Depends on where you get it... There's this Portugal cafe on Peel (or was that Stanley) near Ste Catherine with REALLY good bottled nectar...
Well the one i got was mixed with this fruit and tastes like prune juice (nasty), after that i never tried another ocean's spray lol, i probably would try the regular one again in the future. Yes Cranberry juice is good because of that tangy taste lol...
I forgot its name... I only remember it's on Peel or Stanley... (the same street as the Chapters on Ste Catherine, north of that)
me too, not much of a fan of ocean spray...tropocia orange juice is much better ... really think it is mixed with power or something. okey dokey...right near McGOO...hehe...might go try it,,,-chef
You are in a town where you can find Orangina in practically every store, who would care about Ocean Spray? -tongue2
Losing weight in a quick manner is should take it slow..just consume less and exercise more..simple as calorie use > calore intake...
couldnt find the nector place :( orangina...dont look so good...they sell it in a pop it looks like alot of calories... agree...
I like them Orangina in those thick glass bottles I always suspect that the ones in plastic soda bottles to be less concentrated... Probably just my superstition -tongue2
what is Orangina, lol never heard about that or tried that before, is it that good...the only premium priced juice i drink is either "Naked" or Jamba Juice and i think only "Naked" is pretty healthy for you, not sure though.
I adore Jamba juice, hate those supplements though >.< There's this friend of mine who ALWAYS get me to have those add-ons... DISGUSTING... This is Orangina... The ones I get have screw caps though -huh
looks like an elixer from somesort of witch craft thingy... hiake likes looks like power drink as well...
starbucks drinks are awesome!!!...the one inside chapters...i can read books too @hiake..."The only secrets are the secrets that keep themselves" ..George bernard shaw...your signature pic is flawed
I like Starbucks, don't get me wrong, I practically drown myself in coffee when the pumpkin spice latte is out again... That seasonal lot of them... Just not those bottled drinks from Starbucks... >.< And that wasn't the quote which inspired me... so it's not flawed. -cool
okay..ur message that the pic implicity sends out is flaw? "" Inspiration doesn't really work like that - you're not looking out for it. Inspiration is something that tends to capture you rather than you capture it." ...Joan Armatrading hehehe
Starbucks bottled drinks are ok, don't mind drinking em. and the orangina is bottled like an elixir lols, does it have pulp? And the jamba juice thingy, i usually get the protein boost anyways cause it's free, you call those add-ons hiake?
dood...u taking protein stuff??? some girls take it as a meal whey protein and sht...i know this girl taking it,,, glad i'm not the only one that thinks it looks like an elixir witch craft thingy
^lol i don't take protein as a meal replacement though, never lol, just as an additional meal lol, definitely not on a diet. I don't know how people take whey protein as a meal replacement cause i can't. have like 27grams in my shake and i still have to eat like meat and rice after that. lol, hiake probably re-uses the bottle for her other things too haha...