LOL, people really have a lot of time on their hands... The banker could have earned another hundred grand in the same time frame he corresponded with the woman.
lol.. but what he said was accurate and straight to the point. there is jus no logic in that buisness deal.. amd i guess it served well to bring some sense into her..
Central Park West... She will need to date someone with more than 10 mil in asset... Many of those coop housings require the tenant/owner to have at least 10 mil asset to be considered.
Virile, handsome, well educated young man with shallow pockets, but deep heart. seeking rich, preferably < 25 year old woman with large fortune/trust fund. Good looks bonus, or must bring own large, brown paper bag for intimate moments. -cool2
I think age < 25 may be the hardest requirement to fill... Besides the fact that they actually will go pick your tab up instead of living their sexually liberated lifestyle -tongue2
haha she got so owned. I bet the banker had some nice fun while he was writing that response. ::thumb up::
oh boy, that's appealing. what a huge disappointment it would be if she actually wants to meet with you -tongue2
Wow, she just admits she's a superficial golddigger wanting to lead a comfortable life supported by a wealthy partner...she could as well have been working as an escort girl if she thinks she looks that beautiful and earn the money that way if she doesn't make that much with her own job. (or maybe she's already one?!)