Jackie Chan's Son Doesn't Want to Be Action Star

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by shinobi, Oct 13, 2007.

  1. [​IMG]
    Friday October 12, 2007 Hong Kong

    Jackie Chan's son doesn't want to be an action star like his father. While the Hollywood comedy "Rush Hour 3" was another hit for Chan at the box office this summer, his 24-year-old son, Jaycee Chan, was mixing with the arty crowd at the Venice Film Festival.

    With a major role in "The Sun Also Rises," a Chinese-language movie that competed for the top Golden Lion prize in Venice, Jaycee Chan was considered for acting honors alongside the likes of Adrien Brody and Michael Caine.

    Neither Jaycee Chan nor the film won any prizes, but his appearance highlighted his desire to chart a course distinct from his father's.

    "I'm starting to carve my own path," Jaycee Chan told The Associated Press after promoting "The Sun Also Rises" at a Hong Kong theater. "I've made an art-house movie. ... My range is greater. I'm not just making action movies. I'm trying many different things."

    The elder Chan, through a spokesman, turned down an interview request.

    Jaycee Chan has played the son of a crazed mother in rural China in "The Sun Also Rises," a teenager dealing with his girlfriend's unexpected pregnancy in "2 Young" and a rebellious young man on the run from gangsters in the upcoming movie "The Drummer."

    Jaycee Chan's also been in one film that resembles the work of his father: "Invisible Target," a frantic flurry of fight scenes and daredevil stunts in which he played a rookie police officer.

    Jaycee Chan was born in Los Angeles and raised in Hong Kong. He attended high school in the U.S. and studied for two years at the College of William & Mary in Virginia.

    Casually dressed in white T-shirt, pants and a Beijing Olympics cap, the lanky young man, who's inherited his father's big nose, bent over to shake a reporter's hand with both hands and kept answering questions even as an assistant tried to wrap up the interview.

    Jaycee Chan's performance in "The Sun Also Rises," a colorful, epic story set against China's brutal Cultural Revolution, got mixed reviews.

    "Chan is OK, reprising his bemused persona familiar from several Hong Kong movies," said Hollywood trade publication Variety.

    Jaycee Chan tried hard, but his performance lacked emotional depth, said respected Hong Kong director Stanley Kwan. "In portraying very deep feelings through the look in his eyes, he's still a bit lacking," he said.

    Chinese director Jia Zhangke, a past winner at Venice, said that Jaycee Chan's acting exceeded his expectations. "I think the direction he's going in is very good," Jia said in an interview with the Chinese news Web site Sina.com.

    Veteran Chinese actress Joan Chen, who costarred with Jaycee Chan in the movie, raved about his performance, saying he was "very, very good."

    She enjoyed the innocence Jaycee Chan brings to his role, she told the AP, a quality she finds lacking in mainland Chinese actors jaded by the country's political upheaval and economic struggles.

    Jaycee Chan's first love was music, he said, but his advisers told him to juggle both singing and acting careers to boost his profile, a standard approach in the Chinese-language entertainment industry.

    After releasing a self-titled folk album in 2004, which featured carefree musings about life sung in a soft, high-pitched voice, he focused on acting.

    In a recent blog entry on his Web site, Jackie Chan described his joy when Jaycee surprised him with a birthday cake on his private jet.

    The 53-year-old actor said he doesn't see Jaycee very often, and the two didn't talk much on the plane after the birthday surprise.

    "I know we care about each other," he wrote. "It just isn't always necessary to be expressed with words. So Jaycee and I just sat side by side reading newspapers and it was very comfortable."

    credits: asianpopcorn.
  2. rockman3

    rockman3 Well-Known Member

    Well his acting has improved... And he also inherited Jackie Chan's trademark~~ which is the big nose lol~~!!
  3. tree

    tree Well-Known Member

    yeah yeah i agree with the big nose! they're recognisable by their noses! muahahah...
  4. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    haha joker.
  5. heyitskev

    heyitskev Member

    i didn't even know this guy was jacky's son.. yeah yeah.. i know.. im a noob =(
  6. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    In some Invisble Target shots he really looks identical to his dad! (incl. the veins next to his eyes!) -ohmy
  7. xmichelly

    xmichelly Well-Known Member

    he looks good in that pic -^_^
    he got a lot better looking haha
  8. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    BTW is it true Jaycee Chan can't speak proper Canto because he's been raised in the States or something? I thought his Canto was less fluent than any other actors in that film? (or he's just a bad articulator?)
  9. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    he's usually still in action oriented movies though (well his popular ones), just without the stunts lols...
  10. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    ^ He knows he will always be compared to his dad and he also realizes he's not such a good actor (yet?) :p
  11. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    ^lol, i wonder if jaycee chan can do martial arts and all that stuff though like almost to his dad's level or something like that, or was he just doing singing and stuff back then...
  12. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    ^all I know is that he'd started off as a singer but I've never heard him singing so I dunno whether he's a good singer or not.
  13. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    ^true never listened to him singing too lol, but i think he would've at least known a little martial arts, i mean his dad is freaking Jackie Chan lol...
  14. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    He also doesn't seem to have an athletic body one would expect him to have as the son of Jackie... (well at least I do expect that lol)