fave avy <3 anyway...u mean while u guys dating or before? my point of view: im dating a guy and he sleeps with someone word...."sayonara" or 2 words "au revoir" before me....if hes not like a man whore and slept around with lotsa girls its acceptable... but ima tell him to get tested for scary diseases though lol
I guess its "different" for guys...when a girl had a one night stand...bad for his pride.... thats what i call double standards....and i dont like em
well its bad for a guy to do it too.... so was the guy with the girl when he went with another girl "just for pussy"?
when primary needs are satisfied, people always looking for second degres of needs, love etc.... so at beginning, why not! depends on people wants.
i think he means...stick to the foreplay..... im sure nothing can happen when u only use ya hands besides the fact that they'll get dirty lol ok ima stop it now cuz there are too many young ppl around here
well i havent met anyone for sex.....yet. But yea, i would definitely go for it; no love, but for sex.