well if they in a serious relationship then I think she should come clean and tell her bf. The bf probably will mind or feel abit =/ at first but he should be ok later. However there are some people that mind, girls and guys.
^ the part that actually ticked me is that some people want their gf/bf to be virgins.... who gives a fuck about their past sex life.... as long as they dont have aids and sleep with different people everyday, who gives a living shit..
agreed! and i would actually prefer someone who is experienced and know what they are doing anyways. but either way i don't mind.
i would be well annoyed if my partner had sex with my friend, its just one of those things u don't do. my friend shouldn't sleep with my gf even if she wanted to and my gf shouldn't have cheated.
exactly!! just one of those things you don't do...and absolutely dont want people sleeping with my gf and why? regarding to the previous question asked to me...I just do.
^^ well i think the title of the thread is a bit misleading... anyways what the OP is trying to ask is whether you mind that your partner had sex with your friend when they were going out, before you went out with your partner. This thread isn't about whether you mind your partner sleeping with your friend while they are with you.....
Hmm... quite tricky.... I think if the current bf knows they were dating, then should be ok. but to me, being honest is always the best. whats the point of hiding it? Everyone come with a past.
that was past, i think future is more important...if he asked about it, then tell the truth. honesty is the best policy!
every guy likes a virgin better, but if he likes her eough, he wont let it get between the relationship.
I know of one situation where my friend broke up with this girl and she tried to get back at him by trying to hook up with all of his friends. If it is genuine, I don't see the big deal but if it is an attempt at trying to get back at her ex-boyfriend or trying to go out with her current boyfriend just to stay close to her ex-boyfriend then that would be a problem.