The ultimate challenge!!!

Discussion in 'Random / Offtopic' started by chi_man, Sep 12, 2007.

  1. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    Well, here's my attempt:





  2. chi_man

    chi_man Well-Known Member

    you require skills to do this lol :p I know I ain't a good pupil but still manage to reach the last year of highschool pretty easily without doing much on is gonna be so chill I guess :D my IB exams got moved to tomorrow :D cuz the lack of time lol....

    looks like the attack of the fruits :p but it was oke...15 points
  3. xmichelly

    xmichelly Well-Known Member

    #75 (10 points)
    I've three cards, on each of these cards there is a number, the total amount of these three numbers is 13. The numbers go from small to large starting from the left side. The three numbers are not the same. BRain, xmichelly and taxloss are allowed to take a look at each card.

    BRain takes a look at the left card and says that she doesn't know what the other two numbers are.
    xmichelly takes a look at the right card and says the same as BRain
    Taxloss takes a look at the middle card and says the same as BRain and xmichelly.

    What is the number on the middle card?


    1,4,8 and 2,4,7 are the only cases where no one can predict what the other two cards are
    and in both, 4 is the middle card
    so the middle card is 4
  4. xmichelly

    xmichelly Well-Known Member

    #73 (7 points)
    BRain is a student in Kuala Lumpur but she lives somewhere in an unknown village somewhere in the southern side of Kuala Lumpur. When she is done with college she is always travelling with the train to the village and arrives exactly at 5 PM on the train station. On the station her boyfriend picks her up with the car and together they drive back to home. (her bf drives with a constant speed all the way) On a day, the professor of the last lesson is sick and BRain is allowed to go home earlier, so she arrived at 4 PM exact on the station and decides to walk home on the same route as her bf would drive and they will meet. She indeed meets her bf on her way then they drive home. When they are at home BRain realized that they are 10 minutes earlier at home than normally. How long has BRain walked?
    BRain walked for 55 min before her bf picked her up
    since they got home 10 minutes earlier than usual, that means her bf left home 5 minutes earlier so that there would be a 5 minute ride to the station and 5 minute back
    that means BRain met her bf 5 minutes before her usual pickup time at 4:55
    BRain starts walking at 4, so she walked for 55 minutes
  5. chi_man

    chi_man Well-Known Member

    both correct
  6. chi_man

    chi_man Well-Known Member

    updated with new ones
  7. zero_c

    zero_c Well-Known Member

    Fill another big bucket with 4 bottle of the 11 litre in it (44 litre). Then use the 7 litre bottle and take away 6 bottles of it (42 litre). And you are left with 2 litre of water.
  8. chi_man

    chi_man Well-Known Member

    I didn't say that there was another big bucket there :p so its wrong! :D
  9. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    #78 (15 points)
    Your eyes are blind folded and on the table there are a lot of coins. Some coins are faced upwards with the A side and some a faced upwards with the B side. I can tell you that there are 100 coins lying upwards with their A side, and the amount of coins lying with B upwards is unknown. Now you need to divide these coins in two groups where the amount of A is the same in the other group. How are you going to do this while you're blind folded?

    Create a subgroup of any 100 coins. Then flip over all 100.
    That group of 100 and the group of all the remaining coins will then have the same number of A sides facing up because the B sides that are grabbed while making the subset of 100 will equal the A sides that are left in the original pile. Once you flip the 100 coins over, these B sides will turn into A sides and the two groups will have a matching number of A sides coins.
  10. chi_man

    chi_man Well-Known Member

  11. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    #79 (10 points)
    Six people: BRain, Taxloss, xmichelly, Bb, Xiaojia and Hiake are sitting in a circle. The six of them are hat faggots lol... all of them wear a hat. Two of them are wearing a red hat, two of them are wearing a black hat, and two of them are wearing blue hat. The two persons that are wearing blue hats always speak the truth, the two wearing a black hat always lie, and the two wearing a red hat can decide for themselves to either lie or speak the truth. They can all see each other hats except for their own hat.

    BRain says: I see exactly one blue hat.
    Taxloss says: I see exactly one black hat
    xmichelly says: I see exactly one red hat
    Bb says: BRain is wearing a blue hat
    Xiaojia says: Bb does not wear a black hat
    Hiake says: Bb does not wear a blue hat

    So who is wearing what??

    If Brain is lying; then there should be two blue hats -> so Brain is wearing a BLUE hat.

    If taxloss is lying; then she must be wearing a black hat OR red hat; and she sees one black hat, which cannot be so.. since if she's wearing a black hat, she must be lying (she cannot say she sees ONE black hat).. therefore taxloss is wearing a RED hat and lying.

    Xmichelly says she sees one red hat, which could either be true or false...

    BB says brain is wearing a blue hat -> true. BB is wearing a BLUE hat OR red hat and telling the truth.

    Xiaojia says bb does not wear a black hat; which is true since BB is telling the truth. So XJ MUST be wearing a red hat n telling the truth, or BLUE hat.

    Hiake says bb not wearing a blue hat; which must be lying since there are supposedly 4 ppl telling the truth, then Hiake must be wearing BLACK. If hiake is lying, then bb must be wearing BLUE. If bb is wearing BLUE, XJ must be wearing RED. Goin back to xmichelly, she must be lying as well since there are 4 ppl telling the truth, then she's wearing black.
  12. chi_man

    chi_man Well-Known Member

    almost correct
  13. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    #79 (10 points)
    Six people: BRain, Taxloss, xmichelly, Bb, Xiaojia and Hiake are sitting in a circle. The six of them are hat faggots lol... all of them wear a hat. Two of them are wearing a red hat, two of them are wearing a black hat, and two of them are wearing blue hat. The two persons that are wearing blue hats always speak the truth, the two wearing a black hat always lie, and the two wearing a red hat can decide for themselves to either lie or speak the truth. They can all see each other hats except for their own hat.

    BRain says: I see exactly one blue hat.
    Taxloss says: I see exactly one black hat
    xmichelly says: I see exactly one red hat
    Bb says: BRain is wearing a blue hat
    Xiaojia says: Bb does not wear a black hat
    Hiake says: Bb does not wear a blue hat

    So who is wearing what??

    Edited my answer.. looks like there's 2 possibilities??? LOL.

    Taxloss is the only one resolved here.
    If taxloss is lying, there must be two black hats she sees. Then she could be wearing RED and lying.
    If taxloss is telling the truth, her statement must be true, and if she sees ONE black hat, it wld mean she has to wear a black hat as well. Which cannot happen. Therefore Taxloss is ruled out from tellin the truth and ruled out from wearing BLACK or BLUE.
    Taxloss is wearing RED.

    Assume Brain wearing a BLUE hat:
    Brain is tellin the truth.
    BB is tellin the truth -> wearing blue or red.
    if BB is wearing blue or red, XJ is tellin the truth. So XJ must be wearin blue or red.

    Assume Brain wearing RED: she cld either be lying or tellin the truth.
    BB would be lying -> black or red.
    XJ could either be lying or not.
    Hiake would be tellin the truth -> Blue or red.

    Assume Brain is wearing BLACK: she must be lying.
    BB wld haf to be lying, since Brain cannot be wearing blue.
    BB wld be wearing black or red.
    Hiake wld be tellin the truth; and wearin blue or red.
    XJ cld either be lying or tellin the truth -> If lying, then XJ wld haf to wear red or black.

    Assume xmichelly is tellin the truth, she must be wearing a RED order for her statement to be true.
    Assume xmichelly is lying, she cld be wearing a BLACK hat.
    Blue is ruled out.

    BB says Brain is wearing BLUE. Assume BB is tellin the truth, BB must be wearin blue or red.
    Assume BB is lying, Brain must NOT be wearing blue. BB wld haf to wear black or red.

    XJ-> BB does not wear a black hat.
    Assume XJ is tellin the truth, BB must be wearin red or blue. Xj will be wearin red or blue as well.
    Assume XJ is lying, BB haf to wear black. BB wears black, then Brain wld not be wearing blue. if Brain is lying, then Brain must be wearing red or black.

    Hiake ->BB does not wear a blue hat.
    Assume hiake is tellin the truth, hiake must be wearing red or blue. BB is wearing black or red.
    Assume hiake is lying, then BB has to wear BLUE.

    Now let's see which statement contradicts which.
    Brain -> BLUE ;
    If BB BLUE, XJ wld be RED. Hiake BLACK, Xmichelly BLACK.
    -> No contradiction.
    If BB red, Xj wld be blue, Hiake must be tellin the truth, but there are already 2 reds and 2 blues so contradiction.

    Brain -> BLACK.
    BB black or red, XJ blue (cannot be black since if XJ is wearin black, she gotta be lying and bb wld be wearing black... and there wld be 3 ppl wearin black.. Cannot be red as well, since if XJ is red, bb wld be wearin red, there wld b 3 ppl wearin red), Xmichelly black that wld mean BB is wearin red. Hiake is wearin blue.
    BB RED, XMichelly BLACK, Hiake BLUE, XJ BLUE.
    -> No contradiction.
    BB Black, Xmichelly red, Hiake blue, xj blue -> Contradiction since bb is wearin black, then xj cannot be blue or red (tellin the truth)..

    TAXLOSS -> Red
    BRain -> Red
    BB lying -> black, If bb black, XJ haf to be LYING as well, so black. XMichelly's statement false-> must be black or red.. which cannot be.
    -> Contradiction.
    #373 BabyRain, Nov 1, 2007
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2007
  14. moor_moth

    moor_moth Well-Known Member

    Taxloss= red
    Hiake= Black

  15. chi_man

    chi_man Well-Known Member

    haha joke, just wanted to waste some more time, your previous answer was correct lol.
  16. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    ............................... -noclue

    Hey but this is possible too right?

    Brain -> BLACK.
    BB black or red, XJ blue (cannot be black since if XJ is wearin black, she gotta be lying and bb wld be wearing black... and there wld be 3 ppl wearin black.. Cannot be red as well, since if XJ is red, bb wld be wearin red, there wld b 3 ppl wearin red), Xmichelly black that wld mean BB is wearin red. Hiake is wearin blue.
    BB RED, XMichelly BLACK, Hiake BLUE, XJ BLUE.
  17. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    how come babyrain has so many pointsss
  18. chi_man

    chi_man Well-Known Member

    Cuz BRain is one damn smartass :D
  19. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    So is this one possible??? Agree with me??? :p
  20. chi_man

    chi_man Well-Known Member

    forgot to check lol, but ye, that one is also correct :D