Proof that God does not exist

Discussion in 'Philosophy & Religion' started by BigSmoke, Dec 3, 2007.

  1. HAHAHA thats a good one
  2. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    Eventually even if the murderers believe in Christ, they will still have to pay for the consequence. As joker has said, its the true repentance and accepting Christ's life that ultimately save them. Im sorry to hear what the nurse told your mom. She shoulda be comforting instead of saying what she said. Hope that your mom will feel better. :)
  3. lee-lee

    lee-lee Well-Known Member

    okay see, now this point just makes me NOT want to try to find Jesus. it is just too hypocritical and in my opinion, just lacks common sense. i'm sorry. i apologize now in advance before i start stating my point. like i said, its a never ending argument but i feel compelled to.
    u used the example of an axe murderer picking up trash. dude, i'm not talking about extreme stupid examples like that. i am a good person. i know i am. yes, i have my faults but i can say clearly and without a doubt in my mind that i have a good heart. i won't get into my life nor do i want to share about that stuff. i am not an axe murderer or have done bad deeds that will in anyway compete with an axe murderer. if anything, i've always been told that i let others take advantage of me and i don't bother to think for myself first and am always sacrificing for others. but ur telling me that because i don't accept Jesus, i will perish in hell while that 'axe murderer' u like will play cards with Him because he decides right on his death bed that he has accepted God into his life? what salvation is that gonna bring? this guy killed someone! it's not freaking forgiveable. if someone hurt my family, i'm gonna want that person to rot in hell..with me doing the torturing. screw "since u found God, i'm gonna let it go". the way u speak it, just makes me wanna raise hell and then find Jesus and my life will dandy.
    i dont think seeking out for answers outside this forum is gonna help cause i find the usual answer is never an answer. it's always just, but if u let Jesus in, u will be saved. that's not an answer.

    On a side note: thanks to anyone for wishing my mom well. she's doing fine. couldn't be happier
  4. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    lol if heaven was a 24/7 bible study for all eternity.. i tihnk id rather be in hell.
  5. i like what you just said -lol
  6. Jokerjr

    Jokerjr Member

    it's obvious to me you just talk to kids.. and you may do good deeds but are you truly repentant of your past sins or do u think a good heart can cover what u don't regret. Also u need to see there are diffrent types of christians out there. Those who acutally do it because they believe and are willing to go step by step with you in ansrewing your questions and those fake christians who only think they believe so they don't end up damned, but they only know what a 5 year old would know. Go talk to a pastor.
  7. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    didn't understand a single thing you typed there...
  8. lee-lee

    lee-lee Well-Known Member

    first off, don't insult me or kids. actually, in fact, sometimes, things are even easier to be figured out by kids because unless us adults, they dont overthink everything. what past sins? i've done nothing but go to school my whole life. u make it sound like all people who aren't Christians go around hurting, raping and murdering people. regret what? i don't regret. if i regret, it would mean i don't appreciate wat i have now.
    so i'm guessing ur a TRUE Christian? so answer my questions then. actually forget it. it's time for me to go out and murder someone since my buddha tells me to. where's my damn axe?
  9. hmm... so joker thinks non-believers will go to hell too eh...
  10. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    lol are u this hardcore in real life? :p u got lotsa spunk, too bad i dont live in toronto id like to meet u in person -lol
  11. lee-lee

    lee-lee Well-Known Member

    can't talk. too busy axing away...
  12. Jokerjr

    Jokerjr Member

    Wow are you the promised messiah JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF.. because sounds like you've done nothing wrong in your life.. ALL PRIASE lee-lee, the only perfect person in this world who's only gone to school his whole life. WERE SAVED!

  13. Matthew 18:3 and said, "Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. (Dont talk bad about children).

    Also, what makes you think a pastor will certainly know anything more than what is being discussed here, or are you saying all us Christians here have the knowledge of a 5 year old. i would like to pick up on this, so do reply.

    there are also many offices within the Church

    A teacher would be far better at explaining things than a pastor (we learn new things all the time eh)....

    as i said earlier, sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, this is the Religious section, lets avoid that or you will lose ALL credibility an no one will take you seriously.

    everyoe else

    are there much cases of murderers and the like actually becoming a "real" Christian? or are we in the realm of rhetoric's?
  14. well i do, i can meet her anytime -lol jsk

    anyways joker, you are a joker.. your sarcasm is absolutely retarded...

    if people dont believe the same thing you do, you resort to sarcasm. well guess what, i believe the same thing lee-lee does, so why dont you be sarcastic toward me and see what happens
  15. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Wow a BANANA with 11 posts HMM... First off, before I proceed to reply to your comment, I couldn't resist to comment how awfully much you remind me of someone in this forum. -devil

    Now off to your comment... It seems you are so adamant and convinced that someone can do any good, and will be denied his path to heaven as long as he doesn't embrace Jesus and if he is the filthiest badass around, he could still go to Heaven as long as he is 'truly repentant and wants to change his ways' but my question is what good is intention compared to action? I am sure you have heard of "action speaks louder than words"... Are you telling me that someone who 'intends to change his ways' right when he realized he was about to die and swears that he would love and believe in Jesus would be offered 'redemption' but not someone who has committed good deeds all his life except for the fact that he's not a Christian??? That, to me is really twisted, as I am sure good deeds weigh much more than just pure intention.

    And really, perhaps if you are such a true believer, you should refer to this thread for discussion Christianity: Do Non Believers go to Hell? and enlighten me with the answers I have been seeking but no Christians can provide me with satisfactory explanation.

    And please, if you wanted people to seek for answers outside this forum, why bother posting your opinion here? -whistle
    And to lee-lee: All the best to your mom's health :)
  16. Jokerjr

    Jokerjr Member

    First off the bible speaks of not being a child literally, it talks of the faith that child have and how strongly they believe and pastors are teachers. Secondly good deeds are nothing, if you don't believe in heaven now isn't it. Why say u will go to heaven if you do good deeds if your all saying u don't believe in it's existance. So please don't talk about going to heaven or hell by ur deeds when it's obvious u don't think either exist.
  17. Jokerjr

    Jokerjr Member

    If you don't believe in Jesus and his teachings, don't talk about heaven or hell .Remember this if you get anything out of this out of all the religions in the world Jesus Christ was the only one that said he was God.
  18. mmhmm. im sure.

    but we may talk about heaven or hell if we wish. who are you to say what we can say and what we cannot?
  19. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Wow, so you are saying that all non-christians are NOT allowed to discuss Christianity? -ohmy

    Then what are you guys doing sending the preachers around knocking on someone's door? Hey, excuse me, why are you telling me about Jesus, heaven + hell when I don't believe? So basically you are condemning the act of preaching as well, since you are saying we are not to discuss on Christianity eh?

    How do you expect people to learn about God then if they are not allowed to ask and discuss? Are you going to ask a person, "Hey do you believe in God?" "Yes or No?" If yes, then i'll tell you about heaven + hell? How do you spread your religion to the non-believers if you can't even discuss on your religion with them?

    Jesus Christ said he was God? So now, is he the son of God or God? I am quite confused. Or are you saying God = son of God?