#68 (5 points) Write a 50-100 word comment here showing how you feel now Taxloss is a VIP member Taxloss. What can I say? A toast to your great reign. Thanks for making those spammers pay every day. Congrats! Do you need someone to hold that long train? Not that I am saying you are royalty, nay! A tribute, to show P.A.'s appreciation. Thank you, for all the laughs, all the quirky comments. I meant that in the best way possible, have fun! With all that power you have now don't get hell-bent. i tried to rhyme.. maybe a bit unsuccessfully. hahaha.
the last half doesn't really rhyme lol your name is CNB since its too long to be inthe list lol ill be adding new ones this evening since I've got stuff to do
#71 (10 points) There are 1000 pupils on my school, so there are exactly 1000 lockers, and they are all closed at this moment. All the lockers got a number from 1-1000. Our school principle decides to play a stupid game, she has given each of us a number. Number 1 opens all the lockers, number 2 changes all the lockers(closes it) with the numbers that can be divivded by 2, so locker 2,4,6,8 etc will be closed. Then number 3 changes(opened when the locker is closed and vice versa) all the lockers with the numbers that can be divided by 3 (locker 3,6,9,12,15 etc) etc etc etc... So after pupil number 1000 has done its work, how many lockers remain open and what are the numbers of the lockers? ------------------------------- if a number is a perfect square, then it'll have an odd number of factors. all other numbers have an even number of factors. if a locker is changed an odd number of times, then it'll be open at the end. if a locker is changed an odd number of times, then it'll be open, because the first student opens it, the second student closes it, the third student opens it, and so on. so to find the numbers of the lockers that are still open, we have to find the ones that were changed an odd number of times, which are the ones with an odd number of factors. the only numbers with an odd number of factors are perfect squares. so we just have to find the perfect squares between 1 and 1000. 1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81,100,121,144,169,196,225,256,289,324,361,400,441, 484,529,576,625,676,729,784,841,900,961 that's 31, so there were 31 lockers open
Chi man! Is there a deadline for the comic in paint? (and what about Hangman #41? Sure you haven't accidentically added a few extra '- 'symbols?)
nope, no deadline for the comic in paint, I've removed all the deadlines untill the coming up monday since I have to prepare to do my part 1 of the international baccalaureate exams for that monday....so I won't have much time to post new ones so ill just have to stick with the old assignments/riddles for now ill update less than before for a few days long ill check the hangman right now EDIT: and no, the hangman is totally correct, no mistakes in it
lol at first I had totally no idea what's it about, but now I see it, some dude getting an icecream 5 points!
ill raise your points by 10 then but it wasn't impressive enough but you can re-do it, and texts in the comic is also allowed...
lol sorry, everything will be updated tomorrow since I have to do the IB exams tomorrow!!! I promise.... I am too busy with preparing for my IB exams!!!!