The ultimate challenge!!!

Discussion in 'Random / Offtopic' started by chi_man, Sep 12, 2007.

  1. xiaojia

    xiaojia Well-Known Member

  2. chi_man

    chi_man Well-Known Member

    no, ofcourse not lol :p


    damn, it took me another minute to find where it is !!!!

    its my fault lol, its kind of fast. When I listened to it, you sang it quite fast lol :p But IT WAS NICE!!!!!!!!!!!
    50 pts for the assignment and 25 pts cuz I played too fast :p

    no :p

    sorry, another typo lol

    ye, I need to sleep more lol

    correct! :D You could also just reply 100 times with another answer, that would be faster I think lol

    ??? :p



  3. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    Chi man, man your piano play is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo beautiful!

    (that random remark is surely worth 50 points?) :p
  4. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Wa chiman and bbear can make a singin band.. one on piano, one on vocal!!! great team.. lol
    Good job bbear! and chiman -clapclap
  5. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    #54 (18 points)
    Guess the number X

    X = 168
  6. chi_man

    chi_man Well-Known Member

    um ye... lol:p but if you really hunger for points....ill make an assignment worth 100 points for you since ill probably stay at home alone tomorrow and won't get much to do :D

    haha thanks, I wouldn't mind being in a third band...I've never played piano in a band though :p


    I've decided that both BRain and Taxloss gets the points for the storywriting.
    Taxloss points gets multiplied by 2 since he got the right answer to #55

    so now Taxloss is taking the lead with 172 points, followed by BRain with 135 points, and Bb showing her awesome singing skills with 75 points!
  7. xiaojia

    xiaojia Well-Known Member

  8. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    #60 (15 points)
    Hiake, BRain, Taxloss, Xiaojia and xmichelly are on a ship and the ship sank. They swim to an island. On that island there is nothing except for a monkey and coconut trees. They gathered an X amount of cocnuts and decided to divide it tomorrow since they are tired and want to sleep. At 1:00 AM hiake wakes up and realizes that she can't trust anybody. Therefore she started to divide the cocosnut in five groups and give the last one which couldn't be divided to the monkey and hide her own coco's and put the 4 groups back. At 2 AM BRain wakes up and also realizes that she can't trust anybody. She doesn't know that Hiake already divided the coco's. So she split the remaining coco's into 5 groups and there is one left again, she gives this to the monkey and put the 4 groups back and hide her own group. At 3 AM Taxloss wakes up and he did the same. Xiaojia and xmichelly did the same too. On the next morning they all try to act innocent and no ones dare to confess what he/she did in the previous night. So again they divide the remaining coco's for the sixth time and one is left again, this goes to the monkey. So what was the smallest possible amount of X in the previous night?
    Each of them leaves 4/5(a-1) coconuts of a pile of a coconuts.

    To make it possible to calculate, need to make the number of coconuts in the pile divisible by 5, by adding 4 coconuts so that it is now 4/5(a+4)=4/5(a-1)+4 coconuts are left of a pile of a+4 coconuts. so the number of coconuts in the pile is divisible by 5 during the whole process.

    4/5×4/5×4/5×4/5×4/5×4/5×(X+4)=(46/56)×(X+4), where X is the number of coconuts in the original pile, must be a whole number.

    The smallest (X+4) for which the above holds, is [5x5x5x5x5x5]. So there were X=[5x5x5x5x5x5]-4=15621
  9. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Aww need to catch up.. yOu need to post more questions!!~~
  10. chi_man

    chi_man Well-Known Member



    you should have risk your points on #55 :p
  11. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    #63 (15 points)
    You have several fuses from which you know that each fuse will burn for exactly one hour. But these fuses do not burn at a constant speed, so they might burn a lot faster in the first half hour and then slow down on the second half and after exact one hour the fuse is completely burned. How are you going to measure 45 minutes with burning these fuses?

    Measure by lighting the first fuse at both ends and the other fuse at one end simultaneously, meaning using only two fuses that burn exactly one hour. When the first fuse is burnt out after 30 minutes, the second fuse has 30 mins to go before it will burn completely.. Now light the other end of the second fuse. This means that the second fuse will now be burnt completely after 15 minutes, which adds up to exactly 45 minutes since lightin the first fuse.

    #62 (5 points)
    In a room there is a lamp, there are three switches connected with that lamp outside that room. Only one switch can turn on the light, and all the switches are 'off' in the first place. When you are only allowed to enter the room once to see if the lamp burns or not, how are you going to figure which one of the switches is the one that can turn on the light? You can't see if the lamp is burning from the outside

    Switch on the 1st for a few minutes. Turn it off then switch on the 2nd. Then go into the room, if the lamp is on, obviously it's the 2nd switch. If off, touch the lamp's lightbulb. If it's warm, that means it was the 1st switch. If the lightbulb is cold, it must be the 3rd switch.

    #67 (5 points)

    BRain, Taxloss, Xiaojia and xmichelly decided to be a teacher on a school somewhere on the world. Due to their personalities they have been given nicknames by the students of that school. Each of them teaches two different subjects.
    -There are three of them that teach english
    -There is only one math teacher
    -There are two chemistry teachers
    -Two teachers, xmichelly and 'the big girl' are teaching history
    -'the smartass' does not teach english
    -'the nerd' teaches chemistry
    -BRain does not teach the same subject as Xiaojia and 'the little girl'
    So who teaches what and which nicknames belongs to who?

    From the statements, we can deduce there are four subjects, English, Maths, Chemistry, History.

    BRain does not teach the same subject as xj and the little girl, and 3 teachers teach english... therefore xj & little girl must be teaching english, and BRain = smartass and also teaches Maths.
    Xmichelly & Big Girl teach history and English. History, english, maths; therefore the only other subject left for BRain is chemistry. The other chemistry teacher = The nerd. Since the nerd teach english + chemistry, so the nerd cannot be teaching history and maths (Xmichelly, BRain, XJ) so nerd must be Taxloss.
    Left the other two, xmichelly must be little girl and xiaojia the big girl.

    Brain = Smartass, teaches Chemistry and Maths
    Taxloss = Nerd, teaches English and Chemistry
    Xmichelly = Little girl, teaches English and history
    Xiaojia = big girl, teaches english and history.
  12. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    #64 (5 points)
    Bb has a weird diseases. She is always lying on 6 days of the week, and on the 7th day of the week she is always saying the truth.
    On day 1 she says that she always lies on mondays and tuesdays
    On day 2 she says that today is either thursday, saturday or sunday
    On day 3 she says that she always lies on wednesday and friday
    On which day of the week does she speaks the truth?

    BB tells the truth on only ONE day of the week. If day 1's statement is false it could mean she tells the truth on Monday or Tuesday. If the statement on day 3 is false, this means that she tells the truth on Wednesday or Friday. Since BB tells the truth on only one day, these statements cannot both be false. So, one of these statements must be true, and the statement on day 2 is false n out.

    Assume that the statement on day 1 is true. Then the statement on day 3 must be false, from which follows that BB tells the truth on Wednesday or Friday. So, day 1 is a Wednesday or a Friday. Therefore, day 2 is a Thursday or a Saturday. However, this would imply that the statement on day 2 is true, which is impossible. From this we can conclude that the statement on day 1 must be false.

    This means that day 3's statement must be true, and that this day is a Monday or a Tuesday. So day 2 is a Sunday or a Monday. Because the statement on day 2 must be false, we can conclude that day 2 is a Monday.

    Therefore, the day BB tells the truth is Tuesday

    #66 (7 points)
    I have three different sizes of wooden boxes. (Big, medium and small boxes)
    I have put 11 boxes on the table, I leave some of them empty and have put 8 medium sized boxes in some of those big ones.
    I leave some of those medium sized boxes empty and also put 8 small boxes in some of those medium boxes.
    In total there are 102 empty boxes.
    How many boxes are there in total?

    The 11 boxes u put are big, medium or small?
  13. chi_man

    chi_man Well-Known Member

    correct smartass

    correct again smartypants. about the boxes, those 11 boxes are the big ones

    and you passed taxloss....... so fast.....
  14. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    #54 (15 points)
    Guess the number X

    X = 186

    Regarding #44, I think you should alter the rules a bit. :p It's rather unfair to hold it for THREE days (super long).. and then the person gets deducted 25 points (risk of losing 25, winnin 20) lol. No one dares to participate... Maybe if u hold it for one day only, or alter the points to be reduced to 10 instead of 25... hmm i will post one :D And by the way, are YOU allowed to answer as well?
  15. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    hahaha....yeh when i was getting ready to sing it i was like -huh..
    gum fai geh....hence why some of it slurred and err...sounds bad
    but i was to lazy to re-do it....

    nah ya piano skills ho ging arr very impressed -sorc

    hey you promised more if i did it if i remember....:D

    i nice to listen to it...mebe i killed it nows though...-lol

    hehehe thx babbyy -hug...

    im a waiting for a song from youuuu

    but your piano skills are soo can make it big on ya own i think..
    i'll be dragging you down more...
  16. chi_man

    chi_man Well-Known Member


    well ye, three days isn't really long if YOU posted one... as you can see most of the questions are answered by YOU lol...which means others are less smart than YOU :p but I might change it to two days since there are people who got stuff to do and can't be on for a day :D and I am allowed to answer since any PA member is allowed to answer -devil

    I did gave you more, it was 25 points originally, and I multiplied it by 2 (50 points) and then I gave you an additional 25 points cuz I was playing too fast lol :p which makes it 75 points in total and now you're at the third place with just doing one assignment!!!!! which means you owned those people here lol

    ill post a new song tomorrow, its your turn to sing -devil or points will be substracted

    haha thanks, I dont mind being dragged down since I do it for fun and not becoming some professional musician. I've been dragging people down and getting dragged down by people from my bands... but at least we do have fun -lol
  17. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar


    I'm taking a big risk lol!
  18. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    #66 (7 points)
    I have three different sizes of wooden boxes. (Big, medium and small boxes)
    I have put 11 big boxes on the table, I leave some of them empty and have put 8 medium sized boxes in some of those big ones.
    I leave some of those medium sized boxes empty and also put 8 small boxes in some of those medium boxes.
    In total there are 102 empty boxes.
    How many boxes are there in total?
    the total number of empty boxes increases by 8 - 1 = 7 if u put the 8 mediun boxes in a box,
    x = the number of times that 8 boxes have been put in a box then 11 + 7x = 102.
    102 -11 /7 = x
    In total, 11 + (13 × 8) = 115 boxes
  19. chi_man

    chi_man Well-Known Member

    lol you are always taking big risks, the hangman question, yamcha question, and now this :D butuntil now no points has been suvstracted from you :p
  20. chi_man

    chi_man Well-Known Member

    correct! and now ima gonna to sleep. Tomorrow new assignments! -devil