Proof that God does not exist

Discussion in 'Philosophy & Religion' started by BigSmoke, Dec 3, 2007.

  1. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    she was referring to jli as an example of what double posting is.
  2. BigSmoke

    BigSmoke Well-Known Member

    So mine wasn't double post there, aight, my bad. I'll remember that.
  3. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    u were..anyways..right on..
  4. LoL i cant be bothered with this one. its just a variation of what weve gone over many times before. -smart

    i like watching naruto and bleach. -noclue

    seriously though.... chill out or no one will cooperate with you.

    Aww, ok ill have a quick pop at them.

    Proof 1. God created all things including fire, God set an order (LAW) to how fire would manifest, this involves the things you mentioned. Without those manifestations; fire wouldn’t be. In reality that’s a stupid argument, its like asking for ice that is not cold. Could God do it?, yes, would god do it?, I doubt it. As I said, stupid argument.

    Proof 2.
    from the garden of Eden God told the plan of redemption to Adam and Eve in the presence of Satan. He had thousands of years to counterfeit the plan of redemption in the attempt to trap people like you. If you was in such a position wouldn’t you set traps? Or do you think Satan is stupid?

    Your “The Jesus papers" may say one thing but the word of God says another. What would you expect from a; lets be honest, Jesus hater. If the “The Jesus papers" is your gospel then so be it.

    proof 3 The laws of physics can not comprehend the Spirit realm, I see you have a very high and absolute regard for human wisdom which is ever changing and always being updated and corrected. Yes the things of God defy the things of man and tbh there are many on PA who don’t believe in God but are well aware of spirits and higher powers.

    #24 master_g, Dec 3, 2007
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2007
  5. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    lol u can't argue against god... people who believe in a higher being will tend to pass off any proofs of his nonexistence by using phrases like - 'he works in mysterious ways.'

    you can't disprove something that has never been proven anyway, ultimately the whole thing is pretty futile.
  6. AsanPride

    AsanPride Well-Known Member

    Can you explain why God created dinosaurs in the beginning? And also, in the beginning the world was one big piece of land, if God created this, why did he chose to separate the land into different continents afterwards, did God make a mistake? Just curious...
  7. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    ^was God a dinosaur? hahaha......


    was jesus taking rides on dinos...holy crap
  8. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    lol good shit
  9. frostshards

    frostshards Well-Known Member

    i agree with fearless. religious people do not offer evidence to battle evidence. Instead, they dig out more of their beliefs that have not been proven to exist. an argument like this can go on forever, but the atheist can not hope to win. why is this? because religious people have one answer for every single piece of evidence someone can pull up. " god did it" eventually, the atheist will run out of evidence, whereas the christian can continue to use his one and only argument.

    I have a question for you. why believe in christianity, but scoff at scientology? christians have just as much proof of their god existing as scientologists do, which is zero. To me, both theories are equally far fetched, but neither can ever be disproven. a scientologist can offer the same arguments as you have given, and there will be no way for you to prove that his theory is incorrect. So should we be worshipping xenon or god?
  10. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    its Xenu

  11. frostshards

    frostshards Well-Known Member

    ok my bad xenu lol nice pic i think its obvious im not a scientologist.
  12. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    dude you got flipped by mutherfuckkin xenu haha....even though i have no clue who the hell is that.

    gotta kiss up to jesus sucka


    damn atheists!!!!

    i'm not christian or an atheist so don't hate on me, i'm an agnostic , i fight for the peace hehe....
  13. lol no offense but this is thinking inside the box.

    (i cannot believe i will be using descartes philosophical theories. the dude is high.)

    Counterproof 1: God may have his own source of fuel, oxygen and spark. We will never know. Do you know? Have you met God? As for 2|4, that's just the human perspective of things. I'm not gonna get into what Descartes says about this, but long story short, we as humans appear to believe 2|4. but thats just us. how do we know 2|4? how can we be certain 2|4? it is just an axiom that we use. if you have studied Descartes' philosophy, you would understand. if you didnt, im not gonna bother explaining.
    anyways, if those are your only premises to lead to the fact that God is false, youre wayyyyyy off buddy. you gotta come up with inarguable premises.

    counterproof 2: ok, so Jesus was saved, and the Bible was falsified. still doesnt stop people from believing that God MAY exist.

    counterproof 3: according to psychics, spirits live in a different level of frequency we do. some people (usually children at young age) can even feel the vibrations emitted by those frequencies. if something has a frequency which causes vibration, then it must have an energy. (for those who are skeptical, you have the right to be, but do no dismiss it just because you think its improbable. just because science cant explain it doesnt mean its false.) but the main thing about spirits is, how is this argument related to God?
  14. frostshards

    frostshards Well-Known Member

    go read up scientology. its pretty funny . something about aliens being thrown into volcanos. im noit hating on christians. im just saying that its ridiculous for them to accuse others of believing in the wrong thing wen theres nothing that proves their belief is actually right. Many wars were started because of this ethnocentrism.
  15. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    not really on topic but just a reply about some of the things that i have read here in this section

    i am a catholic...
    cant say ive been a good girl, i know i sinned and all that.. and dont go to church regularly but i do believe there is a god out there and also i believe in jesus...
    i dont think other ppl should be forced to believe in something and i believe one can only believe out of free against that...
    nor do i try to persuade others to become one cuz i dont really care....

    i dont expect ppl to become catholic cuz i am...but i do expect ppl to respect other religions
    what u guys have been doing is quite childish imo....
    i mean....u guys keep making fun about jesus and god...
    i know this is a public forum and that u guys can say whatever u like but some respect
    i never say stuff about other religions nor do i make fun of them like the way u do...
    ive got friends who are muslim, my mum is buddhist and ive got some christian and hindu friends as well...

    its just my 2 cents...i just hope u guys understand what im sayin...
  16. frostshards

    frostshards Well-Known Member

    i fail to see how i am making fun of ur religious beliefs. i too have family members who are bhuddist and christian. my uncle is actually a pastor! i was merely pointing out the fact that there is no way to win this argument and that there is no reason to believe one's religion is superior to others.

    edit: oh and i realize im off topic too , but i believe that what ive said is definitely something that should be thought about.
  17. i admit that cracked me up..
  18. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    it wasnt directed to u...
    the ones who make fun of other religions know who they are...
    im not tryna just tellin u guys how i feel
  19. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    we make fun of other sacred things that people believe anyways why can't we make fun of god... like the stoning to death of people is considered sacred in some countries to those people and we make fun of that and talk about that belief cause we think it's ridiculous...we are able to say negative stuff about that type of stuff (i know that is really bad on violating human moralities and all) but why are we not allowed to talk about god in a negative way. it's just an opinion i mean it's not like you guys can't defend. also like somebody makes fun of george bush or some other world leaders or something that looks stupid to us while it is important to some cultures, some people will definitely be offended but we do that anyways. it's just the freedom of speech that's why i'm trying to say. the thing is if you guys disagree just don't take it in. it's not like it's aimed at a certain person, well unless you guys treat jesus as more valuable than your parents then i have to say i'm sorry no hard feelings....but it's not like i'll conform, just ignore my posts about my "perspectives" haha...
  20. lol scientology is just weird...

    and as for the christian thing, i agree in full.

    in the next few lines, im gonna bust out my philosophy lecture notes.

    and i fully agree with "theres nothing that proves their belief is actually right"

    reason being, if we were to use descartes theories, an individual only has his/her senses to base things on.

    so if i say im touching an apple, i may think im touching an apple, and i may see it, feel it, smell it and taste it, but theres no proof that im actually holding an apple.. we cant depend on others to say im holding an apple, because my hearing may be false... it could be our imagination... essentially descartes says that theres nothing concrete that links us to the external world (where the apple really is).. so if we cant trust our senses, theres nothing much that can prove that whoever's beliefs are right..

    so if people go ahead and say that their religion is right and the rest are wrong, they cant prove it, which makes them look like fools..

    i am not directing this at christians and catholics in any way. this is more directed to religious extremists.