When it comes to children and school, safety always comes first… unless of course you live in China. Then safety comes right after a clean window. One elementary school in Beijing, China requires its children to clean the windows as routine task once a week. Every Wednesday, students climb out the classroom window, standing on a 10 centimeter (less than 4 inches) wide platform and clean the windows without any safety protection. Some windows are as high as 3 stories. The school officials say this is their way of shaping their students will and bravery. source: (WAN)
hahaha free and CHILD labor damn dont their parents say anything about it....crap.. "their way of shaping their students will and bravery" yeah great excuse....
it just won't be in the happy news...lol mayb something about children help keeping the skool clean? heheeh
^it's china though, i think they can find an excuse, i mean they already made up an excuse to make this happen i don't think it would be that hard for them to cover up their mistakes...
is it that screwed up over there? sounds like they have a pretty bad reputation with regards to safety and cover ups..
no idea... but theres not much on the news to read about wikipedia's blocked >< but im happy that i got utube back! they blocked it for a while
This is dangerous man. I wonder why they didn't use any cleaning materials to support the children to clean the window? Maybe they want to save cost