Heroes *Spoilers*

Discussion in 'Hollywood Entertainment' started by khaotic, Sep 24, 2007.

  1. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    whoever said that, i said the rules here said that hahahaha....so what you old punk then haha, would you rather be called that-rolleyes

    anyways sylar shouldn't die though, i still like sylar better as a villian though, maya on the other hand should die, no matter how hot she is, if only she had a better role well at least away from her bitch brother.

    I agree flying fag boy at top of my list, then bob, then bitch brother than others haha... we should make a thread to celebrate the loss of the flying boy once he's gone haha... i will be happy even if the season sucked.
  2. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    maya cant stay away fropm alejandro or she'll go all black bloody mary
    i just think its sooo annoying when shes screaming ALEJANDROOO....
  3. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    lmao, you joker....yea they're both annoying and an episode coming up in a couple of hours, hope it's gonna be good since it's part one of the final three.
  4. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    mehhhh...im so jealous....even though it kinda sux atm.....i still wanna see it...cuz im curious anyways
    but but....i have to wait like 2 daysss....
  5. cle

    cle Member

    I so agree. He's just annoying with his weird face expression and his annoying voice. I really hope Adam/Kensei whatever guy kills him... or even better.. Sylar =p they should also get rid of Molly, West, Mohinder and Nathan.. but gotta love Kristen Bell though =D
  6. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    i dont like molly either....shes a bit annoying....and psycho....lol...funny how she yells at parkman
    parkman looks like a wussy lol

    disagree on kirsten...shes an annoying pain in the buttocks man
    & also....nathan is cool....nothing wrong with nathan imo....=/
  7. BigC

    BigC Well-Known Member

    It's my first time watching heroes today, now I want to start from season 1.
  8. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    Just finished this week's episode on TV.


    Overall it was good -shock. Almost every character has gotten less annoying except for Clare <_<. And the characters that did get a little annoying like Mohinder. I actually didn't expect the pussy docter to kill Benett. And I didn't expect him to come back O_O. Its good that he came back, because if he didn't it would have been to early.

    And Hiro's story is still my fav arc of the show. Overall this episode has given me hope again.
  9. lol you can say it was quite suspenseful...

    dont like mohinder now... youre right.. he is a pussy doctor..


    HIRO VS PETARSE!! sick...
  10. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    More spoilers......
    Lol I don't like him either, but its not a bad dislike. It keeps me somewhat interested in his character, because you would have never expected this guy to kill someone (cause he's a pussy). It adds some of the needed depth in his character. Unfortunately it resulted in hatred from viewers (including me), but still kind of happy he had the balls to do it.

    And Parkman abusing his power :\. Shows what these powers can really do to people. Parkman can get the info he wants, so why not use his power?
  11. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    dude i agree with you completely on this, fag flying boy was annoying in the first 5 mins but he seriously got less annoying later on. Un-fucking believable i can't believe it, it's like magic lol, like when he became the "backup plan" shoulda been that character a long time ago lol. Also i didn't understand when they fall, why didn't claire become squashed like a pancake lol, i mean she ain't clark kent (this scene was kinda ripped from smallville) like her body is still destructable. Also i thought they kinda rushed the benett family story cause claire switched from hating to loving so suddenly it was pretty unbelievable lol, but it's better off ended i guess and claire suddenly becomes the most annoying character in this episode, right next to bob. and yes mohinder is a bitch in this episode. hated the guy i was like wtf!!! at first but the revive thing, even though i knew that can happen, never expected that. yes it was good that he came back since he's one of my favorite character. Parkman is becoming more evil, abusing his powers and all but it kinda made him cooler. Also yea Hiro's sotry was freaking awesome, have all the emotional moments and it was really interesting even though i think we all already knew who the real killer is.

    Anyways a good episode, i dunno if it really pushes the story all the way forward, but it got some annoying things out of the way lol.
  12. cle

    cle Member

    I thought this episode was surprisingly good. My favorite scene was when they were going to make that "trade", it had all the action I was waiting for. LOL. I'm beginning to hate Mohinder more and more by the episode, and Bob annoys the sh*t out of me. =p I really hoped Noah actually died in this episode, Heroes has just a too big of a cast. Hiro's storyline was kinda boring, as usual, but it was better than the whole in-the-past-Japan storyline, IMO. =p
  13. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    Well Clare is an annoying b*tch (mind the language). Her emotions are so on and off, I don't see how flying boy can survive with her as his girlfriend. :O and does no one except me like the fact that Mohinder shot bennet and that he showed that he was capable of more than being just a pussy doctor?

    and I think Bob shows a somewhat nice constrast to Clare's father, although its not much of a contrast. Just somewhat.
  14. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    holy shit i hate that west dude lol

    he has this stupid stare lol
    #174 fearless_fx, Nov 20, 2007
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2007
  15. cle

    cle Member

    I hope West will be killed off soon. I thought from the beginning that the writers were pushing these two to become a couple, and now they changed his hatred towards HRG in like a few mins. Doesn't seem realistic to me. =p
  16. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    even though west got less annoying this episode, we gonna have a celebration thread when he dies cause everyone here hates him so much hahaha....but i doubt that will happen cause there are only 2 more episodes left and they can't waste a minute of it lol.
  17. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    Finally watched the latest ep!!!! and finally some action!!!!!
    this must have been the best episode of this whole entire season man...
    crap....its starting to get interesting

    Omggggg....yesss....i hate mohinder...did i not say before...
    hes a useless piece of turd...omg....hes so stupid and naive....
    like a lil doggy omg....dislike him even more....i think he should die...!!
    i hope bob kills him for being an idiot....and then elle kills her dad for making her that way....
    && then peter petrelli kills her for being a biatch or something then we got rid of all the useless and annoying ppl

    oh shiet...should think of a way for maya and her twin bro to die too man...
    Claire is pretty annoyin in this ep....totally agree....!!

    Parkman rocks man...mind controller....i love his new and improved skill!

    I told u guys...dont hate on wes...at least he was good for something this episode eh.....!!
    that first scene where he scooped bennet was pretty dumb....=/

    ahahaha...then i guess its not a good idea to come here?

    dude ur just jealous cuz u like hayden lol

    another hater....haahahaha
  18. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    ^basically everyone should kamikaze each other and all the characters should die haha....and there would be a new season with fresh heroes, or maybe not...
  19. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    yeah! well..... You're GAY! -er
  20. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    aaaah...brilliant idea nas....-noclue

    in case of lack of imagination the writers should try that lol