QUESTION about handshakes... has anybody had the this experience before? When you see a friend, it's pretty normal for you guys to shake hands, especially for guys, right? but what does it mean, if the other side is scratching your palm using his/her index finger while you guys are shaking hands? does that imply anything? the following is from Wiki: A handshake is a short ritual in which two people grasp their right or left hands, often accompanied by a brief shake of the grasped hands. The handshake is initiated when the two hands touch, immediately. It is commonly done upon meeting, greeting, parting, offering congratulations, or completing an agreement. Its purpose is to convey trust, balance, and equality. Handshakes possibly originated as a gesture showing that the hand holds no weapon. In Anglophone countries, shaking hands is considered the standard greeting in business situations. In casual non-business situations, men are more likely to shake hands than women. It is considered to be in poor taste to show dominance with too strong a handshake; conversely, too weak a handshake (sometimes referred to as a "limp fish" or "dead fish" handshake) is also considered unseemly.
hahaha..its the tickle handshake...i used to find it really funny to do it when i was little as well... but then my rents told me that its really rude to do i kinda stopped...
It means they want a piece of your sexy ass pie seriously tho if someone did it to me i'd immediately do it back because if i don't it feels kinda degrading lol... like ur sumbodies bitch... heh
Haha yea definitely man you dont let a guy do that too you and show no reaction... maybe its different for girls? Never had a girl do that to me b4... u cna be the first one =P
no reaction...-huh....would you not find it ticklish and just burst out laughing?? sure..*tickle hand shakes moor moth*....xP
Yea lol its ticklish... and I sometimes i grin a bit... but its like the kinda ticklish tht makes you have goosebumps on your arms , feels a bit gay in a way if a guy does it to you lol
grin a bit...hmm...not that ticklish eh..... mebe you should try it and see what reaction you get be the tickler....xP
I have been the tickler on many occasions... it makes me feel powerful MUHAHAHA on a sidenote when a girl does it to me i consider it to be very sexually provocative hehe
oo you meanine...being the tickler....espeically when you're not that ticklish your self....i hate being tickled so muchy...>.< time i was laughing so much from being tickled i felt like i couldnt breath... its sexually provocative...-huh...just being tickled wor....
LOL surely not from a handshake tickle? if u did get THAT ticklish from a handshake tickle you'd be kindve like a freak =P hehe jks and yea it is sexually provocative... ok imagine if it was in ur situation and a guy comes up to you... holds ur hand... and starts lightly moving his finger up and down on ur palm... dnt tell me your not even a LIL turned on...
nah not from a handshake was when my friends all attacked me and started to tickle me... okies...i see the hand tickling thing more as a joke a scratchy type thing not 'slowly and lightly'....
yeah yeah, he is a guy as well, and he did that to me.......but i sorta know that he's not gay......he's already got a girlfriend......well, and i dont think he is "bi" but i just found it weird when he did that to me while we were shaking hands.......
LOL Cyrus I didn't mean that the actual person would be gay... just the feeling that you get when two guys do it is kinda... errr? dont you agree lol? btw blue bear I spose it might be different for you cuz of the context that you were in when you were first exposed to it.. I use to hang out wif all the black "thugs" lol for awhile back in my school days and when they did it to you you'd feel like you wanna do it back cuz it felt like they were making you their bitch so i did it back to show them i was nobodies bitch =D
lol, i dont know, i live in Australia, and my friend (a french guy) did that to me last week........well, yes i found it funny at first as well as a bit weird......cos i think he should know that i am not well, or maybe he was just trying to make fun at me.
dood...u a guy right??? does ur friend wear tight leather pants and tight tshirts? does touch you all the like a girl??/ ...