argh annoying girlfriend

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by ks.ayo, Nov 12, 2007.

  1. like u said... ur ready to dump her... n if u think u can work out a mutual break y wait for so long??

    if any of my bf referred me as the way u described ur gf i'd throw him out the window...

    i'm not really the type that wanna spend hrs on the phone... but i dun think a call a day is asking for too much... u just wanna know that person is still alive n it shows that ur on her mind... it's bs when guys say "i shouldn't need to say it... u should understand ur on my mind" how?? do we girls drill ur thick head open n read it?? i dunno abt ur gf but i dun need hrs n hrs of "i love u... u love me" crap... even a nice 10min chat is quiet enuf...

    i know a guy who spent over $1000 on his phone bill n did not even complaint a single word to his gf... kept spoiling her like a queen... i'm not saying all guys should do that... but when a guy is in love $$ just doesn't seem to b an issue *ahem* wongie *ahem* -whistle

    doesn't sound like ur in love this girl... do u feel like it's a waste of time n effort keeping this relationship going??
  2. tien317

    tien317 Well-Known Member

    Why wait?Just break up la...Feelings fading d...
  3. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    Dawn, that wouldnt be ur bf rite? -lol
  4. hahaha no way... like i said i'm not the type of girl that's got one ear n half her mouth glued to the phone -lol i find it annoying if a guy calls me too much... i prefer sms...
  5. kickunow

    kickunow Well-Known Member

    personally i dont think that she really cares for u since she doesnt want u to sleep at 12:30 in the morning.....
    also if she doesnt even care about ur sky high bills then....yeah.... u should just break up with her asap, it sounds like ur just wasting ur time with her
  6. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    Muahahaha, give me your # so i can send you loads of sms when im bored in class -bigsmile
  7. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    hahahaha dawn dawn....uve got a fan right here -inlove

  8. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    or would you like to be the one receiving my sms when im bored? :p
  9. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    the japanese doll do-er is after me....
    yessss wind....u didnt think i forgot ur lil nickname now did u? -lol

  10. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    hey, i moved on. :p now im pursuing real live dolls, no more plastic. -whistle

    and you, hows your crotch kicking? or you going for something else now? -innocent2
  11. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    NOOOO..of course not da crotch kicker for life
  12. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    Lol, somehow the way you said it reminds me of the way knoc types. -whistle
  13. Sweetsumigirl

    Sweetsumigirl Well-Known Member

    lol this sounds like a friend of mine.. He let it drag on for like 2 years already and she still calls him at like 2am at nite and sms him randomly after they hav broken up for almost two years. He doesnt reply her within the last few months. but they only wen out for like 5 months and it was a long distance realtionship too. Be he refuse to tell her that he is not interested in her any more. Also he doesnt just stop listeng to the phone calls. every she called him , she would end up crying because he wont take her back.. But he would comfort her which made her feel like there is a chance. I kinda say to my frd he is a dush for doing that. But he is very narrominded.. he blames his whole life on her even thou they date for 5 months... he talks behind her back after they broke up and still comforts her on the phone.. At one poing I found he very annoying because he came to me for advice every single time they got off the phone.. so i keep telling him to tell her the truth but he doesnt. Lets just say some people's personallity are similer but dont get a long with each other...(ex. my frd and his ex)
  14. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    ehhhh??? hahahaha....and wth is that suppose to mean????
    HOW DOES KNOC TYPE accordin to u windy boiiii????????
  15. deadman_inc

    deadman_inc Well-Known Member

    possibly suggestions is to get a better cell plan, but i guess that's not the main problem, the problem is what she wants you to do...but you do want to do it...

    i know how it feels, i went thru that phase as well, fresh couples tend to be needy of each other, but talk to her and let her know how you feel...

    and i know it sucks when one dates a close friend, it hurts your group of friends as they dont kno who to hang out happened to myself and my other friends, it really blows...
  16. prelude321

    prelude321 Active Member

    then she comes up with some bs lecture that i don't make her feel secure enough by not saying that.

    WHAT THE F***?!?!?!?!?!?!??!!?!?!

    omfg dude YOUR GIRLFRIEND IS LIKE MINE OMG IM GLAD SOMEONE IS IN THE SAME POSITION AS ME, holy shit, dude i feel your pain man, mine's worst, i need to say i love you the way she wants me to say it and if is not good for her i need to say it perfectly and with care in it, and also, if i do something wrong i need to apologize in the best and most perfect way ever!!!

    dude i came up with this conclusion, girls have too MUCH fucking feelings and is fucking confusing the shit out of us period. stop with your feelings!!! driving me nuts, but im not sure if i want to dump my gf, cause if i do i know alot of drama is gonna go on i thought about letting her go for 2 months now...i just dont watn to deal wit hthe wtf i thought u love me and all that crap....
  17. xdly

    xdly Well-Known Member

    if u think this way... and you know what she needs.. i think you should end relationship... sometimes i say the same to my bf... like... show me you love me!

    no you shouldnt tell her you love her every day... but yeahh... she'll feel insecure if you totally don't...
  18. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    yes windy. explain urself.
  19. honkiebonkie

    honkiebonkie Well-Known Member

    break up AFTER the formal :p
  20. adeliemiao

    adeliemiao New Member

    o.o" u problem reminds me of my ex bf..he called me up every night..and want me to talk with him at least for an hour =_=" so.. making it sounds more harsh..he seems like forcing me to make topic and talk with him..
    I dont talk much.. kinda silent type and do own stuffs ..yeah..sort of like that...

    well... u even said u r ready to dump her? lols.. she really pissed u off huh? poor thing...
    Show her the bill before u dump her =p