No she pm'd me an invite here and I jokingly said that her being here at PA was all part of her master plan to steal members. She didn't take it too well. Told me to forget about the invite haha...
You mean the few people who could make you flee a thread when you got owned? -whistle Hahaha Dann, You know me quite well
Oh puhleeeezzz who was the one talking about people behind their back? I wasn't insulting by the way, just stating facts. -whistle
-what? I'm not allowed to mention you when you're not here? and plus, i did not say anything derogative? why are you taking it so personal?
Yawn, this is just like a case of the pot calling the kettle black.. So let me make this clear... you are allowed to mention me getting on your nerves while I am not allowed to mention anything about you fleeing threads? Lol.. Puhleeezz no cheapshots ok? Be prepared for comebacks if you wanna take a hit at someone.
haha .. ok. -huh first all -- my post was objective. you did get on my nerve (at times) -- but that did not mean that i thought you were a bad person. for the most part, i respected you for your strong will. however, your statement is not objective -- how do you know that i left PA for a bit b/c i was "getting owned"? You can only assume that -- with the relevant information (which was nothing really) to come to that opinion. therefore, my statement is much different from your statement. you clearly wanted to insult me. where i just state a truth i had.
Actually no, my statement was really objective as well... You did not leave PA, you only quit and abandon the threads which you couldn't answer/reply to... so technically, you flee'ed the threads. And if you are not satisfied, maybe you can do a vote on this.. I am not the only one with this opinion that you flee'ed the threads... so being that the opinion could be a general public opinion, then it means I am not 'insulting' you but just stating an objective remark.
seriously, whatever. BabyRain. you want to have the last word. you can have it. but i do want to clarify -- true, i did address some of the questions asked without any answers -- however, that was b/c i could not at that time. an excuse, but an honest reason. however, i would like to think that my knowledge of my religion and my understanding of Christianity is ever growing. therefore, in the future, i hope that i will be able to answer those questions i could not before with better reasoning and logic.
Actually, with you, it's not that I want to have the last word.. but because I can't help having the last word.
^ nevermind i wasnt talking to you. those who know will understand... Hey you like bleach Coool, cant wait for next ep, Nell is awesome and that other big hollow dude "Dontcha know".. anyway ill stop going on.
I was only asking... please, this is a forum if you are mentioning someone in specific please quote them ok? I do love Bleach as well, but this is not in the right section, if you wanna discuss it go to the anime discussion forum will you?
i do not think that master_g was referring to any specific conversation or quotation. if you were around in the early and mid-season of this year (most likely, considering your post counts) -- there were some heated debates within the Philosophy and Religion forum. therefore, i think master_g was just describing this short-lived exchange of words to be a re-occurrence of the "not so long ago" past.
He said he wasn't talking to me, so it's only natural that I asked out of curiosity, if he wasn't talking to me he must be referring to another person...