2011 seems so far away... i want this tech now. -whistle
lol yea. i have 80 gb on computer and 250 gb external.. borrowing cousin's 320... need to get a 500 now that its cheap lol
AS for me, i think that 2011 is too far. They will have it way before 2011. Look only at now. There on the market HD about 750 Gig already. Soo just imagine... this will be easy for them to make a 1 Tera soon and then make it 2 Tera later and from 2 Tera jump to 5 Tera then 10 then double double and double !!! Ahh i cant wait
Holla Molla, that's extreme storage, not surprise to see competitors starting to get these kind of storage on the market
4tb, with that all i need is faster internet connection haha... but i currently only have 250gb and i'm running out, need too add another harddrive lol
In 2011, computers as we know it will be a thing of the past Tons of improvements, Processing speed, RAM etc 4 tb... thats tons of storage for me.. I have 320 GB but its damn quick to fill with my dl's.
dam, what the hell are you guys using for you hard drives? i havea 320gb internal hard drive and its never run out well my 20gb usb power hd is like out.. and my 160gb external hd is almost out.. 500gb hd is that expensive anymore, like $100-$120USD for 500gb external.
Ya, 2011 is too far for me...I expect to buy a new comp within the next two years (I suspect this current one can die any moment...) so I probably have to wait even longer before I'll ever own a 4 Terabytes HD
lol for the internal hard drive i dont save any of the movies there, only save it on external drives since those dont have internet lolz