BSOD doesn't mean it a hard drive issue. You get BSOD also from virus too, but in this case its most likely a damage windows files from the black out. The files weren't saved probably thats why its went KABOOM!
sigh... hmmm..... cant figure out... lol too lazy atm.. i dont know should i buy a zune or a mobo+cpu instead
You do not need a new cpu+mobo if it already boots up to the loading screen. Thats only if it doesn't boot up at all. Save the money for a zune and just reformat.
i say..try to boot up in "safe mode" or try to access the cmos screen on boot up... if that dont work, go to cmos and set boot up to cd....then put windows install disk to boot.... I;m NOT SAYING to reinstall windows...just reboot with install disk and see if you can get into hard drive to retrieve stuff...
happend to me b4 with DELL...that y I will not buy DeLL a lemon... as I remember, the fix was to reboot wit the install disk or recovery disk if you have it .. yea, the porn files are important -/ ....
lmao..... @vintage, yea but he said it was not a virus cause it's not hooked to the net, so it's gotta be the other, os or harddrive related right.
i wouldnt recommend taking your harddrive to put it into an external... thats gonna have a conflict of primary drive, as both the other computer's and the down computer's harddrive are primary, and have window system files on them.. thats just gonna screw things up.. i guess if the recovery disks dont work, your best option is to reformat and learn from your mistakes and have multiple drives and backups.. just type cmd on the command line...then type "format c:". -lol...JK...don do it was prob slow b4....might want to do a defrag...or whatever it is called...there were two of them (utlities)