Why guys shouldnt drink!!!

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by MissCheekS, Oct 17, 2007.

  1. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    Whoah....thats mad....its like when theres a soccer match in the city and the hooligans come and make a mess of everything here!!!

    i remember one of the last times i went clubbin...my friend ended up with stitches in his lip!!!!
    it was so scary he had to eat rice porridge for a week and drink with a straw

    Oh btw....who won....errr...i guess "the protector"? I didnt see him with injuries...
    must be because he used bottles and glasses -nono
  2. sounds more like u guys r filming "Young and Dangerous" there... r u sure they r not Ekin Cheng n Jordan Chan there??
  3. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    Hahahaha I wishhhh.....Ekinnnn -blush2 hehehehe -inlove
  4. zero_c

    zero_c Well-Known Member

    Well I have always said that fraternity is like a organized gang. This yearly event is a big thing. A lot of the fraternity members from the Tri-state area and even people from the west coast would come and party. So in a given day during the 3 day event, there would be 200+ member of the fraternity on our campus. Also the thing about fraternity is that there are always some members join because they didn't have any friends. They join the fraternity to have a sense of belonging to something. So these people tend to be excessively loyal to their "brothers". When 1 "brother" start something, they will always join in.
  5. shw

    shw Well-Known Member

    are you innocent?
  6. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    Hey.....i never got into a fight!! I dont pick fights....im there to chill...not to get into trouble
    There was just this once...when someone was kicking my friend and me and my gf kicked that guy to help our friend haha....it was more like kick and run haha

    If my bf was in a fight i'd probably help my bf too or at least try to push the other person away
    not like girlies who keep yelling and screaming and watch how their bf get beat up lol
  7. shw

    shw Well-Known Member

    ty my dear monica
    but im not talking about fighting.
  8. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    aww angieee....so charmm.....-hug

    hope you're noseyy gets better soon ^^
  9. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    errrr? monica?
    Haha...maybe im innocent...maybe not :p

    my nosey is still okayyyy -sorc
  10. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    ye i hate when ppl are drunk, they rele like to pick fights, i remember once some c**t tried to fight me on the bus.
  11. chi_man

    chi_man Well-Known Member

    as long my friends won't getting beaten up badly, its oke with me lol :p

    Hope both your friends and you are okay though :D
  12. ah_wong201

    ah_wong201 Well-Known Member

    that sucks getting punched in the nose. hope ur ok.
    everytime me and my friends get into a fight at the club, i always tell the girls to go somewhere else or tell them to leave.
    two weeks ago me and my friends got into a fight at this one club. we were in the vip section and this drunk guy came walking in and bumped me. i was like ok this dude is drunk so i was like what ever. he bumped into my friend and he got in his face and pushed him out. me being the nice guy told this dude that everythings ok and this guy shoves me. i got into his face and shoved him so hard that he fell on someone. he leaves and comes back with his friends and i guess were about to fight us but they left after like 5mins.
  13. moor_moth

    moor_moth Well-Known Member

    Guys fight regardless of alchohol...
    so therefore your title should be renamed "Why guys shouldn't exist" :p
    But yea i guess all that matters is your ok and stuff ...
    least you got another story to tell ;)
    might not be funny at the time but stupid and horrible things end up being vaguely entertaining...
    (to an extent)
  14. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    Now its no longer punches in mtl, its wiggers and their knives or guns.

    @ angie, hope you feel better.

    Moral of the story, dont go clubbing. :p
  15. skid

    skid Well-Known Member

    damn thats just dumb
    especially when that protector guy didn't know you girls and tried to be a sick dude and "protect" you from your own friends.
    Anyways good to know you're ok, maybe sydney is more suited for you :)
    nah sydney clubs, there are fights. Just the other week there was one at Pumphouse...thats why i hate going clubbing when there are too many asian guys and the girl/guy ratio is out of whack. We call them the 20/80 clubs haha
  16. moor_moth

    moor_moth Well-Known Member

    Just lock yourself up in a room put on some goodbeats start dancing and afta a few bottles it'll almost be like your in a club!

    the pleasures of both worlds ;) you can choose your own music and the drinks wont be as expensive
  17. i guess in conclusion... angie needs to turn her heat down :p
  18. lol maybe its a good thing i didnt go clubbing with friends when i was over for thanksgiving
  19. wot can i say... angie's a hot wild child :p j/k
  20. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    sorry to hear shit went down cheeks..hope ya nose is well las.