958g?!?! Ultra mobile laptop... Me want!!! Guess the pricetag's going to be steep. ETA> Surprisingly unexpensive, considering its config (not the best, but it's decent) and lack of weight.
damn over 14.5 hr battery, skyrocketed on my list of the technologies i crave lol, would be very convenient.
the hard drive space is a bit small but who can argue with a 14.5 hr lasting battery, that is brilliant. i wonder how much that costs to buy.
wow!! that's a nice laptop!! but i think i'd mayb prefer a little bigger harddrive and ram even if i hav to sacrifice a couple of hours... .. mine only goes 2hrs!!
is that in pounds, dollars or what? if it is in pounds then it will prob be £2400 in the uk if u add on the vat and everything else.