that elephant experient is just pure creulty. they should have surely figured out that giving a dosage 3000 times greater than the ones for humans would kill it. if they wanted to see the effects a dosage about 4 times the amount may have been viable or they could have calculate the amount by the size ratio, but instead they gave it a ridiculous amount and they knew that it would kill it. also by giving such a large amount it ended up that they couldn't get any accurate or decent observations. the army plane one was also quite a stupid experiment.
damn that elephant test is messed up, i mean the pic already show how fucked up it is... the other tests are messed up too...MADDD scientists!!!!
^ seriously, if one day you or anyone close to you needs a heart transplant, you might start thanking him for his experiments..
Its pretty horrible to kill a innocent elephant for the sake of science. Also, that dog thing is pretty cool, although strange.
Science... It's not right to shoot LSD at an elephant.... 3,000 times the normal does is just absurd.. they must have know it would kill the elephant..