Price would be of main concern, but as other companies get into the higher capacity, they will try to outdo each other, bringing prices down--Hopefully
It's probably going to happen.... That's why most manufacturers anticipate the product to be out around 2009-2010... Give them extra time to R&D then possibly reduce the price while perfecting the technology (increasing the capacity too? -rolleyes)
lol sweet.. this can fit all my music, with spare 8 gb... 120 gb... and i dont even know why i have so much.. 120gb can last me over a life time lol
wow, 128gb. that is so much memory. But if it was up to me, I think I'm going to stick to my 2-8gb flash memory. Don't want to lose everything at once if the flash crashes or something.
Well.. they could put the card inside like a PDA or something small, as flash is more durable as HDD. And.. maybe as technology advances, we may see games in iPods and DAP's which may require more memory??
^^That's pretty impressive, guess I'll have to wait till 2015 for those to come out in the states lol.
Well, USB 3 is on its way mid 2008 to handle these flash memories! USB 3 is 10 times faster than USB 2.
128 GB flash in 2009, thats amazing. I sitll remember the days when I was happy to have a 256 MB flash drive...
i thought that those 8 gig micro sd cards were very impressive already. Now theres a 128 gig flash memory... i didnt expect for that to come out until maybe 10 or 20 years later. If they use that for a hard drive and the transfer rates are high i would probably get a flash hard drive. they would definitley be smaller than the ones that we have now.
I don't think it is going to take that long, 10 and 20 years is a very long time in the technology sector... You know that the personal computer, at least the ones we use nowadays (microprocessor), came into existence no more than half a decade ago, the internet is barely a decade old, and look where we are right now! not 5 years ago, TB is a new concept... and now there are already commercial 1 TB harddrives... So the product will more likely be released in a year or two...
yea. she is right. When I invented the internet, no one knew what it was, then microcrap came along and put in explorer &*&(*&...* I love taking credit for things
still waiting for the 16gb flash to drop in price lol hopefully by the end of next year they will have a cheap 32gb flash so i can upgrade my mp3 player with no regrets...