Most importantly is to watch your diet (if you don't want to put on the extra muscles) You have to change your eating habits. Pop, eating out at restaurants, Mcdonalds, etc. those are major ways of gaining weight since everything is so fattening (well, pop has lots of sugar) My girlfriend has switched to a mostly vegetarian diet (still a bit of meat) and eating fruits and that has worked for her, though, like previously stated in another post, the diet portion of it can only do so much without exercise (but it will still help you lose that weight). You don't need to do strenuous exercise though... even something like walking half an hour to an hour a day (shopping?) is more than enough to lose some weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Just don't sit around that much and you'll be ok
Running is probably the best. If you don't want muscles run long distance at a slow pace. Ever notice the sprinters are bulky while the marathon runners are stick thin.
to be honest u look beautiful as u are and ur tall and slender so you don't rele need to lose weight. if u do want to lose weight though, my best advice would be to go swimming for an hour and a bit, once a week and u should start to lose some weight. if u don't want to swim u can alternatively run for an hour or go gyming but i always find it hard to run for an hour and to maintain aerobic respiration so i just go swimming. the thing is to go into aerobic respiration because ur carbs are burnt off first before lipids and they say it takes about 40-50 mins to burn all ur carbs depending on how much u have eaten that day before the lipids start to be burned. i always wondered, if u just went swimming in the morning, then technically u would not have a lot of carbohydrate content in ur body and it should just burn ur lipids from the start and u should then lose weight easily. hmm, not sure if that works. u could give a try though.
thing is, she says she has no time... so, what she should be doing is do some exercise at moving the arms/legs etc at least walk during break time...around where you work... other is diet...if you reduce your diet by 500 calories a day, u lose a pound a week...3500...I would not go over that cus it is unhealthy...u could be skinny but not healthy...just to say, u are what you eat!!! u could be skinny but still unhealthy...they say dont eat after 6 pm,,,but I do that anyways Eat good food, like apples...(fills the stomach..carrots the nutritional labels on food,,,yea I do that ...hehe...but remember u need a balance, protein, veggies, carbs...I split the three groups equally/// lastly, if you are not eatinng, then do something read a book and drink WATER...if u feel like munchung on baby carrots... have fun...
I thought college was supposed to make you lose weight? oh well don't push it, it's not healthy ... like everyone else said, just eat right and exercise more
yea...dont forget...healthy food are inexpensive compare to junk food... like apples and carrots in a grocery store...try it...u can save alot of money...
If you drink green tea three times a day it will decrease your appetite, increase your metabolism. This will cause you to lose weight. Plus green tea has a lot of benefits.
buy a rowing machine, drink green tea, stay away from food that come in packets, keep it natural and organic blah blah blah.
The best way I know how is to sweat it out in a sauna. That'll get rid of some of your water weight. I don't think you'll lost 20 pounds though. Just jog alot plus do the basic exercises and gradually you lose the weight. The entire exercise shouldn't take more than 30 to 45 minutes a day. Best time of the day is the morning so if you don't mind getting up about an hour early (I usually get up at around 5 am) do that. Exercise then shower and eat breakfast then head out. Good way to start off a day. Stretch and jog every other day and do all the other exercises in between. @aznxchurro Where did you hear that? The reason why people gain weight is because they consume more calories than their body requires. That's what some people don't understand or have trouble controlling and that's why the weight comes back. That's not what I heard. You have to work out everyday in order for your body to burn off extra energy. If you don't work out and consume excessive calories your body won't burn that and will just turn it into stored energy or body fat every single day. People don't just get fat over night. The process is gradual. So the more you eat daily the harder you have to work out every day to burn it off.
err cardio== burn fat on body during exercise weight training==builds muscles, muscles increases metabolism so u continue to burn fat during normal activities. diet==reduces calories so ur body is force to use the excess fat as energy, that is why u dont want to decrease calories too much...I would say maximum 500 calories a day...making it 3500 a week, for 1 pound a week
Even though I kind of agree to the exercise everyday (and the morning) part, "water weight" doesn't help weight loss in permanent terms unless one decides to be constantly dehydrated = prone to all kinds of diseases.
fastest way... hmm breakdance or any other dance for 30 minutes then go out for an hour jog dancin can really help you lose weight thats no lie, i probably lost 10 pounds from breakdancing alone and friend lost 5 from poppin also dont forget everyone eat things that are healthy for you
I forgot to mention that you should not eat any carbs except complex carbs (like vegetables) after 6 p.m. Make sure to drink plenty of water every day which will help as well. I have also herd of some people drinking a glass of warm water with a teaspoon of honey and lemon juice in the morning before breakfast to lose weight.
cardio... short for cardiovascular exercise... another way of saying aerobic exercise...