Proof that God does not exist

Discussion in 'Philosophy & Religion' started by BigSmoke, Dec 3, 2007.

  1. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    I doubt he would do that... Most probably would reject any studies that may prove some of his beliefs are flawed. Haven't Christians been rejecting the Evolution theory with passion, saying how absurd it is and all, yet they dismiss the ambiguities related to Creationism without a slightest doubt?
  2. lol thatd be weird... and its scientifically and religiously impossible.

    if the son of God was God himself, he essentially created himself.. but in order to create himself, he has to already been created to have the intent on creating himself. but if he has already been created how can he create himself again?

    now what i just said is super confusing. it must be read aloud lol

    edit: i didnt realize there was another page...

    so im wayyy behind lol

    brain and hiake... i canNOT believe you two have read this dude's essay... damn the thing is huge... a record id say....

    im not gonna bother reading it lol
  3. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Well, somethings are worth celebrating... Grammatical errors and typos in particular, it was quite a sore to read. But skimming would definitely backfire if this discussion continues so I endured :p

    That's one hell of a tautology you got there dann... Stop confusing yourself, were you taking CSC108? Python was so much more straight forward :D
  4. i know.. but im not confused, i know what im saying lol

    if other people are confused, they have to read it out loud and think it thru ;)

    and as for python, hooollllyyyy shittttt

    i just finished my exam today... that exam was sooo much harder than whatever was done in class.. im afraid.... really lol

    syntax wise, it was fine.. but its just the logic... and logic remains the same whatever the language youre using lol

    omg... it was hhhhaaarddddd
  5. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Seriously? So you WERE taking CSC108! OMG... My exam was like 3 days ago on Tuesday... :p It wasn't difficult, but that last question with the uber stupid marking scheme (you can write I don't know and get 2/10 blah blah) just annoyed the hell out of me.

    Or was that exam you talked about PHL108 or something?
  6. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    It's not that lengthy... but the task of deciphering what he meant was quite a pain in the ass.

    And is it me or was my posts count dramatically reduced? Lolz.. I noticed taxloss' as well.

    yea the last question we were given a scrambled france flag, and were asked to write a function that rearranges each row

    i started on it, got the concept, but got so irritated i wrote "i dont know how to solve it" lmaoooooo

    but even so, i got a decent mark overall.. so if i pass this exam, i should still be able to pass overall lol
  8. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    How much enhancement did you put into the project? My prof is like the slowest marking prof ever existed on the face of the earth... So I don't think I will know how I do in the course until like February... But then, I am certain I am getting a good mark, so whatever :p

    And I sat with the last question, figuring out how to only run through it once, and got it like 10 minutes before the end of the exam :p Waste of time, but hopefully I got it right. The rest of the exam was reasonable.
  9. enhancement for the project?

    well, mine is off the hook lol

    i have too many enhancements to name, but one would be the pop up menu that asks what you want to do when you run the program, 360 rotation capability, warning messages when quitting or closing.. and other things..

    as for for the image manipulation extras: contour, edge enhance, edge enhance more, emboss, blur..

    what did you do?

    oh, and i guess another plus is that my whole program runs on image instances, not picture instances like the rest of the class.. had to learn the whole image concept in like a few days... that way i dont have to waste time and write out the functions manually :p
  10. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    I did that image only thing... But the rest of my program is like super crude (what can I say, 2 essays due on the same day as the project doesn't do it any good), confirm exit, confirm overwrite, pop up menu for a few of them functionalities (rotate and chop)...

    And oh, PREVIEW image manipulation :p A pop-up which will show the user what the action would look like and confirm action.

    I hope I wouldn't get a super lower mark... My prof was totally rushing through the whole GUI and Class() thing, it would be a miracle if I actually get the class thing right in the exam -rolleyes

    Just to stay on topic:

    I have this feeling that Christians (or hardcore ones at least) are so faith based in their beliefs that they may one day try to pull some Houdini feat to show God's power... Yeah, anything which doesn't align with the doctrine is "a test from Satan", everything which is pure and good are "graces of God"... 5-years old indeed, that's TOTALLY how a 5-years old would differentiate a world, good vs. bad, us vs. them.

    They may have to consider growing up and live with the gray areas in life.
    #270 hiake, Dec 14, 2007
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2007
  11. preview...... i thought of that... but didnt have enough time.... lol

    but i wanted to do that.. anyways if i got 82% im sure you got higher with all that enhancements you added... shit.... you owned me... in programming.... hahahaha
  12. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Preview in fact was an easy function to write once you got around the whole image/picture thing... I was thinking of implementing an "undo" functionality but then it totally got out of hand (too many image instances to save)...

    Hopefully the fancy preview function can earn me a few extra marks :p I think it was really evil of them to make the full requirement 80% then 20% bonus... That's like... MEAN >.<
  13. lol i never knew you took csc108... in that case we shouldve teamed up and get 100% without them knowing :D

    you taking csc148?
  14. p3ps1c0la

    p3ps1c0la Well-Known Member


    That would depend on which side you're on. The giving or the recieving end. Sarcasm if mastered can be like poetry, with a twist of fck u, if you will.


    Jesus never said he was God. And the Holy Trinity, well, I'll have to quote a person from another site for this one.

  15. you know what... now im truly confused..

    now is Jesus the God, or is Jesus the Son of God? or is Jesus both?!?!

    theres a lot of inconsistencies going on here, and i cant make heads or tail on anyone's argument on Christianity.
  16. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    this is something i have always wondered as well.

    christians refer to him as the son of the Lord, but they also call him 'the Lord'. Its darned ambiguous lol.
  17. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Nope, from what I see, the way they taught 108, 148 is going to be a disaster... People go on and program without any basis of how things were implemented (methods and such), it's going to be a far jump from practical (108) to theories (148)... Good luck on that though.

    Okay, so Jesus and God are two separate entities... When/where did the Holy Spirit come in then?

    I guess it's kind of the same idea as referring to the sire... Tribal people would call their ruler "sire" and later call their ruler's son (who became the ruler) "sire" too... But then, if God is a constant in time (he doesn't die right?), this logic doesn't apply that well... -unsure
  18. lol maybe its just your prof.. my prof was a good prof lol maybe you should switch to utm -lol
  19. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    My prof @ utsc is a nice guy, he just isn't very good at programming and explaining how things work... But UTM is too far away, me = lazy.

    Your prof is Robert something right? That other guy... I wish I have Paul Gries, I audited his 108 class on Java many years back and he was funny, like an elf on those energizer cell (imagine an energizer bunny with an elf face/outfit, and you get Paul Gries)

    Jen Campbell seem nice too... Sigh, I guess I should be grateful that even though my prof isn't awesome at teaching, he is nice (instead of mean and stingy and give everyone 60s)
  20. LOL paul.. i know him by word of mouth... my prof andrew petersen talks about him all the time.. we even used his picture as the object to manipulate the image -lol