nice how the glass absorbs all the energy. that is messed up now you are not dead yet and missing an arm. that means painnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
yikes i actually expect it was the explosion and not the penetration that does the destruction to it i hope never in my life to meet situation with rocket lanchers
that was cool!! my first thought was hit glass and exploded... but it partially goes through then explodes... might not be enough to kill u but u'll loses some limbs
u got evil plans there m8 but nah cba to waste my time on angie death.. ill just send a allah ahkbar guy on the same plane as angie when she is going back to ur sissy town ;P
seems like ur more evil who knows, while shes on the plane, she mite have all the passengers on the plane hold some rocket launchers aiming at u -whistle
heyyy i am from SE london it isnt that bad yous are just letting your imaginations get the hold of ya well i havent had a rocket through my window i can tell you now or any bullets to be precise ^^ i'll keep ya updated if i get any missles/rockets/bullets through my window