I went to church before when I was younging with my brothers, not parents. At that time my mom and dad took us to Temples too, so now its like I don't know, you know? So, for me is I don't believe.
I believe in GOd. Because the world is just soo big and contains so much vastness and beauty, its hard to believe that it all happened just by Accident. people always debate "Science proves this and that! it proves everything!" but you know what? Science cant prove that god doesnt exsist... Evolution is a 'theory' so everything can be aruged both ways
I don't think there's a God. The concept of it seems beyond arbitrary. I believe that the idea of God or some sort of superior power helps those that are weak and unable to grasp the idea that the world is because it is. It serves as a comfort mechanism especially those that have had a tragic life. It gives meaning to people who fail to recognize that no everything in the world needs some sort of solid or concrete reason. To me, God is a word. A crutch for the weak. I'm sorry if this offends anyone but that's my opinion.
your looking at god from the social construct view.... which TOTALL disregards the scientific view and the spiritual view. on the scientific view Nothing can prove that there is no GOD..... There are theories as to how the universe was formed, but thats that. Its THEORIES.
well i just think well most of the people who have power umm well they believe in a god of some sort.... i unno i usualy find the ones who have had a tragic life are the ones who DONT believe in god. they dont believe that a god would have let the things that did happen
"I believe that the idea of God or some sort of superior power helps those that are weak and unable to grasp the idea that the world is because it is." .....so what about strong ppl...don't they believe in god too?...or they are too strong for that?..hmph...
God is trying to transcand us to become closer to God...so ppl who are more superior usually thinks they are closer, so they dun usually believe in God I guess
until someone could explain how god made himself then in my mind there is no true god creator of the universe.
God does not physical help us when we are the most vulnerable. It's a mechanism for people to feel stronger and give themselves meaning. When things don't go their way or if things see illogical, the most rational reason for it is that God was active at the moment.
For many ppl, ppl believe in God only under certain circumstances...based on situation...this is because God is always a belief, and not a fact
and people fear death and the unknown, u need to have some sorta logical reason as to where you'd be when u die. most people can't grasp death. People change from agnostic to being a believe when they are dying in their death bed. there's also that logic of, who made us then? certainly a higher being that is god! thats enough for people to start believing.
if u think like that then there would be nothing for u to believe in. be it god or evolution u will always say but how did that come to be. god in most religions is all knowing and we are, which im sure ud agree, full of wonderment and as such question things constantly eventhough we as humans have not the ability to grasp and understand what or how it was or is being done.
umm... no this i dont agree with. for you see god is acting ALL the time. but u must remember that he does not influence u to skip class or work. as such the resulting effect be it a failed exam or being laid off from work shouldnt be seen as a time when "things don't go their way". and i wouldnt say illogical things are all chalked up to god. for example the tsunamiiiiiiiiiii.... heh yeah well the animals in one of the places all went to higher ground and i wouldnt say god stuck his hand out a cloud and pated there butts till they ran up the hill, id chalk it up to instinct and being able to tell changes in presure sudden wind differences and things like that. now theres the rub, for that would then mean that god did play a hand by giving them that ability... .... makes ur head hurt really