The ultimate challenge!!!

Discussion in 'Random / Offtopic' started by chi_man, Sep 12, 2007.

  1. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    ^ I got ten points for playing around should die xmichelly...-tongue2
  2. xmichelly

    xmichelly Well-Known Member

    ^ Darn you NAS!!!
  3. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    chiewww the song one only 25 points...gum siew ga....
  4. xmichelly

    xmichelly Well-Known Member

    ^ haha were you gonna do it bb?
    you should anyways :D
  5. chi_man

    chi_man Well-Known Member




    so are you going to die now? :p please? -lol

    its pretty much.... most of the questions only worth 5 points... this one worths 5 times more... but I might raise it if oyu do it lol
  6. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar


    Since I'm the only one who's not a chicken to join the hangman riddles, am I allowed to guess more even when no one else attempted to guess it yet? :p
  7. chi_man

    chi_man Well-Known Member

    you are allowed to answer more then once :D
  8. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar


  9. xmichelly

    xmichelly Well-Known Member

    you two are so mean
  10. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    #52 (5 points)
    In a guessing competition, I have put a different kind of fruit in a box. Box 1=mango, box 2=watermelon, box 3=apple, box 4=lychee. There are 123 contestants, they need to guess in which box which kind of fruit are in it. 43 people have guessed all wrong, 39 people have guessed 1 fruit correctly, 31 people have guessed 2 fruits correctly. How many people have guessed 3 fruits correctly and how many guessed all correctly?

    How is it possible to guess only 3 fruits correctly, when there's only 4 boxes, if 3 guesses are correct, then the 4th should be correct as well.
    123-43-39-31 = 10 people have guessed correctly all the four fruits.
  11. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar


  12. xmichelly

    xmichelly Well-Known Member

    #53 (15 points)
    ------------- +

    What is A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H?


    --------- +


  13. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    #51 (10 points)
    In a quadrangle there are 25 mini quadrangles (5 by 5) in each of the quadrangle you need to fill in a number between 1-25. The total amount in every row/column/diagonal must be 65.

    3 25 4 12 21
    1 2 20 23 19
    24 6 11 16 8
    15 14 17 9 10
    22 18 13 5 7
  14. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    #38 (20 points)
    This assignment will be put on for 2 days to give everyone a chance to do.

    You need to write a short story (500 words-750 words). The story should start with the following sentence:
    -Hiake is going on vacation........

    Then somewhere in between the beginning and the end of this short story, you MUST include the following sentences:
    -Taxloss sees BabyRain and (.......) her

    -An elephant falls from the eleventh floor

    -Xiaojia doesn't want to (........) because (.............)

    -Until knoc meets b-lee, which is a (..........)

    The story MUST end with the following sentence:
    -At last, xmichelly is glad (......................)

    Here's mine. Exactly 666 words. LOL.

    Hiake is going on vacation to visit the Two Towers, which was a misleading name since it boasts of 100 Towers in the City of Mordor. The city is well-known for being the residence of a very notorious villain, called Dr. Evil. The Two Towers is owned by Dr. Evil, and it is special because some of the floors are so large, they could even store animals in there and make it into a zoo. She has to visit the city to capture the beautiful essence of the Two Towers since she is on a special photography assignment for her school project. Hiake also plans to visit the special zoo located in the Two Towers.

    Hiake is also feeling anxious since she is waiting for the arrival of BabyRain, who’s supposed to be her tour guide in the city.

    Just then, someone calls out to Hiake, and to her surprise, it is her old friend Taxloss. Hiake has secretly admired Taxloss for some time back in her primary school days, but Taxloss did not share the same feelings.

    “Hey, what are you doing here?” Hiake blurts out.

    “Oh, I live here now. I am working for the most prominent man in the city, Dr. Evil. He’s a really cool guy,” Taxloss replies.

    “Oh,” Hiake shrugs and studies Taxloss, “You look… different now.”

    Taxloss laughs and says with a wink, “Do I look better now?”

    Before Hiake could reply, BabyRain appeared out of nowhere and cried, “Hey! Sorry I am late!”

    Taxloss sees BabyRain and stares at her, “Hello beautiful…”

    BabyRain glances at Taxloss and whispers to Hiake, “Who’s this dork?”

    Hiake giggles and says, “Oh he used to admire me in school…”

    BabyRain chuckles and says hi back to Taxloss.

    They continued the conversation a little further, then they heard a lady, Xiaojia shouting, “No!!!”

    “What’s wrong?” BabyRain asks Xiaojia.

    “It’s Dr. Evil!” Xiaojia cries.

    “What’s with Dr. Evil?” Taxloss asks.

    “He wants to punish me for messing up a bad job. So he’s going to…” Xiaojia trails off.

    They turn to look at the direction Xiaojia is looking, which is the Two Towers. An elephant falls from the eleventh floor. Xiaojia cries.

    “What was that? What happened?” Hiake asks, bewildered.

    “That was my pet Ellie!” Xiaojia replies with a sob, “Dr. Evil said he’s going to punish me by killing my pet.”

    “Oh that’s really awful,” Hiake says, “Why would he do that?”

    Xiaojia doesn’t want to answer Hiake because she knows the consequence of telling a stranger about what happened.

    “I am sorry, I can’t tell you. I must go back to the house now and tell my brother Knoc about the bad news.”

    “Let us accompany you,” Hiake offers, “You look like you are in bad shape.”

    “Yes, where do you live?” Taxloss adds.

    “I live just at the end of this street,” says Xiaojia.

    They start to walk towards the end of the street bustling with the crowd which have gathered to look at the dead elephant.

    Xiaojia’s brother, Knoc is furiously kicking the plants outside the house. Until Knoc meets B-lee, which is a very rare chance, Knoc has always thought that he is the best creator in his school. However, just today, Knoc happens to bump into B-lee, which happens to be Dr. Evil’s son. B-Lee studies in another school, but he came to look for Knoc since Knoc had bullied his girlfriend, Paradiso. B-lee taunted Knoc and then the both of them started to challenge each other to come up with the best robot. B-lee manages to beat Knoc, since he makes a robot that looks exactly like Knoc, except that the robot does everything that B-lee commands it to do. Knoc is humiliated by B-lee and has to apologize to Paradiso.

    Unknown to Knoc, there is a girl in the school who witnessed the whole challenge. At last, Xmichelly is glad that someone taught Knoc a lesson, since Knoc has always been a very arrogant kid in school.
  15. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar


    Hiake is going on vacation and plans to visit some PA members who were gathered together on a ‘PA meeting’ while she’s in the neighbourhood. Hiake didn’t want to visit people emptyhanded but she had no idea what to buy for these bunch she’d met on a forum. She went to a mall to get some ideas and bought a poster of Dr. House for herself before she bumped into a lottery draw held in front of the Toys ‘R’ Us. It was the mall’s 10th year anniversary and everyone who’d bought something can join the lottery if you hand in the receipts of the purchases you’ve made in the mall. Hiake wanted the carrot cake and hands the purchase receipt of the poster with her name written on it and hoped she’ll win the cake. She waited a few minutes for the next draw to see how much luck she’ll have.

    “...and the lucky winner of the dozen cuddly toys sponsored by the Toys ‘R’ Us is Ms Hiake House!“ the lady announced to astonishement and disappointment of Hiake.

    “Oh well, at least I don’t have to worry about the presents for the PA members anymore...” thought Hiake. She picks up the price but immediatly regretted it as she realized she had to carry those stuffed animal toys herself which made her look like a traveling animal circus.

    She went to the hotel where the PA meeting was hold and was greeted by Xiaojia and Taxloss who were already there to make the buffet area unsafe with their gluttony. Hiake gave Xiaojia a horse and Taxloss an elephant from her traveling animal circus, thinking that it fits their chow down perfectly.

    In the meanwhile other members were also showing up and Hiake greeted all of them and sees chance to get rid of those stuffed animals. She saved the tiger for her E. Twin BabyRain who came in with the rest of the group. After the usual formalities everyone scattered around the place with some food and drinks, chatting in little groups. At the same time xmichelly was running late as she’d been uphold by some nutter in the street warning her for ‘signs from the sky’.

    Taxloss sees BabyRain and decided to play a prank on her by replacing the ketchup for chilisauce for her fries. In his hurry, Taxloss accidentically spilled some of the ketchup on the floor and Xiaojia, who couldn’t remove herself from the food tables, slipped on it an in her fall she somehow managed to kick out Taxloss’ stuffed elephant out of the window.

    An elephant falls from the eleventh floor and xmichelly who came as one of the last members to the meeting, was standing in front of the hotel entrance wondering whether she’d found the right place and got hit by the falling elephant...

    Taxloss wasn’t pleased with the fact that Xiaojia spoiled his prank as everyone’s attention turned to her, including BabyRain who’d let her plate of fries for what it is. Xiaojia’s fall was less serious than it looked like and since she was ok, Taxloss demanded Xiaojia to get the elephant back for him. Xiaojia doesn't want to go all the way down to get a toy because she can’t walk after having gobbled down sixteen egg tarts on row and asks Knoc to get it.

    But Knoc has other plans; he’s waiting for b-lee as he has a bone to pick with him.
    Until knoc meets b-lee, which is a very rare occurance since b-lee is been trying to avoid Knoc as much as possible (after having stolen one of his robot headscrews for which Knoc is still mad at him) he won’t leave the building so Xiaojia gave her flirtiest look at Chi Man and asks him to do her a favor. Chi Man went down and saw the toy elephant lying next to a girl in a pool of blood. He picked up a stick from a bin and began to poke at the girl and when she gave no reaction he threw the stick away and slapped the poor girl while screaming: “WAKE UP!!! YOU STILL OWE ME AN ANSWER TO THE DOG RIDDLE!!!!”

    With a spinning headache xmichelly finally woke up by the beams of the sun shining through her windows. At last, xmichelly is glad she’s alive after all her nightmares of seeing herself dying because Chi Man and NAS had cursed her for not knowing the answer to the dog riddle.

    750 words exact! -coolio
  16. xiaojia

    xiaojia Well-Known Member

    lol.. the two of u r really out to get the highest pts ya?
  17. chi_man

    chi_man Well-Known Member




    not correct as you can see the diagnonals aren't 65 when added together

    although I must say that the stories were quite good lol :p tomorrow will be last day of the story assignment :D
  18. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    #51 (10 points)
    In a quadrangle there are 25 mini quadrangles (5 by 5) in each of the quadrangle you need to fill in a number between 1-25. The total amount in every row/column/diagonal must be 65.

    1 2 20 23 19
    3 25 4 12 21
    22 18 13 5 7
    24 6 11 16 8
    15 14 17 9 10

    And you posted that story thingy 3 days ago... it's already deadline :p
  19. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar


    You posted the stories assignment 3 days're now prolonging it with another day?! >.<
  20. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

