Would you call someone up when they are at work?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by smallrinilady, Nov 8, 2007.

  1. smallrinilady

    smallrinilady Well-Known Member

    Just curious

    if you liked someone, would you call them up while they were working?

    I've had two people do that to me lately
    it's been rather frustrating, becuase I AM working

    but at the same time, i dont mind getting calls from people if it's making plans for that evening.
    But the ones to chat?
  2. i wouldn't call someone at work unless it's:
    a) work related
    b) a matter of life n death

    other than that i usually send sms... they can read it whenever they want or they can choose when or if they wanna reply... n sometimes i really like it when i c an sms left of my phone on a busy day... it kinda charges me up...
  3. maybellina

    maybellina Well-Known Member

    Yea, same thing that I would do. I usually sms the person first since I dun want to interrupt them if they are busy or at work~
  4. onisegawa

    onisegawa Active Member

    yup sms :) unless you know that person is on a lunch break or something then he/she got some free time.
  5. reno

    reno Well-Known Member

    yep sms/email would be much better

    chatting while at work isn't hte best thing to do, as u said wen u do actually have work. also bad to have colleagues know ur not really working...

    i miss having msn at work >.<
    mainly cos i'm not really working lately ahhaha
  6. ah_wong201

    ah_wong201 Well-Known Member

    i've talked to my girl while working for like 2 hrs cause i called her on my break and the conversation was getting interesting. i did that cause my boss wasn't working with us that night.
    i would also call her at work and i'll only talk to her if its not busy.
  7. xdly

    xdly Well-Known Member

    Sometimes I will call...
    But that's only when it's not busy...
    And when I'm boring.
    Or it's work/school related...
    If it's a short call I don't mind actually...
  8. puahahahaha... wongie's enjoying his sweet sweet honeymoon period... "sai meng" kekekeke... -cool

    we're all happy for u -lol
  9. smallrinilady

    smallrinilady Well-Known Member

    i remember in the past, my bf would ask me to call him when at work. He couldn't call out of the area code, but since I was on the cell I could call him. And we would chat for a while, he would sound professional on his side.

    It kinda bothered me, cause i didn't want him to be distracted from work, or to get in trouble, but he kept insisting i call him
  10. Shini_D

    Shini_D Well-Known Member

    lol, i remember at work, my bloody colleagues had husbands, gfs, family calling them, we just back each other up and give signs that the managers coming over haha, my bf called me too, i was in stock room, so my call got diverted down to me and i just sat there and chatted haha.

    But i wouldnt call them myself unless VERY important lol.
  11. smallrinilady

    smallrinilady Well-Known Member

    that's cool
    make good friendships that way
  12. Shini_D

    Shini_D Well-Known Member

    lol, yeah, where u worked, it was us vs the managers haha.
    I made really good friends.
    Sometimes if we got lazy, or wanted to try something on during our shift time, we go to the fitting rooms, and use one of the rooms, lol, colleagues watch out for each other and make up so bs if the manager asks where we are. haha.
  13. burnburn

    burnburn Well-Known Member

    haha, when i was at my jobs, i'm always online so i just IM people...
    or email.
    but yeh, if it's something important I call...
    of course, there's nothing hardly that important in my life ;-)
  14. unleash drag0n

    unleash drag0n Active Member

    when you call someone up when they at work i think something you would get that person fired for their jobs.
  15. TiDy

    TiDy Member

    text messaging is the way to go
  16. angelzhope

    angelzhope Active Member

    I would call my bf but not my friends.
    I usually send an sms because its more private and receiving calls at work are monitored too! =p
  17. elton5354

    elton5354 Member

    great topic! i like to call when they're at work >=)
  18. mikeyh

    mikeyh Well-Known Member

    i would call if it's about something important.
  19. honkiebonkie

    honkiebonkie Well-Known Member

    thats like me too. Its kinda makes you feel happier because you know someone out there wants to talk to you. Since i, currently do not work, cant really answer this Question.. so ill just think of it as, going to school -noclue
    haha, probably nott thenn, sms' are finee !-blush2
  20. milkteddy

    milkteddy Member

    I guess it depend what the matter is. if it REALLY REALLY important, then sure..
    But if not, a sms is best for me. he/she will just reply me when they are free and done with work