshole lol, too much pointless love stories going on and it's just the 3rd episode... i mean she hates him for being and ass, he says shut up, takes her flying, she's happy, they kiss...wtf is that and she despises her dad again because of him...and hiro with the japanese girl, didn't even know why it happened...
  17. neko-pochi

    neko-pochi Well-Known Member

    She's happy because she finally has someone who she can turn to and talk to without having to keep her "disguise". I don't think the love story between Claire and him will ruin the show. I mean, he got the same power as Claire's bio dad (forgot his name... Peter's bro). Something has to come out of this.....

    And Claire's dad being her new friend's fear and enemy... it's quite interesting >_>
  18. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    ^yea he could be her brother........
  19. Logy

    Logy Well-Known Member

    I always thought when I saw west's power it was more of a floaty flying rather than a sonic boom like flying by nathan
  20. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    The flying guy pisses me off, I hate how Hiro is staying in the past, and I just find Claire annoying now.