[youtube]hE7ny2bfXF0[/youtube] ----------------------------------------------------------- hmm looks good, still dont see the point of the kid in it
Wow I thought this movie would bomb, but I'm kinda of liking the style of the movie. The trailer has given me new hope. And ya I agree about the kid. The movie would prob be much better if they sticked to the same story or something similar.
^ wouldnt it be awesome if it was jet li/ jackie chan/a hot chinese actress, and that dude in white in the SPL movie? cant wait for the jet li/jackiechan fight scene tho
looks pretty awesome but if white dude kills jackie chani or something (whoever is the baddie) that would absolutely suck... This should've been strickly a chinese film. "wouldnt it be awesome if it was jet li/ jackie chan/a hot chinese actress, and that dude in white in the SPL movie?" Lol there should've been a movie with jackie chan/ jet li, jackie wu (dude from spl) and donnie yen altogether that is too good to be true though lol.
lol i was thinking that too but i sorta got rid of donnie yen cuz he is too old to play the kid, and we needed a hot girl of some sort in it lol edit: you know what i would love to see? a sparring match between bruce lee and jet li in their prime... wouldve had as much intensity as bruce lee vs chuck norris lol or even, bruce lee and jet li as main leads in a movie...
can't wait for the fight scence between jet li and jackie chan if there is one i feel that the white guy is being misplaced
looks great except for the white guy. I thought this was going to be based on the monkey king epic. The only thing I really see is the magic staff?
hopefully nice i'm a big fan of jackie..i realy its not just a simple movie tho...kinda not realy love the recent one... (such a long time not posting.....me tho)
hopefully this won't be a big disaster...didnt really see a Jet Li/Jackie Chan matchup in a Journey to the West movie....btw...why is the "trailer" dubbed with the Hero soundtrack?
i'm jet li's fan so i will watch..but my friend said even jet li/jackie chan said this movie is made to suit american people..they said asian people may not like this movie...oh well i will watch and see is it that bad
Hope this movie will be good and not cheesy. Too bad that this movie is probably going to be in english.
the movie looks alright. jet li and jackie chan are great actors and fighters, but they're nothing compare to bruce lee. he's ultimately the greatest. if he was still alive, kung fu movies would be worth watching.
i never thought jackie chan and jet li would be in a movie together i would see it but again i wouldnt wanna see jackie chan being the clown on and jet li being the serious killer in da movie