In all honestly, for one having said to have moved on in this issue, you dont seem to say what you mean. As a true mature person, faults are many a times not one sided. She might be all that you have said, but YOU are the one who decided to pursue her, so you cant blame her for wasting your time. I understand how you feel cuz ive been there, done that. Initially, you might feel hurt and used, but come to think of it, its just a chapter of our life where we learn something. So, my advice is that you take it in a positive way and just forget about it. Constantly thinking about how she ditched you will only make you feel worse. To be truly free and moving on is when you take responsibililty of your own actions and reflect instead of laying all the blame.
^^ I agree with Wind2000 fully. Well said. As they say theres 3 sides to the story - your story, her story and the truth. The OPs post seems very emotional and full of hate and blame. I wouldn't be surprised if his views are a little distorted by this fact.
Ah whatever it doesn't really matter anymore. She's a thing of the past now. I did learn somethings from this. 1. In the future, never be so into a girl. Never put her on a pedestal otherwise your gonna be fucked and hurt. 2. Stop caring so much. They more you care the more you set yourself up for disappointment 3. If I find some girl attractive enough to date, I should leave a good impression on her then either ask her out or do it the next time we meet. Never try to befriend her and drag it on. Very painful and frustrating. 4. Stop worrying about whether or not other guys are chasing the girl too or not. You can't control what they do, you can only control your actions. 5. If planning to take girl out to eat, I should be familiar with the place and should at least eat there before. 6. Never try to be someone else. Just be yourself cause you can't keep up the act forever 9. There is no need to try and do all this extra stuff for the girl, even if you pour your heart into helping her, if she didn't like you to begin with, She still won't like you even after all your effort. 10. Never cling onto a girl 11. Trust your intuition and instincts. If something doesn't seem right, it probably isn't. 13. Always have more then one girl in mind. Keep backups just in case the main girl isn't interested. It also helps to counteract any obsession you might have with her and keep you sane. 14. Have a life. Don't always focus on the girl. Get your priorities straight. 15. Last but not least, never be a nice guy. There's a reason why the saying goes" nice guys finish last". Girls don't dig nice guys probably because they are too easy and aren't a challenge.
Should have told you that but I wasn't registered as a PA member back then, but you can show your dark side right now by planning vengence on her!
hey another idiot whos not reading -sorc dont be saying things that arent true... im not on those pills....geez haha -edit.... wolf u do sound bitter....i mean just cuz ONE girl screwed u over doesnt mean we all biatches im not saying im not a bitch -cool2 but yeah there are actually nice girls & ur right about the never try to be someone else...very important
i think you're still taking it in an immature way. =\ you're taking anyones advice. "ah whatever this is what i still think and think i learned" my friend thats a girl did exactly what you are doing now. some guy broke up with her and she was "play or get played" immature. dramatic .... ^_^v
haha it is hard dude, it's just a chunk of writing with no paragraph spacing. oh i'm talking about the first post in case you're wondering
I know. My use of words might have been alittle strong but it was only directed towards her and not the whole female population, so don't get the wrong idea. I apologize to any females that might have been offended. I do have female friends that are very nice. I know in everything in life there is a good and bad. I unfortunately picked the bad this time. Actually make that times 2 lol. Got screwed over in HS too with another girl. I got blinded by physical beauty yet again which made me look past all her flaws. She isn't fully to blame, I was an idiot for falling for her in the first place. If I had just continued to not really care that she was there like the first day I saw her this probably wouldn't have happened but were all just human, sometimes you can't control your emotions. I guess you can say from now on I got my shields up and won't be easily deceived like the saying goes " once bitter, twice shy". In the future I'll try to get to know the girl better before actually trying to pursue her. She left a very deep scar in me that cannot be healed with time and I probably still need some time to cool off. It isn't easy to go through all that crap that happened and just say " oh whatever" and just brush it off like nothing happened.I still haven't fully recovered as you can tell from my first statement about me not feeling for a relationship right now but hopefully in a few mths from now I'll get lucky.
I DID read the previous topic. All bloody 12 pages of you being overly analytical of a situation that was clearly quite simple. Maybe YOU should have got YOUR facts straight before you spent all that time going after some girl who you had nothing in common with. Maybe YOU shouldn't have been so shallow and focussed on her looks and didn't really get to know her, and then maybe YOU would have decided earlier that she wasn't right for you. And when were you two really friends? Just because you talked about school, walked to class together and followed her when she went shopping doesn't mean you're suddenly BFF. It seemed as though she was trying to brush you off half the time because she wasn't interested. How much do you bet that she was running her mouth off about you to her friends behind your back? Fine, I accept you wanted to tell people what happened in the end because, yes, we were all curious, but it just seems like you're making such a big deal out of it. You wrote 15 reasons about what you've learnt from this experience for God's sake. Additionally, what the hell is up with reason 13? Keep back ups? That's rather derogatary isn't it? And where do you get off telling me I'm wasting your time? No one forces you to anything, but yet you blame other people for your mistakes.
well im glad u saw how she rele was before it was too late and at least now ur not shy and hopeless at talking to girls. so u have improved ur interpersonal skills and now prob u have now become more experienced so that u can find the right girl for u. as they say what breaks u doesn't, it only makes u stronger. well gd luck with ur exams and stuff and i'm sure u will be able to catch up with all the work.
Everyone goes by looks first, looks is what makes you attracted to a person before you know them. Don't tell me when you walk into a bar you go and hit up on the ugly girls and ignore the pretty ones and how exactly is someone to suppose to know more about someone without wasting time? Is there a sign on her head that tells me all about her? I don't give a shit anymore what the hell she does and its my thread, I can say what ever the hell I want to say. No one is forcing you to read it, If you don't like it then don't fucking come into the thread and read it otherwise stfu. I didn't post here to listen to your shit. If you want to go rant about whatever the hell your problem is then go make your own thread.
Right so wolf, your post seems to sound like one long rant to me about how much of a b!tch that girl was. You seem to imply that you're over her in your post and that you're going to get on with things, but in my opinion you're quite clearly not. There's also the fact that you sound quite bitter, and make her seem to be a really bad person. You call her a former drug abuser, who still smokes occasionally, lol, hell who doesn't. Lots of people smoke occasionally, that doesn't make her an addict who's hooked on heroine. umm, you also said how she lied to a guy who wanted her to send him her notes, what would you have preferred her to do, tell him no, and sound like a complete b!tch? she just didn't want to send her notes to him, nothing wrong with a white lie. She goes clubbing, and spends a lot, there's nothing wrong with clubbing, most students do it, and as for spending, a lot of people also like shopping, even me, that doesn't make her a bad person or anything, and if she wants to spend loads, well that's up to her, its her money. Your grades suffered big time because of her? Did she hide all your notes away from you, or kidnap you for a month? If you had revised your grades would've been better, that's how it is. I'm sure she didn't drag you out or anything, so she's hardly to blame for that is she. I think it's time you stop blaming her for everything and get over it dude. On a final note, you seem to think xlai-wong-baox is out to get you, but what she's saying is basically right. The fact of the matter is that you wasted a year chasing after the same girl. Yes, attractiveness does play a major part in whether you like a girl or not, but chasing after her for a year, and then working out she's not right for you, well you only have yourself to blame. It's hardly the girls fault.
errr....why's everyone so pissed off all of the sudden....? dude....i think he gets the point now.... i think he got enough shiet to deal with atm & like wind said...lets be nice to each other oki -flow? -sorc
Er...I apologise for coming to a PUBLIC forum and reading a PUBLIC thread and giving my valid opinion. I see I was completely naive to think someone as arrogant and immature as you would take responsibility and criticism and not blame everyone else for their mistakes. Get over yourself already. You know what girls hate the most? Clingy, uncharming guys who won't stop talking to them on MSN and don't get the hint that when you say "I'm busy with work" when asked out that you mean that you aren't interested and stop following me around the mall. I wish she'd just said straight off that she wasn't interested and you'd got right out rejected. I'm sure it would be have been a much more pleasant experience for you. She would have been a bitch either way wouldn't she? And thank you for giving me insight into what guys like you are actually thinking and maybe next time I don't have to spare their feelings by lying and just tell them from the beginning that I am not interested. Oh, and I don't do girls.
wolf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it seems like you haven't talk to anyone about this *friends,family,animals* maybe you should let it out. but if thats too hard DRINK before you do it. say all the shit you want then sleep on it. afterwards when memories come back just laugh at it...... like HAHAHA IM A FOOL!!!!!!!!!! or picture naked ladies or HOT HOT HOT HOT females....