I would take a look at the offerings Creative have, pretty decent players that costs a lot less than ipods....
Yea should check out the new Zen, 4gb for 129 usd, the screen is freaking nice though lol...and it probably sounds good cause it's Creative.
samsung, samsung is better because u dont hav to convert the songs to a certain format...sony is good but converting is gay
-sorc knoc dont worry ima beat her up when i see her in syd...and shes probably gonna like it anyhow... -pirate
lol most mp3/movie player dont really need to convert the music file into another one.. unlike ipod and some other brand.. too bad sandisk sansa view isnt out yet.. its only $150 usd for 8gb and $200 for 16gb.... that one looks pretty nice to me >.< but right now i only have sandisk sansa e200 series (e260 to be specific). which is old lol heres the info on e260 http://www.sandisk.com/Products/Item(1940)-SDMX4-4096-A70-Sansa_e260_MP3_Player_4GB.aspx and View. http://www.sandisk.com/Products/Catalog(1364)-SanDisk_Sansa_View_MP3_Players.aspx ahh.. i need an upgrade soon lol Drag and Drop!! besides video on e260..:( stupid .MOV program lol. but the new one can just use mp4
I have grudges against SONY products since they tend to breakdown prematurely... And is famous for it...
Hmm. I like the Sony one, but the Samsung looks better to me. So I'd say go with the Samsung one. Lol, I think my friend has one of those Sansa ones and it's pretty cool. I like it.
the back dont get scartch as easy as an ipod.. sansa have a good back plate and it weighs the same as the new ipod nano.. which the new ipod nano is smaller and thinner.. but same weight.. kinda dumb lol
Creative 4gb Zen V Plus $75 Refurbished. still cheap heres the link for the creative zen v plus http://shop4.outpost.com/product/53...ewav4pq0w**.node1?site=sr:SEARCH:MAIN_RSLT_PG This sony has a chance of comparision between the samsung lol http://shop4.outpost.com/product/53...ewav4pq0w**.node1?site=sr:SEARCH:MAIN_RSLT_PG or this one http://shop4.outpost.com/product/53...ewav4pq0w**.node1?site=sr:SEARCH:MAIN_RSLT_PG o yea.. forgot to list the microsoft zune the new thin one.. http://www.circuitcity.com/ssm/Micr...94138/catOid/-12952/rpem/ccd/productDetail.do
Nice. I think the Samsung looks better than the first Sony one though. Haha. Do you know if you can store songs with like Chinese titles in the Sansa ones? Because I have a Sony one right now and like most of the music I download from this forum I can't store it onto my mp3 player. -.- Kind of annoying because I listen to Chinese music the most.
o.. on the sansa e260, you have to download a custom file then upload it to the sansa and it'll show chinese characters but the language setting must be on chinese.. if it isnt, and its on english, then the letters will be squares im not sure about the sony ones though.. since i never own a sony one lol
^ I have a sansa e260 too and it can't display chinese characters lol, too lazy to install the custom file. Anyways sansa is ok but sometimes the player software/firmware kinda suck. I also added a 2gb micro sd card and it's taking at least 30-40 seconds each time to start the player. Also sandisk's sound can't match the creative. but yea the view is a good deal no doubt but it's also not too good looking.
get the creative one, the sound quality i've heard is pretty good on those and they seem to be quite long lasting and that design looks better than both the samsung and the sony.
hmm.. if it's btwn sony and samsung i would pick samsung. BUT personally i would go for something else i currently own the meizu m6 and i love it! plays mp3/avi/FM/and records audio, and it displays chinese characters. my brother has creative vision m and i think that it is pretty good value altho a little thicker, but it works ok and also displays chinese. my friend has sansa and it seems cool too but yeah no chinese display. no ipods!!!
This should be helpful to you or anyone if you want chinese on your e260.. http://www.anythingbutipod.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1988 just follow the guide, its super easy to install, just have to drag the file when the sansa is on safe mode it will work only for E200 series only. not E200R
a question is.. which creative one are you talking about? lol way too many creative mp3 player, zen m, zen v, zen v plus, etc.. lol
Lol not gonna go through that hassle for chinese characters, can't read it anyways, i get used to seeing squares lol easy... get the Zen, just "Zen" haha...