Depends on what your goal of the exercise is...if your goal is to LOSE weight, then that is what it is for...anything extra is a lung muscles .etc ... The article really states what I summarized...but the objective of the discussion is to LOSE weight not how to train the "heart"//////////// Had the OP said I need to strengthen my heart, then I would have said do cardio as well... Really, reading stuff off the net of what people says really does give anyone is all talk...but I can state what I posted works, because I got results doing those three things...but eveyone is different, you have to find the right mixture for the three...but in this case, it seems diet should be about 50 percent, 25/25 for cardio/weight training. I personally do about 40/40 cardio/weight, and 20 diet...e.g. I dont control my diet as much now... Kinda lame having this type of discussion ...when the topic is to lose weight...
u know... i think ur missing the point... and that's probably my fault, but ur arguing the context of the language rather than what "Cardio" is... Cardio helps you lose weight... no question... but if that's all u do to lose weight then when u stop doing cardio you'll regain ur weight easily... that's because cardio burns energy... it doesn't build your metabolism... that's why losing weight is a side benefit to gaining heart and lung muscles/capacity, which has a long term impact on your body...
this is realy stupid... I KNOW WHAT CARDIO is the use we are talking about...the context. If ypu are doing exercise and dont know what cardio means GO BACK to HIGH SCHOOL or surf the net to figure out what it means...
^regardless of whether or not your goal is for weight loss, and you choose to use cardio as your source for weight loss... the point i'm making is building heart and lung muscles/capacity is the primary use of cardio and weight loss is the side effect, secondary usage of cardio... and ur hiding behind the context of the language to argue it's the other way around... which it isn't...
Wow I'm "hiding behind the context" ROFLMAO. From my perspective, It is the usage and the application of it that is important. Just like that of the drug "viagra", it was originally devepled for people with heart problems but had the side effects of giving guys a turn-on. So the DOCTORS applied the drug to help those in need. So the drug is now termed for impotency (primary) and heart (secondary). There is many other examples. I think we are in agreement that cardio is good for both weight loss and building heart/lung muscles. It seems that what we disagree on is "which is primary and which is secondary" . From what I can see, it really depends on the application thereof. If someone is using it for weight loss, then cardio=weight loss (primary) and heart etc (secondary) If someone is using it to build heart/lung muscles then cardio= heart etc..( primary) + weight loss (secondary) IMO, From the sports/exercise point of view, cardio is viewed as helping to lose weight...try going to a gym and ask the people using a cardio machine why they are using it? to lose weight or to build heart/lung muscle?
They never released Viagra as a drug for heart problems... the drug was still under research b4 declaring what it's uses were... yes i concede that it was intended first to heart problems, but its the end result of the testing that says what the drug does better or for what purpose the drug is for... so i don't see how this argument helps... u would be better off arguing about MJ... and why are u arguing what cardio is FOR? i was never arguing about Cardio's USES... i was arguing about its DEFINITION... the question you should ask the people around the gym is what Cardio IS... not what you're using the cardio machine FOR... if you ask someone what Cardio is, and they tell you something like Cardio is the process of losing weight, the person's an idiot...
Hahahaha...are u guys actually havin a fight over what the meaning of cardio is...? come one guys make love not warrr lol! -sorc ! ! !
Alrite, Alrite...I always listen to Angie Before she gets the protector to punch me ar...or rap/rymthe bout me in those freestylin threads i dont really have to teach any idiot elementary kid that gets personal how to lose weight Cheers
u can't make a war when it was all ready ended b4 it could get started... but ur right... i'm sorry adrianc...
You're right about the water weight thing. What I meant to say was, "The quickest way I know how is to sweat it out in a sauna." Or one of the quickest ways, anyway. I definitely wouldn't recomend the sauna everyday without proper hydration before, during, and afterwards.
Problem being: there's no way a person can lose 20lbs in water weight without endangering him/herself. FYI, death by dehydration can be extremely unpleasant, or worst, near death by dehydration and the subsequent IV? Very painful as many medical staffs have absolutely no sympathy with people dreaming of losing weight via retarded means, so they'll make sure your IV is done in the most painful manner and you gain back whatever "water weight" you lost and more before discharging you. Still they may hook you up with compulsory psychiatrist AND dietitian/nutritionist. Unless, of course, said person weight at least 1000lbs, in which case I believe he/she will be unable to move.
yea losing excessive water weight as a method of weight loss is dangerous. I think some people try to sleep in a garbage bag to lose weight and died because of dehydration, just heard about it though, don't know if there are real cases of it.
i have never heard of that weight reduction method...being dehydrated... in fact, when I exercise, I drink more water...and I couldnt run without a water bottle ,,,@!#@!#21 The only thing is that I drink coffeee...messes me up... so boyx and girlz, dont drink too much coffee or u get dehydrated...
Drinking water is good when u wanna lose weight! U always see skinny models drinking & about coffee... dont forget to mention....lotsa ppl who drink coffee have bad breath.... like my teachers!! ewwww.....
Not only does caffeine dehydrates the body, it also accelerates heart rate, which can be a dangerous mix when combined with cardiovascular exercise... -unsure I remember seeing some middle school kids doing a crude experiment on "the effect of Red Bull on cardiovascular functions" -- which involves a control group and a test group (which drinks Red Bulls, obviously) engaging in running up flights of stairs. The heart rate of the test group was fraggin' off the chart... It was almost scary to see the results.
yup heard about the heart thing........that's why drink water kids haha...and don't try to lose it from your body.