speaking of which... considering i work with bikes... helmets are a must for 18 years and under... so you children can get fined for not wearing helmets here lol its against the law! as for adults, no need, but if you break your face, dont go complaining lol
Slow biking + neighborhood+ no tricks= no helmet cmon nobody gets hurt like that Fast biking+ rocky terrain+ "its dangerous"= SUPER HELMET i think everybody agrees to that
> > Nah I don't wear helmet's the stuff sticks to your hair and hurts to get out, and it's not like some car is randomly gonna come out of the damn streets and gonna hit chyo ass unless you stupid enough to ride in the streets.
I bike without helmet .. it is a hassle to put it and it gets on my eyes. I rather go without helmet.
i never wear a helmet, imo it doesn't really do jack for you, most of the time when u fall the only injuries are scrapes on the knees or elbows =_= and why should the authorities make u wear it? since when did they ever care about my safety, i mean if they did they prob woulda taken old ppl off the roads n prevent them from driving cuz thas where the real danger is
maybe not for you, but theres also the safety for those who sold you the bike lol if you break your face, they dont want to risk having you sue them for a faulty bike, even if it was a perfectly fine bike and plus, what if out of a blue moon some guy pulls up, and you flip onto his car, and still break your face? [youtube]kbmp8L0D5ro[/youtube]