lolz yeah it was a misunderstanding which is why i just remained ultra-passive to end it asap instead of defending myself. -innocent i wasn't referring to a person, i was referring to a time, a little while ago, unless i quote a whole bunch of threads i wouldn't have been able to satisfy your requirement of quoting a 'person/s' BUT it was a misunderstanding so nevermind. -sweat
^proof that god doesn't exist? lol. and here i thought i was about to read an anti-christ thread. but just as entertaining...
It's like what my religion teacher said... all things in the world like the big bang are biggest peices of bull because things in the world can't go from disorder to order.. that just doesn't make since. The world is being currupted by our sins "we don't take care of the world like God told us too". Also all the statements you said were all base on logic that there is no God, which is pretty closed minded. You have to take the perspected of both parties. Spirits are not logical if you put sience in it obviously... it's a supernatural thing. How bout u answer questions like were did we come from.. how are we so perfectly formed even though our bodies are so complex.. how is it that we aligned just right with the sun that we don't from heat or from cold. The world is just place to perfectly in all areas to say there is no greater being that created it all. Also Horus is the egyptians twisted form of Jesus. They just reword things from the words written and apply it to their own religion.. Lots of religions do this. And you can't ask stupid qustions like you can and can't be drinking at the same time.. that's just stupid and redundant. Only a one that has been backed to a corner would ask such stupid and overall useless questions. IF YOUR GOING TO SAY GOD DOESN'T EXIST ASK REAL QUESTIONS NOT STUPID THINGS THAT ONLY THE BIGGEST RETARDS WOULD ASK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But if you want to ask stupid questions like these read this book if you really want to learn anything it's by an author named Josh Mcdowell who was once a strong advocate aginst christianity but was changed when questions like yours were answered "Answers to Tough Questions Skeptics Ask About the Christian Faith"!! GO FIND THIS BOOK AND READ IT!!!!!!!!!! IN ONE SHORT ANSREW ALL YOUR QUESTIONS!!! GOD CAN DO ANYTHING HE WANTS HE'S GOD!!!
i really didn't want to comment on this thread. religion is such a sensitive issue with everyone. the religious and the athiest. i can't say i'm super religious. i light an incense from time to time and on big religious days. my mom is the one that is quite religious. anyways, after reading a few of the threads...i just feel...i dunno what the exact word is...i guess the closest thing is confusion piled on with some, well, mild anger....sorta. i agree with dann and basically just trying to live ur life to the utter good that u can. murderers find jesus and so all the bad they have caused is okay? because they find jesus and accept him, then he will walk the right path to heaven? how is that acceptable? oh geesh...i'm sure i've pissed a lot of ppl off. please don't get mad. i just don't comprehend how someone can tell me that i'm not a good person and will perish in hell because i didn't want to believe in jesus. it's a never ending argument, i understand. recently, my mom was very sick and in the hospital for awhile and this nurse just harangued on her because she wasn't Christian and that she will go to hell unless she chose to choose the "right" path. i just made me incredibly angry. maybe i will go to hell. maybe i will spend my eternity playing cards with the devil. who knows? u and i won't know till our times comes. but honestly, i don't need ppl coming to my door telling me i don't believe in the "right" thing and that i am a horrible person for not believing Him. if jesus wants peace, he should have recognized that ppl are all built on differences. from our hair, eyes, nose, mouth to our minds. as long as our hearts are in a good place, it should be enuf.
i dont think playing cards in hell is what eternal punishment is all about. i would think hell would be something more along the lines of getting your intestines torn out of your body and eaten by some demons while you are still alive and watching it happen for all eternity. hell would probably suck for the first few hundred years, but i bet you'd get used to it.
Well.. short ansrew is.. yes u will go to hell..And anyone can do good... an axe murder helps pick up trash on the street.. yes he's good right he should go to paradise.. No it's when you recoginize your sin and want forgiveness that saves you not trying to do good works.. Those who do good works yeh, it's nice but it's all in vain because they think this balances out there wrong deeds.. Which is just stupid because you'd have to do an eternitys good work to even make your ur sinful life. And yes a murder can go to heaven if he is truly repentant and wants to change his ways.. and not to mention has faith in Jesus Christ and the salvation he brings.. Like the thief that was was on the cross next to Jesus, he was truly repentant and recognize Jesus as the Lord and savior that's why he was saved.. If you honestly have questions you should go seek answers out side these fourms mate.
no no, its quite alright, you raised the same question that i had... i dont see how, a murderer will be pardoned of his/her sins if they believe in Jesus, while a non-believer who had done nothing but good in life will go to hell.. that seriously is so messed up, its beyond my comprehension.. first off, i wish your mom the best.. and you have the right to be angry at that nurse.. i fail to see the compassion for the ill... not only that, i fail to see how such... evil (the nurse) will not be able to go to hell because she simply believes in Jesus... that's actually my biggest question towards Christians.. why would a believer who has sinned be allowed to go to heaven, while a non-believer who has done immense good, will go to hell? if that is what is like to be a Christian, no offense or anything, i'll pass...
lol nope. internet isnt the greatest place to convey such things lol i learned it the same way, so now i put "[/sarcasm]" to mean it lol
naw man. i think thats what the christians want you to believe and trick you into converting. im pretty sure hell is more like a massive party.....or orgy....where youre high or drunk most of the time. and the devil is like the host and he gets to do anyone he wants cuz hes top dog. so i guess ill see u and lee lee there. and heaven is like 24/7 bible study. and their ideal conversations are like, where u got people like master g quoting the bible and have other people guessing which verse/chapter/person/paragraph/or whatever you call it, came from.
Depends on whether your on the side thats dealing or getting dealt lmao... If the whole christian trinity thing was used you could actually say God can drink and not drink at the same time hehe.
Voice and expression are important factors when one attempts to execute the lowest form of wit. As dann said, the makeshift [/sarcasm] tag will help get your point across.