yeah let's talk about winter drinks here! XD my favorite, are cappuccino, hot green tea, and hot milk tea. Ah...wonderful. xD
Iced coffee, iced tea, iced water, anything cold. Yeah...I'm aware this thread is for drinks during the winter. I cannot stand drinking anything warm no matter how blistering cold it is outside.
omg!! those are's 9:25pm, and i'm so hungry for this treat now.....OH YEAH!! candy canes too!! candy canes + hot chocolate + cream + marshmallow ^^-bigclap
coffee/tea or the black vinegar with pig feet soup (chinese traditions usually is for pregnant people, but what the hell) or this other soup with dried longans, this red pellet thing (kei chi) and this piece of i dunno what (Wai San) but that gets you warm, shit is good... does soup count as drinks? w/e lol
Ah, if soup is also a drink ..then .... Lo Son Ton ... get some patatos, some tomatos, some carrots, some onions and some dried chilli, all together mixed in a pot and boil it for abt 2 hour. This soup will definitly keeps you warm and u won´t be hungry if u eat the patato^^
u're talking about those 姜醋﹐ , actually those are good, but i only eat those with the egg, the vinegar is, 太補 LOl. 紫菜蛋花湯 (Seaweed Egg Soup) + Cream Corn Egg soup + Tomatoes Carrots Corn Soup = my fav.
haha i was hoping for alcoholic drinks clicking on that link but hot chocolate + marshmallows for the winter damn straight =D
I know.... its pretty nice to have some irish coffee when its so cold and you dont want to move lol you know, some coffee to make you awake and alcohol to make you a bit warm lol