Why guys shouldnt drink!!!

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by MissCheekS, Oct 17, 2007.

  1. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    I've expressed how much i get annoyed by useless fights in clubs...
    and now i wanna do it AGAIN!!!


    I just came back from clubbing and im quite pissed off about what just happened!!!

    I went out with some gfs tonight....Everything was cool we were just doing our thing and everyone was in good mood...

    One of my gf's knew some guys so they hung out with us for a bit(all my other friends and i never met them b4)
    We didnt even really talk to the guys we just said hi and introduced ourselves.
    After a while some guys we dont know started talking to us....and one of my friends guy friends just walked up to them and told em to f off....and leave us alone...
    To make this more clear: i'll call him "the protector"!
    We were thinking and sayin to each other errr? Why the hells he doing that.....but cuz its our friends friend we were like ok whatever =/

    A bit later....2 of our other guy friends A & B came over to have a chat with us...and "the protector" walks up to friend A and starts pushing him and telling my friend to back off....and I said to"the protector" in DUTCH....hey its ok we know these guys! Their friends!! Ok it didnt help cuz apparently he was a stupid idiot who could only speak chinese!!! So he kept on goin'...I was like errr wth

    All of the sudden friend B jumps in front of us and pushes "the protector"....to help his friend A
    Uh oh....& the next thing i saw "the protectors"' friends running and as i tried to tell em to stop...
    Aaah shiet....i saw a fist flyin towards my head!!! -shock

    :( someone accidentally punched me on my nose!!!! *ouch*!?
    I was like errr wth....?!
    so i just moved away quickly...all of the sudden i see people throwing glasses and fightin'
    and thennnn....i felt my face was wet....ahhhh shiet a freakin nose bleed (i mentioned on some thread like one week ago i never had one b4!!!)

    Me and some friends went to the toilet to wash my face and tried to stop the bleeding....and triple checked my poor nose!
    luckily...it was still ok and it didnt break!
    & then i went looking for my friends...the fight stopped...

    - One of my gf's received some punches when she tried to stop em while fighting =/

    - I saw my friend B....he had some cuts in his neck and his shirt was ripped

    - My friend A...omg....swollen eye....cuts in the back of his neck and his FACE!
    He kept asking me if i wanted to pull a little piece of glass out of his face...and i thought he was playing
    but he kept on asking....i had a look but didnt see anything....didnt feel like doing it anyway!

    So he asked my other friend to do it...ewww....she just pulled it out of his face with her nails....YUCK

    "the protector" i didnt care if he was hurt or not....!!
    but kept apologizing about the misunderstanding...cuz someone told him in freakin CHINESE!!!!
    One of my friends was so pissed at him she wouldnt stop yelling at him -nono

    Well...Mr "the protector" Maybe u should have just left us alone....i mean...we dont know u....
    were no idiots..we can handle guys if they'd harass us!! Ur not impressin anyone by tryin to protect us...sorry

    Damn it....!!! I hate it when guys do that....I shouldnt hang out with guy friends in clubs anymore!
    It's always GUYS who fight!!
    -censored -censored -censored

    Ok....long story eh...sorry....but im so pissed i & cant sleep....
    i received a punch for no reason, my friends are injured & my first clubbin night in NL was ruined .....just cuz guys become so aggressive in clubs after having some drinks!

    We just wanna have a good time and dance :(!
    If ya wanna fight go do it outside or whatever....

    So next time when some of u guys go clubbin & wanna and fight....think again...
    u might hurt some innocent girls!!

    #1 MissCheekS, Oct 17, 2007
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2007
  2. moor_moth

    moor_moth Well-Known Member

    So who won? protector or A? lol...

    Protector sounds like a dick, glad your not too bruised up :p
  3. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    Is it me or the whole long story got nothing to do with the title...
  4. moor_moth

    moor_moth Well-Known Member

    Yea your right.... the title should be "I hate my protector"

    Drinking has been apart of the human legacy man, like going to the moon, or building the pyramids
    it is living testimony pf the greatness of man kind
  5. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    amusing, i just watched the Protector again yesterday

  6. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    ^lol i watched that Capoeira fight scene like ten times already and that bone crunching scene at least 5 times, infact i saw that scene before i saw the movie lol, still didn't spoil anything cause there was virtually no story hahaha...

    btw awww that sucks angie hope you feel better later....
  7. moor_moth

    moor_moth Well-Known Member

    Ong bak was better dontchya reckon?
  8. BigM

    BigM Well-Known Member

    Well .. alcohol fuelled violence is always very common...

    Hope you get better anways
  9. Phoenix

    Phoenix *~Though she be but little, she is fierce~*

    @ OP :
    awww poor u..hope ur nose is ok...-hug -flow

    stupid guy tryna act all macho...blah....-noclue
    besides girls can handle themselves...=)
  10. did angie forget to mention the guys were drunk...??

    i guess this is the moral for the day... whenever u c drunks fighting, start running away... even if they r ur fds... drunks just don't have a clue wot's going on... even if they do they can't help it... u'll only get hurt if u try to help anything :p

    poor angie... if this happens again *touch wood* kick the guy who punched u in the crotch like u would to knoc... n then run over to the bar n ask for some ice to put on the bleeding nose okai babe?? -hug
  11. LOL cheeks... no not all guys do that... just your little trio of friends hahahaha
  12. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    Thank u all

    I just checked out my nose....luckily its still there and looks same as usual hehe phew -sweat

    At least my babe understands me....yes of course they were drunk or else i wouldnt name the title that way -sweat-sweat-sweat
    i should find out what the guys name is and give him a good knee yeah?
    -cool2 but nah...its so idiot.....they were my friends & friends of my gf.....

    NOOOO way!
    5 out of 10 times when i go clubbing....
    ugh hate it
  13. lol in that case, just in your little country hahaha

    if you wanna party with less fights, think about coming over to canada for a change lol
  14. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    Hmmm...really? kinda hard to believe that only guys in NL are so violent...
    Their just idiots.....I dont care about others fighting but...
    Every time one of my friends get into a fight...they ruin my night out!

    oh yeah....btw..ive never seen a fight while clubbin in sydney....=/ maybe NL guys are kinda violent?
  15. i have...!! kinda...

    syd guys don't fight... they rape... :p j/k
  16. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    =O.....dawn hahahaha ur crazyyyy
  17. chi_man

    chi_man Well-Known Member

    dont run away... film it and have a good laugh lol :p I have to admit that its quite amusing seeing other people throwing shit at each other and stuff :p

    a lot of guys fight when they are drunk... not only in NL, but anywhere else too... at least I do see guys fight in clubs pretty often.

    @angie, you just should have kicked that protector in his balls lol :p
  18. zero_c

    zero_c Well-Known Member

    At least you got a memorable night. You would think that you'll see more club fighting here in NY, but I barely see any. Most of the times the bouncers would kick anyone out that started any argument.
  19. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    No lar...not amusing to see it when u actually know the ppl who are involved!!!

    Yes indeed....
    Im sure my friend will remember it very well....hope he wont get a scar in his face >.<
  20. zero_c

    zero_c Well-Known Member

    Actually I remembered one big fight when I was in school. It was between 2 fraternity. They had a long fuel between them and it finally snapped at a yearly event at a club. It was chaotic, 50 guys were fighting and the police had to come and break it up. The night ended with 5 arrests and 10 visits to the hospital. And it all started because one guy from fraternity A talked to another guy's gf from fraternity B, two years ago......