hey sorry for double posting but also anyone out there is really into working out? or like exercising? any tips for me? because during high school i worked out with this friend of mine he works out monday through friday for 3 hours a day and i didnt seem to grow or anything my body was hurting. so body builders or whoever loves to work out give me some hints and tips please, my Goal is to get very lean and cut up NOT ARNOLD BUFF i dont like those big muscles i like the very lean n fitted ones, how many days should i work out? and how long? and how many times should i work out my arms for example twice a week or once a week just like any other part? thanks
if you want to get lean use light weights, about half of the max weight u can do. do around 3 reps and change the muscles u're working on so u don't plateau. use weight machines if u're new/don't know how to work out properly, free weights are only good if u KNOW how to use them.
i know alot about about bodybuidling! but still got a lot more the learn! the key is the keep reading and educating yourself. Bodybuilding.com www.t-nation.com/ is where i get most of my knowledge from dont worry about getting ARNOLD BUFF, cause with that attitude u wont even get NEAR it. it take dedication, trianing right, resting right and EATing right. i would not follow Draconiux advice... 50% your max at 3 reps.. thats ridculous, dont u think its too easy? well. actualy depends on how many sets. 10sets of 3 reps may sound reasonable heres a guy who created the 10x3 http://www.t-nation.com/readArticle.do?id=795366 i may be wrong (im not 100% correct, ive only been lifting for 1yr+) but i say a beginner should learn how to use free weights at the very start! machines isolate ur work outs too much, the suporting/balancing mucles arnt worked out at all, causes all sorts of problems, like imbalance, injuries. you got a friend right? if he doesnt know what his doing, READ online. incorporate the 3 MAIN lifts in your workouts. BENCH PRESS, SQUAT, DEAD LIFT, this stuff have been said to increase testosterone for muscle growth. first of all we gota know where your at now. are you fat? normal? skinny? obviously a fat guy trains differently to a skinny guy. nevertheless you must start eating clean, reduce fatty food, but not all! they say bodybuilding is 80% nutrition the rest is training and rest.. and maybe otherr stuff.. dont train for 3 hours! maximum 1hr!! "but more is better?" you ask? not here... after 1 hr your testosterone will run out, and your catabolic hormones come into action. this means, your body starts breaking down your muscles. so u will actually lose, rather than gain. your a beginner, you only really need to train everybody part once a week. dont you feel sore too work them out again? maybe ur noit working them hard enough? some people dont even specificaly train arms, because training other body parts, like bench press. work your arms as well as your chest. working out more could give u the opposite resuts, but everyones different... but 2 times a week MAX! cardio is very important in staying lean and cut. running on the treadmill 2 or 3 times a day. some people do it for an 1hr, i do 30mins. depends on what intensity your aiming at. u will have to read up on this. id recommend 30mins, jogging, or running each time. dont do this after workouts/lifting. because when lifting you are trying to consume more to build muscles, but cardio burns doing the opposite. so keep cardio on separate days. IT IS NOT EASY GETTING "get very lean and cut up" if you have anymore Qs, please ask, i know there are other experienced lifters on this forum.
wait so don't run after you work out? can i run before i lift weights? because i see alot of people run after they lift weights or before lifting weights, and once a week per a body part isnt that too less?
you see alot of people do it cause alot of people dont know what there doing. cause this is relatively "new" discoveries that i read. with scientific research. some people still train the the "old method", caus they dunno about the new research and findings. just try to keep weight lifitng days and cardio seperate days. but if u really want to, do it before weights, although i wouldnt advise.. once a week per body part to less? well it depends on how hard you train them? do u do full body workouts? or seperate it to upper and lower body days? or do a seperate body part a day? liek chest day, shoulders day? arms day? legs day? (MUST HAVE A LEG DAY) maybe if you do full body workouts, or upper , lower body days, you should train body parts more than once a week. but if u do seperate body parts a day. and feel like you need more? maybe your not pushing your self hard enough in that 1 hr? do you know your limits? have u trained your self, that you literally drop the weights, face red, heart pounding, gasping for breath, on your knees, sweat coming down your whole body? and than continuing on to your next excersise. not stoping between sets to chat wiht friends, stare at the ceiling, day dream? making every secound of your time? and after your workout, do you feel the PUMP? or do u feel nothing at all, like you usually do, just a lil tired? or REALLY tired? besides you only have 7 days a week, pretend u do chest days, shoulder days, arms days, back days, abs /forearms days, Legs days. cardio days? thats like 6 days of eights, and you need cardio too, and REST DAYS absolutely for essential for beginners. saying this, you probably have to combine body parts into a single day. some people do train body parts, more than once a week, cause they feel they need to work on that part more,,. maybe they doo.. but, more does always mean better, id rather rest. reesting is when ur muscles grow. lifting is when u beaking down ur muscles. only SOME pros workout, 2 times a day, but they are PROs, they know what their body can take, they have the right nutrition, probably eat 6 times a day, and have enough sleep, rest, supplements.
i go to the gym like twice a week but its the same exercises that i do and i dont do any leg... is that bad? i have no clue... what im doing actually lol but i figured its healthy to work out and run once a week oh and i cannot eat healthy if my life depended on it, literally. I dont get fat so im cool with it ^^
hey sky im thinking about doing this monday:chest n triceps, cardio tuesday:back n biceps, abs wednesday, shoulders, legs, thursday: chest n triceps, cardio friday: back n biceps, abs is that good? or is bad
yea sry, meant 3 sets and not reps, but basically most of my advice are from physical therapists who i know
This is a really bad workout. You should always workout the muscles that work with each other so that you are balanced out. Also you definitely should not workout the upper body everyday; you will never heal and never see results. The most important thing to working out is to make sure the your hydrated and stretch between sets. Make sure to also warm up for at least 5 minutes before your workout. Unless if you have a personal trainer, I would not advise you to use free weights since you are a beginner; even if the weight is light if you have the wrong technique you can really injure yourself. It is a good idea to do the cardio after the workout for 30-45 minutes. Make sure that you don't lift twice a day, but you can do cardio twice a day. Here is an example of a good workout plan: Monday: Chest and Back, cardio Tuesday: biceps and triceps, cardio Wednesday: Abs and lowerbody, cardio Thrusday: Chest and Back, cardio Friday: biceps and triceps, cardio If you can I would even advise you to have Wednesday as an off day and work do lowerbody on Thrusday, chest Friday, an Saturday do biceps and triceps. I will try to post the workouts that I recommend later, busy with finals. Good luck and make sure to start off slow, don't try to do too much when you are beginning.
sorry, i havnt replied in a while........ ive realised that im an ectomorph and have been training like. so my knowledge is particularly focused on ectomorph training, for strength , power, for sports (basketball jump higher) and get a little bigger.. about ur workout program...... i dont really approve of it... tell me how tall are u? how much do u weigh? i got to know what body type u are, to suit your needs i give u a breif sumary ectomorph (me) - usually the tall skiiny types. they were never meant to be muscular, and usually are particularly good in cardiovascular endurance. they weak. they need more time to recover.... if ur ectomorph like me that program would certainly not suit u... endomorph - the "normal type" which usually find it easy to gain muscle . the best body type mesomorph - usually the FAT ones easily gain fat. and your workout program it really looks like u want to turn into the stereo typical guys in the gym! they only want to "look good" train upper body. but neglect the legs! they end up with big upper body and chicken legs! they get made fun of! u know why legs so important? SQUATs, DEADLIFT, actually produce more testosterone, and testosterone helps ur WHOLE body build muscle! so leg training helps upper body training heres what a famous personal trainer/strength coach recently suggested for this guy: http://www.t-nation.com/readPhysClin.do?id=1859240&pageNo=0 Monday: Chest and a lil bit of Biceps in the end Tuesday: Lower Wednesday: OFF Thursday: Back Friday: OFF Saturday: Shoulders and a lil bit of Triceps in the end Sunday: OFF i have so much more to tell u but ill keep it short until u reply, i dont like to look liek im lecturing
depends on what you want... i do cardio (1hr) and the weights alternate days(chest trips legs abs)/lats shoulders biceps abs) had to split it cus it takes too long..
hiyou has given some rele detailed advice there. man that must have taken long. anyway i think everybody is unique so just do weight lifting at weights which suit u and not what others choose. also have a healthy diet will help. i personally think that to get a lean body more whole body exercise is better such as swimming and running.
You CAN make use of the split muscle training program, but when I got started in weightlifting for fat loss, the websites that I conducted my research on suggested compound exercises (exercises that work out several muscles at one go) such as Bench Press, Military Press, Deadlifts, Clean and Jerk (I don't recommend it if you are a beginner) and Squats for examples. To maintain strength gains and muscle mass, while burning fat, and also saving time, research have suggested that high intensity interval training is much more efficient, if you look up the Tabata training methods, the research backs this up very well. The only issue is that since you were complaining about body pains (which is normal because your body had just experience a new stimulus), you might complain about the intensity behind the exercises. Don't forget to work your legs too, because you might look messed up if you don't, and plus you might have strength inbalances which will also mess you up, plus the Leg is a large muscle and it requires more calories to recover. Watch your diet! This will determine how big you'll get and how much fat you'll lose... eat less to burn fat, eat big to get big! simple.
[youtube]ZLHpMytfMIg[/youtube] LOL 50 REPS! 10 of the box jumps already hurt, can probably do like 30 pull ups and can't do a double under...
If you want to build mass you will have to do core lifts such as bench, deadlift and squats (yes you have to) and olympic lifts(clean, power cleans, military i do not recommend jerks to anyone). Thats what i have find out they build thick bodies and strong shoulders. Mainly squats build a lot of mass because is a overall body exercise and since your legs holds 60% of your muscle mass it will stimulate your body to produce HGH and Testosterone. There are lots of programs you can do but every body is different and reacts to different types of training. 5x5, 20 squats, GVT, Pyramids there are lots of programs out there best thing is to spend some money and get a personal trainer if you don't know anything about lifting weights. You will acquire knowledge as you move on but don't ask Big Joe or Ray Muscles at the gym for training tips because they are much more advanced and most of the time their tips will overtrain your body and plateau. A personal trainer will teach you the proper form, rest.... A book a recommend is one by Stewart Smith about Navy Seal you will get big, ripped abs and a navy seal body all without a gym it works i've tried it though i am half away in the program. If you can complete the whole program 150 pull ups, 400 push ups, 400 dips, 400 sit ups you will look like a beast. Last thing but not least is forget about getting a beach body in 3 month building a body takes time and dedication keep it constant have fun at the gym meet people and gals and you will progress your body. Take pics every 2 weeks to see your growth because since you look yourself in the mirror every day you can't tell the difference that will keep you motivated.
Google Bruce Lee exercise. Apparently he had a strict exercise regimen that dealt with lots of cardio. Even Arnold and several Mr Olympias praised his physique.