well...its almost 9pm over here..but yeah...ive had a lazy day anyway....went out for a bit earlier and then stayed home and told my friend to come over.... just nice and relaxed hehe but hey...at least u can PA at work hehe
^ True, but i get up at 6am everyday of the week for school, after school is work. Not to mention that the finals are coming up and im so behind in my studies... gotta prioritize my time. Less PA n more hwk and study. :(
yes....thats tha way to go... better finish ur hw or else u wont get dinner and u sleep with the dogs in the shed tonight
lol damn i just spent an hour at a radiology clinic looking at ultrasounds of different organs with this doctor from argentina for a career investigation. probably one of the most educational things iv done all year. doctors are smart people, but u like never actually get to have a conversation with one because they are always so busy. i guess getting a degree in radiologic technology would actually be quite solid, but at the moment its still my back up for my back up
boring eh..... well.. at least its better than people thinking compsci is boring.. its NOT. it develops your brain to problem solve. its a time killer, and it is hella useful. without them, PA would not be accessible to you all lol
heehhe, see fearless angie can't live with out u here! i miss my bio stuff >.< its like the most interesting stuff eva!!