Is smoking cool for you ?

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by hendri.kusliawan, Nov 6, 2007.

  1. ^^ i know someone who stopped smoking and put on 4 times her body weight as a result... and to top it off she started smoking again....

    same with heroin addicts... >.<
  2. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    then just smoke another one...and another one...and another one

    ok assume shes 40kg (which is like the ultimate minimum) x4.....dangggg....hahaha
    i find that hard to believe
  3. im serious, that alone was a good deterrent to not smoke if u witnessed it for yourself.
  4. no way smoking is cool xD i know someone that i went on vacation with, that he was smoking just to be "cool" .. he was coughing all the time xD whats cool about that
  5. i admit cigars can look cool but smoking them is still dumb.
  6. cigarretess doesnt look cool, is just show how weak you are.. that you cannot live without it
  7. what bout weed! how much weight do u lose
  8. chi_man

    chi_man Well-Known Member

    I think you gain weight with smoking weed... cuz after a will be so fucking hungry after you have blowed.... you will eat like crazy.... and afterwards you're just sitting somewhere spacing out so basically you will get fat :p
  9. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    hahaha...shouldnt we be asking u that Q?
  10. was you talking to me? -noclue
  11. what he said is so true i eat alot after baking munchies up!
  12. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    Omfg. 2 years ago some stupid smokers set off the fire alarm and it was pouring outside! Everyone in the school got soaked and it was during lunch so my break period was wasted.

    And then if that wasn't enough they did it again 5 minutes after the Principal had talked to the school. SO WE GOT SOAKED AGAIN! If you're gonna smoke at school then don't make it hard on everyone else -nono
  13. Noooooooooooo wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy -sweat never have never will.

    when i was little (about 8) me and my cuz thought it was smart to walk on the roads with a pretend fag, it blew out smoke an whatnot (from joke shop), some guy jumped out his car and started shouting at us then when he saw it was fake he got embarrassed and quickly drove off, quite funny at the time.
  14. did you laughed in his face and said "OWNED"?
  15. i was 8, the word "owned" was used for its proper meaning back in them days :p

    tbh we stopped buying them incase we got shouted at again...
  16. skid

    skid Well-Known Member

    lol everything tastes good after a weed session...

    smoking isn't don't do it kids :D
  17. i think we should let our dutch members answer this question *ahem* angie.... *ahem* resent... *ahem* chi boi....
  18. champ91

    champ91 Well-Known Member

    lol, "fag in his mouth", i'm sorry but i just can't stop laughing at that. I know what it means in the UK but in North America, that would be interpreted much differently....:D

    anyways, smoking is bad, no question about it. causes lung cancer and produces second hand smoke that can harm others.

    however, i cannot deny the fact that it is cool to smoke in high school if you are with the right people. But after highschool, it's not cool. here, if you smoke with the "cool" people, then you're cool, if you smoke byurself then ur a loser. well, that's just what highschool was like here, maybe different elsewhere.
    #39 champ91, Nov 7, 2007
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2011
  19. u dont lose weight if you only some it regular :p you lose weight of hard drugs xD