Proof 1: If God were omnipotent, he would be able to create fire without combusting flammable gas. But the laws of physics say that fire cannot exist without a source. If God were omnipotent, he would be able to make an atom not move at all but still have a temperature above absolute zero. The laws of physics say this is impossible, therefore, God cannot do that. The laws of math say that four is divisable by two. If God were omnipotent, he'd be able to change that. But it is impossible to change a number from being even to odd without changing the value of the number. Also, you cannot be drinking and not be drinking at the same time. Not even God can do that. Therefore, God is not omnipotent. Therefore, God does not exist. Proof 2: The story of Jesus has overwhelming similarities to the story of Horus from Egyptian mythology. If you read the book titled "The Jesus papers", you will see incontrovertable proof that Jesus was rescued from the cross and was still alive in 40 AD. It is likely that afterwards, those who rescued him forged the gospels to create a false religion based on the story of Horus. Proof 3: Spirits cannot exist due to the following law of physics: All things are composed of matter or energy. If something is not matter or energy, it is an empty space in the universe. Spirits are supposed to be made of neither matter or energy. Therefore they defy the laws of physics. If something defies the laws of physics, it is impossible. If something is impossible, it cannot exist.
Can you explain the physics law of love then? Love cannot be measured by physics, does it mean that love does not exist? -er
Love, like all things bound to the universe, is non existent without some amount of physics and chemistry attached to it. As a scientist cynically pointed out, cupid’s arrows would never have been effective if they had not been first dipped in one unromantically named chemical- phenylethylamine. Nor would the human body’s reaction have given us dramas like Romeo and Juliet, if oxytocin did not have its way. Together these two form the chemistry of love. The common symptoms of love, including sweaty palms, shaky knees and general restlessness, are caused by a natural chemical, Phenylethylamine (commonly dubbed the `love molecule'). Its release from the brain can be triggered from deceptively simple actions like the meeting of the eyes or touching of the hands. Heady emotions, racing pulses and heavy breathing results, and all these are (unfortunately) clinically explained as an overdose of this chemical. A very interesting thing is that chocolate is known to have very high level of this chemical…perhaps that’s the reason why it is considered a perfect gift for valentine. Or for your sweetheart. The latest discovery is the arrangement of molecules in this chemicals and the whole world is excited because now, like the witches of the yore, we can actually concoct love potions. In other words, mankind could be on its way to isolating the chemical compound and making drugs that can induce these reactions in us, in other words….you take the drug, and you fall in love with the next person you see. Imagine the chaos that the world will face. But the scientists say that as of now, this discovery will be used to find out how it can help in some other chemical reactions, to cure disease or other, more useful pursuits and research (though everyone agrees what can be more useful than making someone fall with in love you!!!!)
I'm not asking you to join though If you post be sure to stick it in the topic, not just posting anything that's out of topic.
personally for me, religion were created to explain what science could not prove. now that science can prove almost everything, we really don't need to use religion as a way to tell us how the world was created. however, religion also keeps the society in order, and we need that. we can say god does not exist, but should not have negative views on religion. thats my input =) (of course until they totally screw with people's mind and corrupt ppl or rape lil boys but let's not talk about that)
That still doesnt explain where the emotions come from, does it? You pointed out the s/s but where do emotions derive actually from? Yes, hormones and chemical compounds do play a role but is it merely a simple "interaction" between 2 compounds that cause humans what we feel? If it was that simple, why dont the scientists invent a drug that can promote universal love and minimize hate? Physics and chem can attempt to explain certain things, granted that it is useful in our daily life, but back to basic humans emotions, it simply doesnt cut it out.
Nothing is wrong...CHILL OUT dude we tend to go offtopic....-pirate thats PA...mods give members a lot of freedom..and u will get ur discussion bout this.... dont worry...
I'm kinda serious about thise because I'm so freaked out about it, I posted this in the other forums so I get any information in what they think about the theory. I'm so emotional about this now (lmao NOT!). All I want is just some serious opinions that's stays in the topic. 5. Stay on topic! from
hahaha....damn...are u always bitchin like this...? did u not go offtopic in that other thread where u were going all snoop dogg on us? u did say "off topic off topic" but u were doing it too....hypo..... just chill....-cool2
I ain't bitchin, I aint startin to go off-topic. Correct me if I'm wrong, I didn't start the off-topic there. -innocent
well...u didnt start but u did go with not bitchin about u going offtopic cuz i dont have a problem with that lol...did u also read the rule 3. Please avoid double posts. The EDIT button is RIGHT there. and so is the multi quote button... -sorc cool...not mad or whatever....dunno if he is though... im just giving him my opinion hehe @smoke this should say enough