First off, I understand what your getting at with the unity between faiths. But the law imprinted on our heart via our conscience is from God, the same God. But we believe you need Jesus. As for the Jesus and Mohammed parallel, Jesus never spoke of a god called Allah or a Islamic paradise etc, and Mohammed flatly denied the divinity of Jesus and even claimed he was never crucified. So they can’t be the same people in different bodies because the bible says God is not the author of confusion and God never changes. Or God said you live once then you are judged, but Buddhism says (I believe) you pass onto a next life (after a process). The bible shows that when you die there is no next chance. But things like that show they are not the same people and the paths are different.
buddy calm down lol i never said Jesus and the Prophet being the same person, i said they are counterparts. i dont know what happened between the two, but what ive been trying to say is for the people who follow their respective religions, they follow their respective masters; you, Jesus, and they, the Prophet. i said nothing about the similarities/differences between religions. i dont really care about resurrection or reincarnation, nor do i care if the Prophet and Jesus had beef. all i care is the GOOD teachings they may have passed on in any scriptures (you, the Bible, and they, whatever scriptures they have). so again, this does NOT revolve around what people believe or what path religions take. the topic i was talking about revolves on the teachings that one human being can use to his/her advantage.
^ hey im calm lol -innocent2 well in terms of moral teachings they can be found in all or most religions as i think you was saying. -sweat
^ that is what im saying and i think that is what we should focus on instead of debating on whos right and whos wrong about the true origins of religions..
aye, BUT its impossible for Christianity to do that because its not based on that. But it is based on who's saved (with Jesus) and who's unsaved (without), actually its a command. so because of that we cant just say "hey were all doing good deeds so its ok".... as we dont believe doing good can save you.. anyway i can get into it more tomorrow i gota go bed now, laters.
answer me this tomorrow: so based on our previous discussions from long ago, will i be going to hell because i dont believe?
it is, but if you recall our threads when brain was around, apparently this rhetorical question has been answered by the Christians.
what did happened to BabyRain? she was one of those few people that could really REALLY get on my nerve. -sigh- i do miss her -tear- lol.
How do u make ure own forum? btw there is no proof that any god exists and people can say that even the new testament is a fake as it is written by people after jesus' death
haha ... sweet, but such a gesture would be unlikely for a relationship that consisted so much loathing. lol.
HAHAHAHA nice one wind, yes its true, my answer would be the same. lol true religion forum was the place to be. feel sorry for any dude who signs up on her forum named as master_g AND happens to be Christian lol -sweat.
I think morality, right, and wrong are all products of social evolution. Social interations within a society molds the people within them. Just look at all the different societies of the world no matter how small and you'll see my point. @dann lol she made her own forum hahahaha and I made a sarcastic remark to her about it and she got pissed off at me and basically told me to never visit her forum... lol